File - Mary Saelens's E

2nd Grade Civics and Government Unit and Vocabulary Planning Guide
Mary Saelens
SST 309-05
Fall, 2013
Overview/Rational/Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 3
KUD’s and Assessment Ideas……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 4-13
Vocabulary Lesson ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 14-19
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Resource Attachments
Citations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 20
Unit Planning Guide/Template
Our Local Government
1. Overview/Rationale/Introduction
For this 2nd grade unit on Civics and Government the focus will be about the purpose of government and the structure
and functions of government within our local government. The students will gain a better understanding about how the local
government affects their lives as citizens within their community. Topics included in this unit: why people form
governments, distinguishing between government and private action, how the local government makes, enforces, and
interprets laws within the local community, how the local government affects our lives as citizens and services commonly
provided by the local government.
It is important for our students to understand why we have governments. The government affects our lives each and
every day the way that the government affects us, varies as individuals. The students should be able to recognize how the
government is affecting them by recognizing the laws and services. As the students get older they will be able to have a voice
within their local government and will have the basic understanding of how the local government is affecting their lives now.
This unit is designed for the 2nd grade students to understand the meaning behind the formation of government and
how it affects our lives as citizens. Within our local government, we as citizens are affected by the laws and ordinances that
are put into effect. The local government also provides us with many services that are needed for ourselves as well as the
2. KUDs: The road map:
GLCE and Verb
Knowledge (K)
Students will know
why people form
1.) Governments
maintain order in
2.) The government
gives us protection.
3.) They provide us
with a common
(roads, water
4.) They create
regulations and laws
to insure justice.
They will know that
governments are
formed at the state
and community level.
Our governments
keep order at the
state and community
2-C1.0.1 Explain why people form governments. (reasoning)
I Can
of Learning (DO)
Students will
Students will
I can explain why
work individually
people form
that in order to to create 5
governments in
have a
classroom rules
order to maintain
that they think
-Commona successful
are important to
working society.
society, we
having a
must form
classroom. After
the students have -Laws
created their 5
provides us
rules, they will
answer these
basic needs,
-Explain why
laws, and
creating our
order. Without classroom rules
relates to the
we could not be formation of
an efficient,
organized, and -Why is it
important that we
have rules?
level in which they
develop rules and
laws that keep the
community and state
running smoothly.
GLCE and Verb
2-C1.0.2 Distinguish between government action and private action.
Knowledge (K)
I Can
of Learning (DO)
Students will know
Students will
Students will
I can explain what
the difference
create “laws” that action
government action
between government that
the government
and private action
and private action.
cannot pass. For
-Private action
is by providing
-The government
action controls example, the
differences within
holds the power and the society as a government
each action.
has to uphold all of
whole and
cannot pass a law
the power. A
private action
stating that they
government action is is an
must clean their
allowed to use
rooms. Have the
physical force such as control. The
students develop
war. The government government is
8 laws, write
action cannot imply
allowed to use
them on a piece of
rules on the
physical force
paper and
individuals, but has
but private
decorate them as
to enforce rules as a
action is not
if they were
whole in society.
allowed to do
presenting them
anything that
to the
-A private individual would harm
is allowed to take any others.
action, as long as it
does not violate the
rights of
GLCE and Verb
2-C3.0.1Give examples of how local governments make, enforce, and interpret
laws (ordinances) in the local community. (content)
Knowledge (K)
I Can
of Learning (DO)
The local government Students will
Each student will -Enforce
I can give
administers a
create their own
examples of how
particular town,
that local
“law” that they
the local
county, or district
would like to see
with representatives make, enforce,
within the local
makes, enforces
elected by those who and interpret
community or
and interprets
live there.
laws in the
school. For
laws within my
example a “law”
community. I can
Local governments
that states the
give examples of
can be organized into
the laws that are
four types and have
amount of time
enforced within
kids can spend on
my community.
the tire swing to
1.) Countiesmake sure that
administer state laws
everyone receives
within their borders.
a turn at recess.
They keep the peace,
The student must
maintain jails, collect
state their law
taxes, build and
and give a 2
repair roads and
bridges, and record
deeds, marriages, and
stating why they
deaths. The sheriff
think this law
department enforces
laws within the
2.) TownshipsEnsure the
community’s health
and safety needs.
They also balance
private property
rights as well as
make the community
a more pleasant place
to live by providing
leisure and
3.) Special DistrictsServe limited areas
and governing
boards that
legislatively assigned
functions using
public funds (e.g.
