The Book of Contemporary Moral Problems and The

The Book of
Contemporary Moral Problems
The Handbook of Information and
Computer Ethics
Book By:
Margaret N. Lee
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Philippines
This book is a compilation of my learning in Contemporary Moral Problems and
The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics. In this book you will read my
reflections, my personal ideas and my learning towards the articles we read from
the different authors. I would recommend this book for those students
specifically the students who are taking up Bachelor of Science Major in
Information Systems to read each and every book of our batch as we will show
them that ethics is really important in BS-IS course.
I would like to thank first of all God, for giving me the strength to finish this book
with whole heartedly and passionate insights. Second, I would like to thank my
professor, Mr. Paul Pajo for giving us the chance to read those articles or texts as
we learned different things about ethical manners. Third, I would like to thank my
friends and classmates for giving me strength to finish my review about the
articles and lastly, my parents for enrolling me in such a worthy college
Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Contemporary Moral Problems ................................................................................................................... 5
Egoism and Moral Scepticism ....................................................................................................................... 5
Religion, Morality and Conscience................................................................................................................ 6
Master- and Slave- Morality ......................................................................................................................... 7
Trying out one’s new sword .......................................................................................................................... 8
Utilitarianism................................................................................................................................................. 9
The Debate over Utilitarianism ................................................................................................................... 10
The Categorical Imperative ......................................................................................................................... 11
Happiness and Virtue .................................................................................................................................. 12
Then Nature and Value of Rights ................................................................................................................ 13
Taking Rights Seriously................................................................................................................................ 14
A Theory of Justice ...................................................................................................................................... 15
The Need for More than Justice ................................................................................................................. 16
The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics ................................................................................ 18
Chapter 1: Foundations of Information Ethics............................................................................................ 18
Chapter 2: Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics ............................................... 19
Chapter 3: Moral Methodology and Information Technology ................................................................... 20
Chapter 4: Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems ..................................................................... 21
Chapter 5: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property .......... 22
Chapter 6: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories and Controversies ................................................. 23
Chapter 7: Online Anonymity ..................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 8: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism and Counterhacking ........... 25
Chapter 9: Information Ethics and the Library Profession.......................................................................... 26
Chapter 10: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software ................................................................ 27
Chapter 11: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues ...................................................... 28
Chapter 12: Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty .................. 29
Chapter 13: Ethical Issues of Information and Business ............................................................................. 30
Chapter 14: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet .................................................................... 31
Chapter 15: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation ............................................................................... 32
Chapter 16: Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues ....................................................... 33
Chapter 17: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict .................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 18: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment- A SoDIS Inspection ............................... 35
Chapter 19: Regulation and Governance of the Internet ........................................................................... 36
Chapter 20: Information Overload.............................................................................................................. 37
Chapter 21: Email Spam .............................................................................................................................. 38
Chapter 22: The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why and If .......................................................................... 39
Chapter 23: Intellectual Property: Legal or Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing ................................ 40
Chapter 24: Censorship and Access to Expression ..................................................................................... 41
Chapter 25: The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics ................................................................................. 42
Chapter 26: The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the future ..................................................................... 43
Chapter 27: Intercultural Information Ethics .............................................................................................. 44
Contemporary Moral Problems
Egoism and Moral Scepticism
By James Rachels
Review Questions:
Explain the legend of Gyges. What questions about morality are raised by story?
The legend of Gyges is about a ring that was found by a shepherd when an earthquake happened. The
ring can make a person invisible and make that person go anywhere. Gyges seduced the Queen,
murdered the King and took control in the Palace by means of the power of the ring. Until Glaucon
decided that the man of virtue and rogue will choose between two rings. The rogue did use the ring with
no limitations and used the ring for the wealth and power he want to have while, the virtue man did
worst things than the rogue do. Based on the story, it asked there why not a man does what know is right
for him.
Distinguish between psychological and ethical egoism.
The psychological egoism pertains to the attitude of men for being selfish in everything they do but it only
imply to them when their self- interest have been motivated. While, ethical egoism, men acts it as normal
like they express their obligation. Their only obligation is to do whatever interest they have. They do their
interests regardless of someone or everybody will be affected.
