WVC CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes April 30, 2012 2:30-4:30 BUS 6 Membership LeAnn McGinley, Chair, Assessment Brian Tramontana, Social Science Leslie Hotta, Applied Arts/Sciences Cheryl Miller, Student Services Robert Anthony, Business Kuni Hay, VP Instruction Brad Weisberg, Fine Arts Herlisa Hamp, Admissions & Records ABSENT Paulette Boudreaux, Language Arts Michael Byers, Articulation Betsy Sandford, Library ABSENT Thuy Tran, Office of Instruction Chris Dyer, Math/Science Kevin Piedad, ASO Patricia Louderback, PE ABSENT I. II. III. Call to Order Approval of Minutes of 4/16/12 TABLED ACTION ITEMS: Course Proposals REVISIONS Proposal Time 2:30 -2:55 Proposers Sylvia Ortega /Paulette Boudreaux Course ESL 065GW The ESL department is removing HBA, increasing lecture units from 3 to 4, changing critical thinking example, method of instruction, schedule description, prerequisite description and repeatability. Paulette/Leslie/ passed with pending decision about removing transferability to CSU and UC which was put in place in 1995. It is coded a Basic Skills course with the State. Course ESL 065LS The ESL department is removing HBA, increasing lecture units from 3 to 4, changing critical thinking example, method of instruction, schedule description, prerequisite description and repeatability. . Paulette/Leslie/ passed with pending decision about removing transferability to CSU and UC which was put in place in 1995. It is coded a Basic Skills course with the State. Course ESL 961GW The ESL department is removing HBA, increasing lecture units from 3 to 4, changing critical thinking example, method of instruction, schedule description, pre-requisite, and repeatability. Paulette/Leslie/ passed Course ESL961LS The ESL Department is removing lab Hours by Arrangement, increasing lecture hours from 3 to 4, changing units, lecture content, prerequisite description, schedule description, repeatability, and textbook. Paulette/Leslie/ passed Course ESL961RV The ESL department is removing HBA, increasing lecture units from 3 to 4, changing course content percentages, critical thinking example, methods of instruction, schedule description, pre-requisites, and repeatability. Paulette/Leslie/ passed Course ESL 962LS The ESL department is removing lab Hours by Arrangement, increasing lecture hours from 3 to 4, changing units, lecture content, prerequisite description, schedule description, repeatability, and textbook. Paulette/Leslie/ passed Course ESL 963LS The ESL Department is removing lab Hours by Arrangement, increasing lecture hours from 3 to 4, changing units, lecture content, prerequisite description, schedule description, repeatability, and textbook. Paulette/Leslie/ passed Course ESL 964LS The ESL department is removing HBA, increasing lecture units from 3 to 4, changing critical thinking example, method of instruction, schedule description, prerequisite description and repeatability. Paulette/Leslie/ passed Course ESL 975 A-D The ESL Department is removing HBA and changing 975A-D to scheduled lab courses. Proposal Time 2:55-3:00 Proposers Patricia Louderback Course H.ED 012 This is a full course update, updating catalog and schedule description, title change, objectives and course content (using the most current terminology for this discipline), student learning outcome, and textbook. Proposal Time 3:00-3:10 Proposers Anna Brichko/ Paulette Boudreaux Course JPNS 011A This revision changes HBA to scheduled online lab, revises catalog and schedule descriptions, changes Methods of Instruction, changes grade type and class repeatability, updates textbook, student preparation/evaluation, and critical thinking assignment .Brad/Paulette/passed. Course can only be taken 1 time which affects students taking the course who are not in the parent course. This issue will need follow-up by the department and it affects the other 11A and 11B labs for the other language courses. Brad/Paulette/passed. Change for repeatability—can only be taken one time. Course JPNS 011B This revision changes HBA to scheduled online lab, revises catalog and schedule descriptions, changes Methods of Instruction, changes grade type and class repeatability, updates textbook, student preparation/evaluation, and critical thinking assignment. Brad/Paulette/passed. Change for repeatability—can only be taken one time. Proposal Time 3: 10 -3:15 Proposers Blaine Harrison/ Chris Dyer