School board).
4.) MunicipalitiesProvide basic
services that
residents of a city
expect the city
government to
provide in exchange
for the taxes which
citizens pay.
would be
important. Each
student will
present their
“law” to the class.
Within these four
categories they will
help to make, enforce
and interpret laws.
City district courts
also help to enforce
and interpret laws
within the local
government. We
have the police
department and
sheriff department to
help enforce these
Some examples of
laws within our local
government are
burning laws,
housing codes,
fencing codes, pet
codes, city speed
limits, and building
codes and permits.
GLCE and Verb
2-C3.0.2 Use examples to describe how local government affects the lives of its
citizens. (skill and content)
Knowledge (K)
I Can
of Learning (DO)
The local government Students will
The teacher will
- Affects
I can describe how
is the level of
government that is
responsible for
establishing speed
limits within your
town, set rules for
businesses, industrial
and residential
funding the public
schools and ensuring
that there is
adequate numbers of
police and
firefighters on duty.
that the local
affects the lives
of its citizens
daily. There are
many different
reasons and
ways in which
the local
can affect the
citizen. One day
something in
The local government could affect one
affects each
person but not
individual’s life daily. another. The
affects that the
-The money that
keeps public schools can have on an
running comes from
individual vary
the taxpayers within for each
the township.
individual and
-Local police officers some may be
enforce laws in cities more extreme
and towns. The
than others, but
officers give out
the local
traffic tickets,
government is
investigate crimes
affecting our
and keep the
daily lives
community safe.
without us
create a
worksheet that
will list 8 of the
examples of how
local government
affects the lives of
its citizens that
we have covered
in class. Each
student will
receive the
worksheet and
will have to
identify at least 5
affects that have
affected them or
their family
personally. After
they have
identified at least
5 they will write a
describing how
this has affected
them. The
students will then
turn in the
worksheet for
the local
affects my family
and I by providing
-The community pays
for our own fire
department. The
firefighters put out
and prevent fires.
They also are keeping
the community safe.
- The local
television and radio
stations help to bring
news to people in the
area in which you
-The library gives
citizens in the
community the
opportunities for
research and
education. The
library also is a place
for local
governments to
preserve historical
documents and
books important to
an area.
- The local
government creates
building codes to
ensure that buildings
and your home are
safe and energy
even thinking
about it. There
are many
examples of the
-They help build
county and city
hospitals so that
everyone can go to
the doctor when they
have an emergency.
GLCE and Verb
2-C3.0.3 Identify services commonly provided by local governments (e.g.,
police, fire departments, schools, libraries, parks). (content and skill)
Knowledge (K)
I Can
of Learning (DO)
The local
Students will
Each student will - Services
I can identify
government provides understand
be given 1 service
services that are
many services. All of that the
provided by the
provided by my
these services are
local government
local government
paid for by our city.
provided by the (the teacher will
and used within
assign the service
my city.
Public Safety
to the students).
Law Enforcement
are funded
Once the students
-County Sheriffs
within the city
are assigned a
-Police Departments or town in
service the class
-Police Officers
which they live will spend time at
in. These
the computer lab
-Fire Departments
services are
researching their
Emergency Medical provided to
service. During
Service (this service help ensure the their research
typically works
city or towns
they will look for:
with fire or police)
safety and
-Medical First
provide a
-Description of
the service.
Public Works
-All cities and
townships provide
water service to their
residents. These
services can be
carried out through
sewer collection and
treatment, collection
of storm water, and
combining storm
drainage systems.
Snow Removal
Leaf Removal
Sidewalks & Tree
Lined Streets
The services
provided by the
cover a wide
variety of areas
in the city. The
students will
how to identify
provided by the
and will be able
to identify the
services within
the community.
After researching
their service the
students will
create a poster
board that will
include up to 4
pictures and a 1
description of
their service. The
students can color
and decorate the
poster however
they would like
relating to the
service. After all
of the posters are
completed the
students will have
the option to
present their
service and then
the posters will
be hung up in the
Streets and Roads
(building new
streets, resurfacing,
fixing potholes, etc.)
Parks and
Refuse Collection
and Recycling
Public Schools
4..Assessment ideas: a. How will you know they’ve learned it?