Rachels discusses two arguments for psychological egoism. What are these arguments and how does he
reply to them?
The first argument is regarding selfishness and unselfishness. Rachels showed the different sides of the
situation on how you can say that Smith is unselfish on what he decided to do. The second argument is
regarding how Smith’s unselfishness would be in the state of consciousness. What did Smith do was only
classified as unselfish because of the presentation of the situation that Smith helped his friend instead of
going to the country.
What three commonplace confusions does Rachels detect in the thesis of psychological egoism?
The first confusion is the confusion of selfishness with interest. Second, is the assumption that every
action is done from self- interest or from other- regarding motives. Lastly, is the common concern for the
welfare of others? These three confusion statements that I got from the article of Rachels show how he
can see or detect the issues on every situation that was given.
State the argument for saying that ethical egoism is inconsistent. Why doesn’t Rachels accept this
“A person is under no obligation to do anything except what is in his own interests.” Rachels did not
accept the argument because for him if people do not know or have his obligation there would be
problems that each one of us would encounter.
According to Rachels, why shouldn’t we hurt others, and why should we help others? How can the
egoist reply?
According to Rachels, we should not hurt others because they will be hurt. We should help others because
they can get something good on that help which they can benefit with. Based on the article the egoist’s
line is “no doubt, will not be happy with this.”
Discussion Questions:
Has Rachels answered the question raised by Glaucon, “Why be Moral?” If so, what exactly is his
Yes because Rachels explained in the article why we should not hurt others and why we should help
others. “Why shouldn’t you do actions that will harm others because doing those actions would harm
Are genuine egoists rare, as Rachels claims? Is it a fact that most of people care about others, even
people they don’t know?
According to Rachels, genuine egoists are not merely rare because people do things to help others.
Suppose we define ethical altruism as the view that one should always act for the benefit of others and
never in one’s own self- interest. Is such a view immoral or not.
For me, it is not immoral. Because for me if what you are doing is for the others to benefit, go and do it.
Do not think of others or your self- interest.
Religion, Morality and Conscience
By John Arthur
Review Questions:
According to Arthur, how are morality and religion different?
Morality is the attitude of an individual regarding the different behavior which is mostly shown by rules,
rights and obligations. While, religion, it is the culture of prayer, worship and beliefs towards
supernatural, institutional forms and authoritative texts.
Why isn’t religion necessary for moral motivation?
Religion and motivation has its big differences. Religion has no rules but religion have beliefs which
connects with morality. Because when you use religion to morality there is an instance that you will
succeed on what you do because religion do not dictate on the things that you need to do and not to do.
Why isn’t religion necessary as a source of moral knowledge?
According to Arthur, religion does not necessary see moral knowledge to focus on rather they see
guidance as what must be focus on in religion.
What is the divine command theory? Why does Arthur reject this theory?
Divine command theory is about the ten commandments of God. Arthur rejected the theory because for
him if God would change His mind everything will follow especially His commandments.
According to Arthur, how are morality and religion connected?
Based on what Arthur said, morality and religion is connected because there is God and if God did not
exist there will be no morality.
Dewey says that morality is social. What does this mean, according to Arthur?
As what is stated in the book, “Morality is therefore inherently social, in a variety of ways. It depends on
socially learned language, is learned from interactions with others in society.” As what Arthur said,
morality can only be social if people says that it is social and it also depends on what language that was
Discussion Questions:
Has Arthur refuted the divine command theory? If not, how can it be defended?
Arthur did not really refute the divine command theory because for him divine command theory is not
related to morality.
If morality is social, as Dewey says, then how can we have any obligations to non human animals?
(Arthur mentions this problem and some possible solutions to it in footnote 6).
In the Ten Commandments that God has made and gave us I do remember one of its command which is
“Thou shall not kill.”
What does Dewey mean by moral education? Does a college ethics class count as moral education?
Ethics class does not count a moral education because a person can only be immoral if you are not aware
of what you act and you do not care to other people if they will be hurt.
Master- and Slave- Morality
By Friedrich Nietzsche
Review Questions:
How does Nietzsche characterize a good and healthy society?
According to Nietzsche, a good and healthy society is by allowing an individual to have his power.
What is Nietzsche’s view of injury, violence and exploitation?