Course CHEM 30B The Chemistry Department is adding Chemistry 2 as an alternative prerequisite for Chemistry 30B. Chem 2 includes the same material and is more rigorous than Chem 30A. Chem 2 is 4 units and Chem 30A is 3 units. Changes were also made to Student Prep and Evaluation, Methods of Instruction and Lab Content. Bob/Brad/ passed. NEW Proposal Time 3: 15 -3:25 Proposers Janis Kea/Brian Tramontana Course ECON 2AH This course is being created to provide a unique course outline for the Honors course version of an existing course. The content remains the same, but the delivery methods include a higher standard of rigor based on more individualized and experiential instruction. Brad/Brian/passed Course ECON 2BH This course is being created to provide a unique course outline for the Honors course version of an existing course. The content remains the same, but the delivery methods include a higher standard of rigor based on more individualized and experiential instruction. Brad/Brian/passed Proposal Time 3:25-3:50 Proposer Kaee Min/ Leslie Hotta Course FD 019 This course helps to update FD curriculum and consequently update the certificates and AS degrees that FD department offers. It follows the current industry trend based on Advisory Board members' feedback and serves the students better to compete in the job market. This course replaces FD18A and FD18B: Pattern Grading and Marker Making and Electronic Patternmaking. This course is restructured to accommodate 2-hour Lecture/3-hour Lab format. Leslie/Brad/ passed Course FD 051 This course helps to update FD curriculum, and consequently update the certificates and AS degrees that FD department offers. It follows the current industry trend based on Advisory Board members' feedback and better serves the students to compete in the job market. This course replaces FD050, Basic Apparel Construction. It is restructured to accommodate 2-hour Lecture/3hour Lab format. Leslie/Brad/ passed Course FD 055 This course helps to update FD curriculum, and consequently update the certificates and AS degrees that FD department offers. It follows the current industry trend based on Advisory Board members' feedback and better serves the students to compete in the job market. This course replaces FD054: Apparel Manufacturing and is restructured to accommodate 2-hour Lecture/3-hour Lab format. Leslie/Brad/ passed Course FD 056 The course content meets the department requirements for preparing students for entry level positions in the apparel industry. It meets the college objective of preparing students for the workplace. This updated course replaces FD60. Leslie/Brad/ passed Course FD 057 This course helps to update FD curriculum, and AS degrees that FD department offers. It follows the current industry trend based on Advisory Board members' feedback to better serve the students in order to compete in the job market. This course replaces FD062, Professional Patternmaking II and is restructured to accommodate 2-hour Lecture/3-hour Lab format. Leslie/Brad/ passed Course FD 058 This course fulfills department objectives of providing students with skills needed for entry level employment in the fashion industry. It meets the college objectives of preparing students to enter the workforce. This course replaces FD064. Leslie/Brad/ passed Course FD 081 This course helps to update FD curriculum, and consequently update the certificates and AS degrees that FD department offers. It follows the current industry trend based on the Advisory Board members' feedback and better serves the students to compete in the job market. This course replaces FD80: Line Development and is restructured to accommodate 2-hour Lecture/3-hour Lab format. Leslie/Brad/ passed IV. TABLED ITEMS Proposers Sylvia Ortega/Paulette Boudreaux Course ESL 975 A-D The ESL Department is removing HBA and changing 975A-D to scheduled lab courses. Further discussion needed because of repeatability issues, students served, and possible use of Learning Center as an alternate. Proposers Patricia Louderback Course H.ED 012 This is a full course update, updating catalog and schedule description, title change, objectives and course content (using the most current terminology for this discipline), student learning outcome, and textbook. No time for consideration. Proposer Programs Kuni Hay PE Programs Discussion New Business: Discussion of ESL non-credit courses. V. Adjournment 4:32 PM