02/12/16 - Lake County Schools

Welcome students and staff.
Today is Friday, February 12, 2016.
The class required for student’s to take prior to testing for their learner’s driving permit
is being offered three times this school year. The Traffic Law Substance Abuse Education class
( formally the DATA class) is on the following dates: November 18 (must preregister by Nov.
11), February 17 (preregister by Feb. 10) and April 13 (preregister by April 6). Applications are
available upstairs in building 6 (room 6-213) or in the Guidance Office.
The Behind-the-Wheel class, where students with a learner’s permit or driver’s license
actually get in the car and drive, is being offered throughout the school year. Students gain
valuable driving experience with a qualified driving instructor. Applications are available upstairs in building 6 (room 6-213) or in the Guidance Office. This is a FREE class.
 UNF will be on campus on March 3rd during Power Hour in the Cafeteria.
 LSSC will be here on April 13th to register seniors for next year. See Mrs. Croker in
Guidance to sign up. Application fee will be waived on that day only.
 Senior Awards Night will be on Tuesday, May 24, at 7 p.m.
Scholarship Recognition
Graduation Honors Recognition
NHS Recognition
Institutional Scholarship Recognition
 Lake Tech College is having a Career Night Expo on Wednesday, February 17th, from 5-7 p.m. at
their Eustis Campus, 2001 Kurt Street.
It is open to all grade levels and the community. The evening will include program tours, and
opportunity to meet with admission counselors.
See Mrs. Croker in Guidance for more details.
 Seniors, Be sure to let Mrs. Croker know when you’ve received an acceptance letter or
notification for colleges/universities or technical colleges so we can post on our main office
 Scholarships applications are coming in and are available in the guidance office. They are also
listed on the announcements. See Mrs. Morgan for more information.
 Seniors: Scholarship/Applications/Letters of Recommendations
The Guidance Office will do everything possible to assist you in meeting the deadlines for
college applications, scholarship applications and transcript requests. Please note that all
requests are handled in a timely fashion. It is imperative that our office is notified well in
advance in order to help meet your deadlines. Best practice is to give your counselor and/ or
teachers at least a 2 weeks notice for a recommendation letter or scholarship application
request. A brief resume should be submitted for a recommendation letter. Scheduling an
appointment will ensure that all the necessary paperwork is completed in time. Last minute
transcript requests may require that the student and or parent overnight an official transcript.
Senior Scholarships
(Pick up forms on table in Guidance Office)
Ayo & Iken Children of Divorce
Bright House Network Logan Scholarship (for Student Athletes)
February 27, 2016
Buick Achievers Scholarship Program
February 29, 2016
Caribbean-American Association (must be of Caribbean patronage)
May 1, 2016
Coach Monty Boyd Scholarship (must have attended TES, TMS & THS) April 30, 2016
Criterion Civic Club (For African-American Students)
March 31, 2016
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (For Minority Students)
April 4, 2016
Software Associon Foundation (Women or Minority Students pursuing computer degree) April 1, 2016
Florida Engineering Foundation (https://www.fleng.org/donate.ofm)
Florida Credit Union (Parent or Student must be member)
February 12, 2016
May 20, 2016
April 1, 2016
Florida School Counselor Assoc. (Essay Contest for seniors)
James Durden Diversity Scholarship
Johnson Scholarship – 2 Scholarships
#1 Children of UPS Employees
April 15, 2016
#2 Students with disabilities
May 15, 2016
Italian American Club Scholarship (Italian Heritage)
May 1, 2016
Kosove Society (Students going to USF) (www.usfkosovesociety.org)
Lake Sumter State College (lssc.edu)
February 1, 2016
Lake Co. Assoc. of Educational Office Professionals
April 6, 2016
Martin Charitable Trust
March 31, 2016
McKinney Charitable Trust
March 31, 2016
Opera Club of the Villages (Must be Music Major)
March 12, 2016
Rotary Club
February 28, 2016
SECO (Must have SECO as your electric carrier)
March 25, 2016
Software Associon Foundation (Women or Minority Students pursuing computer degree) April 1, 2016
State Farm Insurance
March 2, 2016
Student Scholarships (www.StudentScholarships.org)
SunTrust Sweepstakes (suntrusteducation.com/scholarshipsweepstakes)
May 13, 2016
Women’s Committee of Fine Arts – Performing
March 11, 2016
Women’s Committee of Fine Arts – Visual
March 11, 2016
 Congratulations goes to our THS students who won first and second places in the
Lake Regional Envirothon. The first place team will go on to compete at the
State Envirothon in April.