According to Nietzsche, he is against because he does not want anyone be hurt.
Distinguish between master- morality and slave- morality.
Master- morality is good and bad that master creates the value while slave- morality needs to learn
Explain the Will to Power.
According to Nietzsche, will to power is will to life. Because if there will be no society it will not develop
and people will be more weak.
Discussion Questions:
Some people view Nietzsche’s writings as harmful and even dangerous. For example some have
charged Nietzsche with inspiring Nazism. Are these charges justified or not? Why or why not?
The charges are not clearly justified because based on what I read from Nietzsche’s article he is only
expressing his ideas and thoughts about the topics which I think is not harmful and dangerous.
What does it mean to be “a creator of values”?
Creator of value is one of the characteristics of Master- Morality it is something that a person does which
he does not have any approval from someone.
Trying out one’s new sword
By Mary Midgley
Review Questions:
What is “moral isolationism”?
Moral Isolationism means that we cannot comment on or discriminate any culture that is new to us.
Explain the Japanese custom of tsujigiri. What questions does Midgley ask about this custom?
Tsujigiri means crossroads- cut in which a samurai is used in order to be tired because it must work
properly as it used to be. If the samurai did not work well this could injure his honors, offend his ancestors
and even let down his emperor. Midgley asked “Does isolating barrier equally both ways?” and “Are
people in other culture equally unable to criticize us?”
What is wrong with moral isolationism, according to Midgley?
According Midgley, Moral Isolationism is not true because now a day we are already studying about the
different cultures that are why we have ideas about it.
What does Midgley think is the basis for criticizing other cultures?
Based on what I read from the article we must first learn and understand our own culture before we
criticize others culture.
Discussion Questions:
Midgley says that Nietzsche is an immoralist. Is that an accurate and fair assessment of Nietzsche? Why
or why not?
For me, Nietzsche is not an immoralist he just explains his knowledge and shares it.
Do you agree with Midgley’s claim that the idea od separate and unmixed cultures is unreal? Explain
your answer.
I do not agree because we really have different cultures and we have separate cultures. The separate and
unmixed culture is possible especially to our own country.
By John Stuart Mill
Review Questions:
State and explain the Principle of Utility. Show how it could be used to justify actions that are
conventionally viewed as wrong, such as lying and stealing.
Principle of Utility is the actions that is right and give happiness. It can be used to justify the actions that
are seen to be wrong like lying and stealing that could cause that person unhappy.
How does Mill reply to the objection that Epicureanism is a doctrine worthy only of swine?
According to Mill, the objection of Epicureanism is a doctrine that is worthy if swine is disregarded
because a pleasure does not satisfy a person’s happiness.
How does Mill distinguish between higher and lower pleasures?
Higher pleasure is the one that most of us have experienced like deciding on our own, disrespect the any
moral obligation. While lower pleasure, it is the competency of every person which physically satisfied on
everything we have and done.
According to Mill, whose happiness must be considered?
For me, based on what I read from the article of Mill, those people who are greater with numerous
materials in their life are those considered to be happy.
Carefully reconstruct Mill’s proof of the Principle of Utility.
Based on the concept of utilitarian, there is no unique desire of every person or the motivation. It keeps
favorable pleasure and it protects the pain. The association that was formed it showed a perfect desire
with a great impact with different kinds of satisfaction.
Discussion Questions:
Is happiness nothing more than pleasure, and the absence of pain? What do you think?
I do not agree because happiness is more important in every individual. Happiness is one of the best
things that a person can show to others as it can also show who really you are.
Does Mill convince you that the so-called higher pleasures are better than the lower ones? What about
the person of experience who prefers the lower pleasures over the higher ones?
Yes because in higher pleasures you can be above all everything. The lower pleasures can also show how a
person can be as a whole.
Mill says, “In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete sprit of the ethics of utility.” Is
this true or not?
I agree because you must do anything for the benefit of many and not only for yourself. It is better to give
someone a better value.
Many commentators have thought that Mill’s proof of the Principle of Utility is defective. Do you
agree? If so, then what mistake or mistakes does he make? Is there any way to reformulate the proof so
that it is not defective?