Project, Presentation, Paper-and-Pencil Test, Report, And
b. How will you grade it? Scoring guide, checklist, rubric
5. Sequence of Instruction (including Vocabulary): What will you do? What will they do?
GLCE: 2-C3.0.1Give examples of how local governments make, enforce, and interpret laws (ordinances) in the local
The students will have an understanding of the vocab words after completing the lesson and activities that relate to Marzano’s six steps.
Step 1: Provide a description,
explanation, or example of the new
The teacher will write the vocab words on the white Resources:
board and say them. The vocab words are: local
government, enforce, interpret, and ordinance.
Vocab list
After writing the words on the board, have a
discussion about the words with the students.
Ask questions:
-“Has anyone heard/seen these words?” If so
-“Can anyone give examples of these words?”
-“When would we use these words?”
If the students are having a hard time answering the
questions that is understandable. After asking
questions write each vocab word on the board one
at a time and provide a definition. Have the
students copy down the definition in their note
book. Read the definition to the students and also
write down one example that puts the word into
White board
Vocab List:
Local Government: The administration of a
particular town, county, or district, with
representatives elected by those who live there. The
local government is within the community you live
in. The local government within your community
will make decisions for just that particular area.
Example: Our City Council is discussing the new
law they want to pass about lowering the speed
limit in town. They think that drivers are driving
too fast and not being courteous to pedestrians.
Enforce: Ensure observance of laws and rules;
“Apply the rules to everyone”
Example: The speed limits are strictly enforced in
the city.
Interpret: Make sense of; assign a meaning to.
Example: Before a law is passed, the city must be
able to interpret the law before releasing it to the
Ordinance: An authoritative rule. A law set forth
by a governmental authority.
Example: The town has a passed a zoning
ordinance limiting construction.
After going through the vocab words, ask the
students if they have any questions and make sure
they have the definition and the example written
down in their notebook. At the end of the day have
the students go home and ask their
parents/guardians about their vocab words. See if
they can give an example of the word, write it down
and bring it to class the next day!
Step 2: Ask students to restate the
description, explanation, or example
in their own words.
The students will work at their table with one other
student. Each pair of students will discuss what
their findings from taking with their
parents/guardians. Make sure the students are
asking questions and thinking if the examples are
making sense to them or if they think the examples
they are discussing are correct. After the pair of
students discuss the examples and words they will
create one vocab example using any of the vocab
words they want. First show one example to the
students. The students will make 4 sections on their
paper with the vocab word in the middle of the
paper and one box labeled as definition, one as
sentence, one as synonyms/examples and the last
box as picture. The students will fill in the boxes
with their partner and then each pair of students
will share their vocab with the entire class. The
students will explain why each of the boxes makes
sense for the vocab word. This activity allows the
students to work with other students to develop a
better understanding of the vocab. This also allows
the teacher to see what vocab words the students
are struggling with, when the students have the
opportunity to share. If students are struggling with
specific words, the teacher should create a 4 section
vocab example for the words as well to show the
Step 3: Ask students to construct a
picture, symbol, or graphic
representing the term.
The students will create a Layered Look Book.
Layered Look Book Steps:
1. Stack 2 sheets of paper together, placing each
sheet about ¾ of an inch higher than the sheet in
front of it.
2. Bring the bottom of both sheets upwards and
align the edges so that all of the layers or tabs
are the same distance apart.
3. Fold the papers and crease well.
4. Open the papers and glue them together along
the valley/center fold.
When the students are completed they should
have 4 tabs for the 4 vocab words.
After the students have created their Layered Look
Layered Look Book pg. 24 of Big Book of
Social Studies for Elementary K-6, by Dinah
Colored paper
Step 4: Engage students periodically
in activities that help them add to
their knowledge of the terms in their
Step 5: Periodically ask students to
discuss the terms with one another.
Books they will place one vocab word on each tab.
When they flip the book open they will write down
the definition that I provided them with on the top
page with one example and then they will draw a
picture that represents the vocab word on the
bottom page. They will do this for each of the tabs
and vocab words.
-Students will write down 2 sentences for each
vocab word on their own. The students will get into
groups of 6 and they will each share their 2
sentences they have written down. Each student
will write down their classmate’s sentences. This
will allow students to see other classmates
understanding of the word, and this will also help
them to understand the word better.
Paper/ pencil
- The students will get out their notebook and label
their paper 1-10. The teacher will say examples of
the words, which could be using the vocab word in
context, a picture that represents the word or actual
examples of how this word is used in society. Once
the teacher says the example the students will write
down the vocab word they the example is referring
to. The words will be used more than once. After
all examples have been read, repeat the examples
and give the correct answer. Go over any questions
the students have.
