

Ska- An



Ska Presentation

Today’s Presentation

 RLB and Ska

 Who is using it?

 Who’s interested?

 Client Spotlight-UoL

 Case Studies:

 ADT Workplace

 University of Liverpool


 How we do the assessment.

 Potential Pitfalls of Ska

Ska Presentation

RLB History with Ska

 First accredited in 2010.

 2 assessors initially, now up to 4 with more proposed.

 Varying sectors- public, education, healthcare and private companies.

 Carried out circa 30 assessments across the team.

 Development Partner of Ska HE and

Ska Residences.

Ska Presentation

The RLB Delivery



Sam Bensky

Lachlan Fulton

Jason Brownlee


Lee Higgs


Sam Bensky

+2 further assessors

In 2014/2015

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Clients currently Embracing Ska

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Interested Clients

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Client SpotlightUoL

• First engaged in 2012.

• Included as part of Estates Strategy as an alternative to BREEAM.

• Instructed to ‘hold hands’ with the design team.

• 3 projects so far instructed:

– Guild Building Refurbishment

– Senate Drum Building

– Melville Grove Student


• General target- Ska Silver – compared to BREEAM ‘Very Good ’.

Ska Presentation

Case Study | LGoS | University of Liverpool

• 2500m2 mixed refurbishment of retail/restaurant/WC facilities et

• £4m value (approx.

• Only assessed relevant areas of refurbishment.

• RLB instructed at RIBA Stage


• Silver target award enabled flexibility.

• Good practice includes:

• Lighting design.

• Use of CHP.

• Remote Monitoring

• Floor finishes.

Ska Presentation

Case Study | 1 New York Street |


• Fit out of office accommodation in

Manchester City Centre.

• 2000m2 of office accommodation over 3 floors.

• 1 st project in North West to achieve

Ska Gold

• Many Sustainable Good Practice

Measures implemented including:

• LED Lighting

• Split energy metering with remote monitoring capability.

• Sustainable timber sources.

• Existing furniture from old office re-used and recycled.

• 90% of waste diverted from landfill.

• Project has resulted in dramatic reduction in staff churn- 44%

Ska Presentation

How it Works

Scoping Assessment Certification

Ska Presentation

The Scoping Process

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Ska Presentation

Our role during the Assessment Stages



•Initial Assessment of

Specification/Drawings etc.

•Allows Ska Assessor to comment on design.

•Project Awarded a hypothetical score.



•Initial comments/scoring taken forward to be reassessed at design.

•Verification with site inspections/presentation of invoices/commissioning certificates etc.

•Certification carried out.



•Re-assessment of certain GPM’s 1 year on.

•Not compulsory- Good Practice

Ska Presentation

Ska Presentation





Relevant to fit out scope

Aimed at smaller projects

Simple and easy to use



Ska Presentation

Widely recognised

Wider funding access

Administered by BRE

Benefits to our clients


• Employee Engagement

• Reduce Energy Costs

• Reduce CO2 usage

• Enhanced Capital


• Facilitates Design


• Engagement in

Assessment Process

• Low implementation costs

• Kickstarting stalling projects.

Ska Presentation

Kickstarting Stalling Projects

Case Study 1

Office Building | Reading

• 4000m2 of office accommodation in Reading.

• Proposed Building constructed 1988

• Estate Strategy -BREEAM Very good

• PTE £500k over client budget. Project

Stalling with only 3 months left to exercise break on existing accommodation

• By using Ska- £50k saving on professional fees, omission of £300k of ‘un-necessary work’ further £150k saved on value engineering.

Ska Presentation

Ska Presentation

Kickstarting Stalling Projects

Case Study 2

Hospital | North West England

• PCT looking to purchase old school site for new hospital.

• Estate Strategy BREEAM Very Good

• Main school building- constructed C19- GII*


• Over budget based on ‘unnecessary enhancements to account for listed building.

• Proposal-

• Listed building to be refurbished as admin accommodation- Ska Assessed.

• New build – hospital accommodation –


• Removing listed section of the project from

BREEAManticipated saving £500k*

Addressing client concerns

How much does it cost?

“Yes, but what about added construction costs?”

“Do I need to do it?!!”

“Is it a viable alternative to BREEAM ?”

“Not as much as you think!

£3k-£10k depending on scope of works .”

“Depending on the award you target, we believe Ska can almost be cost neutral to a contract .”

“In a nutshell, of course not, it doesn’t yet form part of planning conditions as BREEAM does, however many organisations are u sing it as part of the their

CSR/Sustainable polices .”

“Yes, definitely and depending on the scheme, we have used Ska to help get projects off the ground .”

Ska Presentation

How much Does it cost?

Ska Presentation

Any Questions??

Sam Bensky MRICS

Tel: 07920 848668

Email: sam.bensky@uk.rlb.com

Lachlan Fulton MIEMACenv

Tel: 07585 400820

Email: lachlan.fulton@uk.rlb.com

Ska Presentation