For me, Mill’s Principle of Utility is not defective because he showed the proofs with full of ideas and
The Debate over Utilitarianism
By James Rachels
Review Questions:
Rachels says that classical utilitarianism can be summed up in three proportions. What are they?
According to the article of Rachels, the theory was defended by Bentham and Mill. The three propositions
are as follows: First, actions are to be judged right or wrong solely in virtue of their consequences. Second,
in assessing consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness that is
caused and third, in calculating the happiness or unhappiness that will be caused, no one’s happiness is to
be counted as more important than anyone else’s.
Explain the problem with hedonism. How do defenders of utilitarianism respond to this problem?
Hedonism is a popular theory way back in the ancient Greek. It is a belief that happiness can only be
called happiness if something is good but the meaning of happiness is being misunderstood because
happiness is not being recognized as good. Defenders suggest that in order to change Hedonism they
must utilize the resources and other good things to be happy.
What are the objections about justice, rights and promises?
Fair judgment is the objection for justice, the objection for right is not valued in a community of racists
and last, the objection for promises is that promises are to be broken and rights are valued.
Distinguish between rule- and act- utilitarianism. How does rule- utilitarianism reply to the objections?
Rule Utilitarianism is the new version of theory and it contrast with the original version theory which is
Act Utilitarianism. Rule Utilitarianism is the actions that lead to greater good. While, Act Utilitarianism
theory acknowledges that right actions is the one that gives happiness to a person. Rule Utilitarianism’s
rules were established for reference to the principles and acts will be judged right or wrong which refers
to the rules.
What is the third line of defense?
According to the article of Rachels, the third line of defense is a small group of contemporary utilitarian
has had a very different response to the anti- utilitarian arguments.
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Discussion Questions:
Smart’s defense of utilitarianism is to reject common moral beliefs when they conflict with
utilitarianism. Is this acceptable to you or not? Explain your answer.
For me, it is not acceptable because for me I will not take over utilitarianism over moral beliefs because I
am not a utilitarian. It is not right to reject what you know more than what you see will not create any
A utilitarian is supposed to give moral consideration to all concerned. Who must be considered? What
about nonhuman animals? How about lakes and streams?
Based on what I read in the article, for me, Utilitarianism has its own part that protects nonhuman
animals, lakes and streams because it may result to unhappiness of humans.
Rachels claims that merit should be given moral consideration independent of utility. Do you agree?
I agree because for me, merit really needs to be given independently because people can see this
The Categorical Imperative
By Immanuel Kant
Review Questions:
Explain Kant’s account of the good will.
Kant’s account of the good will is not practical to visualize anything about the world which it can be
good regardless of the qualification except the good will. Good will is good because of the willingness
which is good in itself.
Distinguish between hypothetical and categorical imperatives.
Based on the article of Kant, Hypothetical Imperative content can only know unless a condition is given.
While, Categorical Imperative can easily be known what it contains.
State the first formulation of the categorical imperative (using the notion of a universal law), and
explain how Kant uses this rule to derive some specific duties toward self and others.
The first formulation is all about a person deciding that should be according to the universal law. For
example, a person who have problems and cannot look for any solution will commit suicide it is not
according to the universal law because it is opposite to himself and have not finish its duty in life.
State the second version of the categorical imperative (using the language of means and end) and
explain it.
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The second version of the categorical imperative is the meaning of end justifies which is that human
beings cannot be use as means because human beings are rational who have own desire and do not
depend on nature.
Discussion Questions:
Are the two versions of the categorical imperative just different expressions of one basic rule, or are
they two different rules? Defend your view.
For me, the two versions of categorical imperative are two different rules because in the first categorical
imperative it says there that a person’s decision should be according to the universal law while, the
second categorical imperative is about treating a human being not a means but as an end.
Kant claims that an action that is not done from the motive of duty has no moral worth. Do you agree
or not? If not, give some counterexamples.
No, I do not agree with Kant because for me, it does not exactly mean that if you do something that is
base on the motive of duty it is already moral worthy. Like for example, helping other people, like the
poor ones, it does not mean that it is your duty to help them but it is part of being a kind and helpful
human being.
Some commentators think that the categorical imperative (particularly the first formulation) can be
used to justify non-moral or immoral actions. Is this a good criticism?
