V. Characters in The Odyssey

• A. Alcinoos – King of Phaiacians
• B. Anticleia – Odysseus’s mother who dies
while he was away fight Trojan War
• C. Antinoos – ringleader of Penelopeia’s
• D. Arete – King Alcinoos’ wife, known for
her kindness
• E. Argons – Odysseus’s old faithful dog
• F. Athena – goddess of wisdom,
Odysseus’s spiritual guide
• G. Calypso – witch/nymph who wanted
Odysseus as her husband
• H. Circe – daughter of Helios; terrible
goddess with lovely hair, who spoke the
language of men
• I. Demodocos – blind minstrel
• J. Eumaios – swineherd, a faithful servant
of Odysseus
• K. Eupeithes – Father of Antinoos
• L. Eurycleia – faithful old servant of
Odysseus and his family
• M. Eurymachos – one of Penelopeia’s
• N. Hyperion – Sun god
• O. Iros – beggar at Odysseus’s home
• P. Laertes – Odysseus’s father; lives in
seclusion in the country
• Q. Odysseus – protagonist, epic hero
• R. Melanthios – the cruelest of
Penelopeia’s suitors
• S. Nausicaa – Alcinoos’ daughter
• T. Penelopeia – Odysseus’s faithful wife
• U. Philoitios – faithful cattle herder
• V. Poseidon – god of the sea; hates Odysseus;
• W. Polyphemos – most powerful of all Cyclops;
Poseidon’s son
• X. Telemachos – Odysseus’s son
• Y. Theoclymenos – prophet who returns to
Ithaca with Telemachos
• Z. Teiresias – blind Theban prohet
• A. Mentor – special teacher or leader
• B. Nectar and ambrosia – food and drink
of the gods (wine and fruit)
• C. Nymph – beautiful immortal maidens
that lived in mountains, forests, and water
• D. Cuckold – a man whose wife is unfaithful
• E. Cudgel – a short, heavy club
• F. Hind – a farm assistant; female red
• G. Lacrimation – excessive crying
• H. Minx – an ill-behaved, provocative
• I. Cajole – to persuade with flattery
• J. Gaffer – old man; employer or overseer