1st Place Winners are:
Ashley Alligood
Blake Hutchins
Jessica Arellanes
Skye LeGare
Lisa Richardson
Second Place Winners are:
Miriam Halikman
Daniel Cortez
Lindsey Peterson
Mateo Colon
Carolyn True
The following dates are available for volunteering with the Special Olympics:
County Track and Field
February 27th: Tavares High School from 8:00-1:00 or so.
Word of the Day
Totally Wasted Word of the Day:
This sounds like something nasty to have, and it is: disease-related wasting of the body. The Greek
roots mean "bad" (as in cacophony, kakistocracy, and cacography) and "condition" (as in anorexia,
dyslexia, and pyrexia).
On This Day in History
1541 - The city of Santiago, Chile was founded.
1554 - Lady Jane Grey was beheaded after being charged with treason. She had claimed the throne
of England for only nine days.
1733 - Savannah, GA, was founded by English colonist James Oglethorpe.
1870 - In the Utah Territory, women gained the right to vote.
1878 - Frederick W. Thayer patented the baseball catcher’s mask.
1879 - The first artificial ice rink opened in North America. It was at Madison Square Garden in New
York City, NY.
1880 - The National Croquet League was organized in Philadelphia, PA.
1892 - In the U.S., President Lincoln's birthday was declared to be a national holiday.
1907 - A collision of the steamer Larchmont and a schooler resulted in the death of more than 300
people. The incident occurred off New England's Block Island.
1909 - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded.
1912 - China's boy emperor Hsuan T'ung announced that he was abdicating, ending the Manchu
Ch'ing dynasty. Subsequently, the Republic of China was established.
1915 - The cornerstone of the Lincoln Memorial was laid in Washington, DC.
1918 - All theatres in New York City were shut down in an effort to conserve coal.
1924 - U.S. President Calvin Coolidge made the first presidential political speech on radio.
1924 - "The Eveready Hour" became radio’s first sponsored network program. The National Carbon
Company was the first sponsor of a network show.
1934 - The Export-Import Bank was incorporated.
1940 - Mutual Radio presented the first broadcast of the radio play "The Adventures of Superman."
1968 - "Soul on Ice" by Eldridge Cleaver was published for the first time.
1971 - James Cash (J.C.) Penney died at the age of 95. The company closed for business for one-half
day as a memorial to the company's founder.
1973 - The State of Ohio went metric, becoming the first in the U.S. to post metric distance signs.
1973 - American prisoners of war were released for the first time during the Vietnam conflict.
1985 - Johnny Carson surprised his audience by shaving the beard he had been wearing on "The
Tonight Show."
1993 - In Liverpool, England, a 2-year-old boy, James Bulger, was lured away from his mother at a
shopping mall and beaten to death. Two ten-year-old boys were responsible.
1998 - A U.S. federal judge declared that the presidential line-item veto was unconstitutional.
1999 - U.S. President Clinton was acquitted by the U.S. Senate on two impeachment articles. The
charges were perjury and obstruction of justice.
2001 - The space probe NEAR landed on the asteroid Eros. It was the first time that any craft had
landed on a small space rock.
2002 - Kenneth Lay, former Enron CEO, exercised his constitutional rights and refused to testify to
the U.S. Congress about the collapse of Enron.
2002 - The trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic began at the U.N. tribunal in The
Hague. Milosevic was accused of war crimes during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
2002 - Pakistan charged three men in connection with the kidnapping of Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl in Karachi.
2002 - Princess Stephanie of Monaco and Franco Knie won a defamation-of-character lawsuit against
the Swiss magazine "Facts." The case involved a photomontage created by the
2003 - The U.N. nuclear agency declared North Korea in violation of international treaties. The
complaint was sent to the Security Council.
2004 - Mattel announced that "Barbie" and "Ken" were breaking up. The dolls had met on the set of
their first television commercial together in 1961.
2013 - North Korea conducted its third underground nuclear test.
On This Day in Black History
1869 - Issac Burns Murphy ~ (jockey) dies.
1983 - James Herbert "Eubie" Blake ~ (composer and pianist) dies in New York City at age 100.
1909 - NAACP ~ founded after riot in Springfield, Illinois.