For me, the criticism is good because the categorical imperative is about the universal law which indicates
how a person will react on something that happen to him who also happened to other people he knows.
Not all decisions are right because for me you can distinguish moral or immoral actions.
Happiness and Virtue
By Aristotle
Review Questions:
What is happiness, according to Aristotle? How is it related to virtue? How is it related to pleasure?
According to Aristotle, happiness is “an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.” Happiness is not
only a pleasure but it is a difference between each and every one of us though there are times that the
happiness of an individual is nothing to other people. It is also stated in the article of Aristotle that “with
those who identify happiness with virtue or someone virtue our account is in harmony; for to virtue
belongs virtuous activity.” As an example, in every competition we compete with and we win it is our
happiness that paves our way. According to Aristotle, in relating happiness to pleasure, he said that happy
people have a pleasant life.
How does Aristotle explain moral virtue? Give some examples.
According to Aristotle, moral virtue is the result of training and a habit but he also indicated that no one
on this moral virtue has been used by us because everything that exists might have its habit that can have
conflict with its own nature. An example of which is the wind and water as it cannot be trained or give
order on what direction it will go because it is in the concept of nature.
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Is it possible for everyone in our society to be happy, as Aristotle explains it? If not, who cannot be
Aristotle explained that it is not impossible for the society to be happy because there are children that
cannot be able to do virtuous acts. In order for us to be happy we have to do everything that children
have not experienced it yet because you cannot call a person happy as long as there are problems that
may happen.
Discussion Questions:
Aristotle characterizes a life of pleasure as suitable for beasts. But what, if anything, is wrong with a life
of pleasure?
For me, life of pleasure is a good life but it can make a person be lazy because you do not have to work
and do such things that you do not like just for the pleasure because not all pleasures are good.
Aristotle claims that the philosopher will be happier than anyone else. Why is this? Do you agree or
Philosophers will be happier according to Aristotle because he has his own meaning of happiness. I do
agree because philosophers live their life with full of knowledge and virtue but everyone can be happy as
long as they are satisfied.
Then Nature and Value of Rights
By Joel Feinberg
Review Questions:
Describe Nowheresville. How is this world different from our world?
Based on the article of Feinberg, Nowheresville is a world like on our own but we do not have our own
Explain the doctrine of the logical correlativity of rights and duties. What is Feinberg’s position on this
The doctrine of the logical correlativity of rights and duties is about the duties that entail other people’s
rights and all rights entail other people’s duties. It means that a person’s duties are caused by the rights of
the other people and vice versa, the rights of the other people are your duty. Feinberg do not agree with
the doctrine of the logical correlativity of rights and duties because for him duty is not something that you
should do but it is what you must do for other people.
How does Feinberg explain the concept of personal desert? How would personal desert work in
For Feinberg, personal desert is done by a person without expecting. Nowheresville is the same as
personal desert but if what they expect is not what they got they must not complain.
Explain the notion of sovereign right- monopoly. How would this work in Nowheresville according to
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The notion of sovereign right- monopoly is the good treatment of people to others; this duty is not
according to the subject but according to God. According to Feinberg, in Nowheresville it will not work
because the sovereign right- monopoly covers the rights of the people.
What are claim- rights? Why does Feinberg think they are morally important?
According to the article of Feinberg, the rights are a kind of claim and claim is the claim of rights. For
Feinberg he thinks that it is morally important because man and woman have the right to stand on their
own as equal human beings.
Discussion Questions:
Does Feinberg make a convincing case for the importance of rights? Why or why not?
Yes it is important because if we do not have rights people will be abused and it will be like Nowheresville.
Can you give a noncircular definition of claim right?
Yes, claim right is something that we demand to someone who has a duty to the one who is demanding.
Taking Rights Seriously
By Ronald Dworkin
Review Questions:
What does Dworkin mean by right in the strong sense? What rights in this sense are protected by the
U.S. Constitution?
According to Dworkin, a right is something that a person has the right to do but wrong if messes about.
Distinguish between legal and moral rights. Give some examples of legal rights that are not moral
rights, and moral rights that are not legal rights.
