Fall 2014 Instructor: Kurt Farschman Section 71152 TTH 3:30


Fall 2014

Instructor: Kurt Farschman

Section 71152

TTH 3:30-5:10pm

(909)594-5611 ex. 3094 kvfarschman@pasadena.edu

Course Description: In this class you will learn the principles and practices of public speaking, speech composition, organization, audience analysis, and listening skills

Student Learning Outcomes:

Communication: Use language and non-verbal modes of expression appropriate to the audience and purpose

Cognition: Use critical thinking skills to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and information

Information Competency: Utilize research skills necessary to achieve educational, professional, and personal objectives

Social Responsibility: Demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for others and participate actively in group decision making

Personal Development Demonstrate self-management, maturity, and growth through practices that promote physical, mental, emotional well-being

Text: The Art of Public Speaking by Steven E. Lucas 11 th ed. Available at the bookstore. The textbook is required.

Participation: Participation in this class is mandatory. Any unexcused absences

(undocumented) after two will result in a loss of ten points. Any unexcused tardies after two will also result in a loss of ten points. If you do not think you can attend regularly, you might want to consider taking another class.

Requirements/Grading: There will be five speeches in this class (Introduction Speech 3-5 minutes-15 points, Memorable Event Speech 3-5 minutes-35 points, Informative Speech 6-8 minutes, Impromptu Speech 3-5 minutes-30 points, Persuasive Speech-100 points). You will given a handout before each speech which will describe the criteria for each speech. Some

general criteria are organization, delivery, content, sources, and time. There will be four tests in this class each worth 50 points. The final 20 points is for attendance. The total

Is 500 points. You will be expected to do your speeches on the day scheduled. Failure to do so will result in a loss of a letter grade regardless of the reason. Speeches more than one meeting late cannot be made up unless under extreme circumstances that I have to be notified of and would result in a loss of two letter grades. Also, tests must be taken on the day scheduled.

Personal activities such as vacations are not acceptable reasons for not taking a test.

450-500 points A

400-449 points B

350-399 points C

300-349 points D

Below 300 points F

Office Hours: My office hours are T/TH from 5:50pm-6:10pm V216. My mailbox is in CA 102 if you want to drop something off.

Cheating/Plagiarism: Will not be tolerated. I follow the college’s policy on the subject.

Special Accommodations: If you need any special accommodations, let me know in advance.

Other policies:

No food or drink allowed in the class. That is the school’s policy and mine.

If you are late on speech day wait for the applause before coming in.

Everyone will be treated with respect even if you disagree with their opinions

You must bring your PCC ID with you if are attending an off campus site

Sept 15- Introduction, Chapters 1, 2

Sept 17- Chapters 1, 2

Week to Week Syllabus

Sept 22- Introduction Speeches

Sept 24- Introduction Speeches

Sept 29- Chapters 5, 8, 9

Oct 1- no class

Oct 6- Library

Oct 8- Memorable Event Speeches

Oct 13- Memorable Event Speeches

Oct 15- Test 1

Oct 20- Chapters 6, 8, 13

Oct 22- Chapter 8

Oct 27- Mid-Term

Oct 29- Chapters 3, 12, 14

Nov 3- Informative Speeches

Nov 5- Informative Speeches

Nov 10- Informative speeches

Nov 12- Informative speeches

Nov 17- Chapters 16, 17

Nov 19- Chapters 16, 17

Nov 24- Test 3

Nov 26- no class

Dec 1- Impromptu Speeches

Dec 3- Impromptu Speeches

Dec 8- Persuasive Speeches

Dec 10- Persuasive Speeches

Dec 15- Persuasive Speeches

Dec 17- Final Exam