Students will share their Layered Look Books with Resources:
a group of 3 students. Give the students 20 minutes
to discuss their Layered Look Books with their
Completed Layered Look Books
group. Have them explain the picture they drew and
why they drew that picture.
Index cards
Each student will create flash cards for the vocab
words. The word will be on the front and the
definition will be on the back. Once a day for the
remaining time of the lesson the specific GLCE
have the students read their flash cards to their
classmate sitting next to them.
Step 6: Involve students periodically
in games that allow them to play
with terms.
Write up the four words with their letters shuffled)
on the board. The teacher will say 'go', the students,
individually will untangle the words as quickly as
they can. The teacher then will quickly run through
each of the scrambled letter groups on the board,
giving information about each word or concept.
White board
Put the students into pairs or small groups. Give
them a time limit (e.g. 3 minutes) and ask them to
write down as many examples, phrases, and/or
pictures that refer to the vocab word on the board.
A Script for Vocabulary development
Step One: The teacher will write the vocab words on the white board and say them. The vocab words are: local government, enforce,
interpret, and ordinance. Now since you are aware of the vocab words, let us have a short discussion about them. I have a few questions to
ask everyone, raise your hand and I will let you discuss your answer. “Has anyone heard/seen these words?” If so where? “Can anyone give
examples of these words?” “When would we use these words?” That is ok if you didn’t have answers to these questions that is what we will
be discussing in class today! I am going to write down the vocab words on the board one at a time, you need to copy down the definition and
example for the word. After I have gone through all of the words we will discuss them further. Don’t forget to ask your parents/guardians
about our vocab words. See if they can give an example of the word, write it down and bring it to class tomorrow!
Step Two: Please get into pairs with the student sitting next to you and discuss your finding from your parents/guardians at home. After you
have completed that please look up at the board and I will be showing you the next activity we will be working on. We will be creating a small
diagram to represent our vocab word. You will still be working in pairs for this activity. Get out one sheet of paper for you and your partner and
divide the paper into fourths. Place the word in the middle of the paper; it can be any of our vocab words, your choice! In the first box you will
place a definition of the word, the second box will be a sentence using your vocab word, the third is synonyms/examples and the last box is a
picture. We will work on this for the next 15 minutes of class. I’ll be around to help with any questions!
Step Three: We will be making a Layered Look Book in class today. We will go through the steps together so please listen carefully. First we
will stack 2 sheets of paper together, placing each sheet about ¾ of an inch higher than the sheet in front of it. Next bring the bottom of both
sheets upwards and align the edges so that all of the layers or tabs are the same distance apart. Fold the papers and crease well. Lastly open
the papers and glue them together along the valley/center fold. You will only need a small amount of glue for this. Now our book is
completed. On each tab write one of the vocab words until all 4 tabs are done. Flip the book open and you will write the definition I
provided you with at the beginning of the week and then a picture on the bottom half.
Step Four: Get out your notebooks and write down 2 sentences for each vocab word on your own. After you have completed that get into
groups of 6 and share your 2 sentences you have written down. Each student needs to write down their classmate’s sentences, so listen
carefully. Keep your notebook out and label your paper 1-10. I will say examples of the vocab words, which could be using the vocab word
in context, a picture that represents the word or actual examples of how this word is used in society. Once I say the example you will write
down the vocab word the example is referring to. The words will be used more than once. After all examples have been read, I will repeat
the examples and give the correct answer and go over any questions.
Step Five: Please get out your Layered Look Book and get into groups of 3. I will give you 20 minutes to discuss your Layered Look Books
with your group. Make sure you explain the picture you drew and why you drew that picture.
We will be creating flash cards for the vocab words. The word will be on the front and the definition will be on the back. Once a day for the
remaining time of the lesson we will share our flash cards with our neighbor.
Step Six: I will write up the four vocab words with their letters shuffled on the board. I will say 'go', and individually you will untangle the
words as quickly as you can. (The teacher then will quickly run through each of the scrambled letter groups on the board, giving information
about each word or concept after the game is completed.)
Get into pairs or small groups. I will give you a 3 minute time limit and ask you to write down as many examples, phrases, and/or pictures
that refer to the vocab word on the board.
6. Resource Attachments, labeled A, B, C, D, …
Works Cited