Legal rights are the law that is provided for the citizens of the country while, Moral rights is something
that is dictated to us by morality. This is an example of legal rights that are not moral rights, is the
freedom of speech of an individual to explain his side as means of expressing what he feels or what his
opinion is all about and this examples for moral rights that are not legal rights, is the treatment of man
and woman as equal human beings.
What are the two models of how a government might define the rights of its citizens? Which does
Dworkin find more attractive?
The first model is the balance of the rights of an individual and the demand of society. The second model
is about politics, according to Dworkin.
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According to Dworkin, what two important ideas are behind the institution of rights?
First, is the individual right of a citizen which is against the government. The second is the right of majority
that the government considers the risk if they will consider the individual’s rights.
Discussion Questions:
Does a person have a right to break the law? Why or why not?
Yes, it is possible for a person to break the law especially if he believes that what he is doing is right and if
the law is breaking the rights of the individuals.
Are rights in the strong sense compatible with Mill’s Utilitarianism?
I do not think that it is compatible with Mill’s utilitarianism because according to Dworkin rights are a
strong sense. That’s why it means that if the right of a person can harm other people it would make other
people unhappy.
Do you think that Kant would accept rights in the strong sense or not?
I think Kant will accept the right in the strong sense because this theory is match on the idea of Kant of
treating each and every one of us right.
A Theory of Justice
By John Rawls
Review Questions:
Carefully explain Rawl’s conception of the original position.
Rawl explained that conception of the original position is a supposed situation that is characterized to
facilitate justice.
State and explain Rawl’s first principle of justice.
The first principle of justice according to Rawl, that every individual has its equal rights that is compatible
with the other people’s rights. It means that all people have the same rules and liberties that are equal to
State and explain the second principle. Which principle has priority such that it cannot be sacrificed?
According to the article of Rawl, the second principle of justice is the “social and economic inequalities are
to be arranged so that they are both (a) reasonably expected to be to everyone’s advantage and (b)
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attached to positions and offices open to all.” It means that everyone must benefit in the inequality of
wealth and income as it will help the less fortunate people. The first principle is more prioritize and
cannot be sacrifice.
Discussion Questions:
On the first principle, each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty as long as this
does not interfere with a similar liberty for others. What does this allow people to do? Does it mean,
For example, that people have a right to engage in homosexual activities as long as they don’t interfere
with other? Can people produce and view pornography if it does not restrict anyone’s freedom? Are
people allowed to take drugs in the privacy of their homes?
For me, I think exercising the equality of rights is one of the best practices because it is not right to take
advantage as we must be equal to everyone.
Is it possible for free and rational persons in the original position to agree upon different principles than
give by Rawls? For example, why wouldn’t they agree to an equal distribution of wealth and income
rather than an unequal distribution? That is, why wouldn’t they adopt socialism rather than capitalism?
Isn’t socialism just as rational as capitalism?
I think it is possible because all of us have our free will and we have our own ideas when it comes to some
points in our life.
The Need for More than Justice
By Annette Baier
Review Questions:
Distinguish between the justice and care perspectives. According to Gilligan, how do these perspectives
According to the article of Baier, she distinguished the justice and care perspectives of Kant and Rawls
because Gilligan found out the development of women.
Explain Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. What criticisms do Gilligan and Baier make of this
The theory if moral development has its two principles which are, first, to aim in order for us to achieve
things we want to achieve. And, second, is to aim other with an equal power.
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Baier says there are three important differences between Kantian liberals and their critics. What are
these differences?
According to Baier, the three important differences between Kantian liberals and their critics are doubtful
records, its equality and lastly, is it too much to have many choices.
Why does Baier attack the Kantian view that the reason should control unruly passions?
Baier attacked Kantian view because it control and dictates on what people must do.
Discussion Questions:
What does Baier mean when she speaks of the need “to transvalue the values of our patriarchal past”?
Do new values replace the old ones? If so, then do we abandon the old values of justice, freedom, and
Based on the article of Baier, the quote “to transvalue the values of our patriarchal past” means that we
must still do the traditional way of what values are.
What is wrong with the Kantian view that extends equal rights to all rational beings, including women
and minorities? What would Baier say? What do you think?
It is wrong for Kantian view to make people feel that they have obligation to do those things just because
it say so. For me, Baier would say that people should not be forced to do those things if they really do not
want to do that thing.
Baier seems to reject the Kantian emphasis on freedom of choice. Granted, we do not choose our
parent, but still don’t we have freedom of choice about many things, and isn’t this very important?
For me, it is important because we must practice our freedom but whenever we do that we must know if
it is right for us to do what we choose as we might go to the wrong way.
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The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics
Chapter 1: Foundations of Information Ethics
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn more on what are the foundations used in building the information ethics.
Quote/s: “It is easy to see that this initial interest in information ethics was driven by concern
about information as a resource that should be managed efficiently, effectively, and
fairly.” – Luciano Floridi
Review: In chapter 1 of Foundations of Information Ethics, society is called to be “the information society” as
society is full of different information which has many kinds because information is a huge variety of departments.
As what we can observe nowadays IT is useful when it comes to giving information which we are looking at. Like us
students, whenever we are looking for information regarding our homework or project in school we definitely go
and search the information on the internet and in just a snap we can see the output easily. Though there are times
that whenever we search for something we can see many results in which we it has different information that is
different from one another. Information Ethics needs to be implemented as it will help the people learn the ethical
manner in using the information they can get or use. It is much better if we would learn that ethical manner for us
to be more moral with our actions and moves. Many of us do not even know that we are already breaking the
ethical manner in information because ethical manners in information are not that open to people who have not
encountered the topics on the ethical manner issues. There are many ways on how ethics will be learned. It is
better for us to learn these things because it will be a great opportunity for us to learn the different ethical
manners that a human must know especially that it will take us to the right attitude we must endure with today.
What I have learned:
I learned that knowing the ethical manner in information is useful especially to us students.
I learned that information is really important.
I learned that we students are already breaking the rules in information ethics.
I learned that there are different ethical manner.
I learned that information ethics is wide issue to be learned.
Integrative Question:
How did information ethics started in the field of technology?
What are the technology field that helps ethics to be know by the people?
How important is information ethics to us students?
Can there be other ways on how ethics must be learned by many people and not only the students who
are learning it?
How will you know that you already break the rules in information ethics?
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Chapter 2: Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how information and computer ethics started.
Quote/s: “Information ethics” is an apt name for the field that he founded. Computer ethics, as it is typically
understood today.” – Terrell Ward Bynum
Review: In chapter 2 of Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics, it was mentioned here that
when Norbert Wiener and his colleagues are making an antiaircraft cannon Norbert Wiener also discovered how
technologies can affect the ethical issues. As Norbert Wiener wrote two books regarding the new technology and
ethics it opened the mind of many people on what can really happen in the next years in the field of technology. It
is hard to assume that technology would be that high tech because there are issues that we need to solve in order
for technology to run as it is. In the internet age, nowadays there came different ways on how technology would
be useful to each and everyone of us. Like today, we are using computers, laptops, telephone, cellular phones in
order for us to communicate with people who are far from us. It is the easiest way for all of us to use these things
because in the field of technology we already grew up seeing and observing how technology evolved its features in
the past years. As what we can observe in the past years there are many new inventions that was released in the
market which really give a hint that technology would be more giving its highest features in terms of releasing the
different gadgets. On the other hand, technology also focused on how communication will be easier for us. There
are also internet connections which are improved by technology like globe tattoo, smart broadband and many
What I have learned:
I learned that technology improved very well on the past years until the present.
I learned that technology is really helpful especially to us students who are also in the field of technology.
I learned that there is also bad effect in using different gadgets that is now released in the market.
I learned that what we have right now is from the intelligent thinking of many people.
I learned that technology is more useful than other resources because of what it can provide.
Integrative Question:
How does technology affect the mindset of its user?
What are the ways on how technology can be improved or create by the inventors?
What is the importance of having knowledge about the history of technology?
Is there a relevant issue that would let the people negatively about the technology?
Is it true that technology is more important nowadays than the other fields in our country?
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Chapter 3: Moral Methodology and Information Technology
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how moral developed in the field of technology.
Quote/s: “The possibility of moral thought and judgment does not depend on the provision of a suitable supply of
moral principles.” – Jeroen Van Den Hoven
Review: Computer Ethics is one of the useful moral matters when it comes to ethical issues. It helps the people
know what is right or wrong in the field of technology. Applying ethics is one of the best practices that technology
has because of the thought that technology is everywhere that is why having ethics is answer on how technology
would develop its features. As the computer ethics evolve the ethical manner that should be raised in technology it
is a big help for all of us that we as users can gain more knowledge and discipline in using technology. We can
understand why there is a computer ethics that exists aside from knowing why we should learn it. There are
problems that occur when developing computer ethics as somehow it can affect the person’s moral philosophy in
life. Discipline is a must in the field of technology in order to practice the proper use of the rules made in the
computer ethics. We must think first of what would be the positive and negative effect on the actions that we are
showing in the public. It is better if we will be a model of technology with computer ethics so that we are the one
who will start the change for technology. I can say that the field of technology is one of the biggest fields in our
country in terms of the development and advancement that happens nowadays. It is good for us to respect and
follow the computer ethics so that we can practice what we learned about ethical manners in the field of
technology especially nowadays.
What I have learned:
I learned that computer ethics is one of the best knowledge to learn.
I learned that the problems that occurred when developing the computer ethics are useful in order to
see the potential situation that will happen.
I learned that discipline is much needed for computer ethics.
I learned that morality is connected with ethical issues.
I learned that positive and negative effect surrounds everywhere.
Integrative Question:
What is the role of morality in computer ethics?
What is the basis of making a computer ethics?
Is the computer ethics possibly been left behind by the tech people?
How can computer ethics be immoral for most of us?
Is computer ethics can be in line with the other ethical manners?
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Chapter 4: Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what is the connection of design and information systems to the
human values.
Quote/s: “Careful working conceptualizations of specific values clarify fundamental issues raised by the project at
hand, and provide a basis for comparing results across research teams.” – Batya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., and
Alan Borning
Review: This chapter is about how sensitive is the design of technology that is connected with the human values.
The word values have many different meanings though it depends on the field that belongs to. In the field of
technology, based on what I read, the meaning of values is the amount of computer, hardware and software.
Though, there is a deeper meaning of values which means how you value yourself, family, friends, the
environment and everything that surrounds you. At first, technology has been rejected because some people think
that the gadgets would cause us people of worshipping it that may cause negative effects to us people. There is
this thinking that the design developed might harm people, push people to harm other people and if it he/ she
would or would not harm other people. The design needs to be critique so that they will know what will be the
pros and cons in the technology developed to be use by the people that time and also the coming years. The use of
technology nowadays is somehow I can say harmful for other people because of the addiction it brings to people.
Based on what I can see especially to the children that is used to playing computer games they do forget to study
because of their addiction in playing computer games. These children are one of the examples of how can
gadgets/technology can harm people because they could bring the children to the dark side of the road rather
than the right path to succeed on their studies. The developers think of how they can introduce a system that
would keep the users information more private with the other users. It is one of the good concepts in technology
that they can store information with the full consent of the user like there is an agreement that if the user will give
their information the website developers should take that information as careful as it should be because of the
agreement made by their website with their users.
What I have learned:
I learned that values are a must in the field of technology.
I learned that the system design was developed with a more careful and open minded features.
I learned that technology which is now addicting to people is called to be harmful especially to the
I learned that technology must not be abused so that it would now cause any harm.
I learned that every website is really taking care of the personal information that they can get to every
Integrative Question:
What is the whole history on how the design was developed?
What is reason why the developers think that technology would harm people?
How can addiction to technology be cured especially for children?
Is it true that technology was really useful for the people who used it way back?
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Is there any chance that technology would change its design for the sake of erasing the negative things
about technology?
Chapter 5: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how intellectual property can help technology to be more developed.
Quote/s: “There may be personality galore in a map of Tolkien.s Middle Earth, but not much in a roadmap of
Ohio.”- Adam D. Moore
Review: The chapter says that intellectual property and individual property is connected with each other. For me,
personality based on my experience is really helpful to each one of us because it is what we show to other people.
Personality is one of the most important parts on how we grow as humans. As what was said in chapter 4 values is
also important in the field of technology as what it can be done in technology. Every individual’s personality may
somehow not be easy to be express because every one of us have different attitude towards showing who we are.
As human beings we do things which may or may not be moral in the eyes of other people though knowing
morality is one way on how we can do things right which I can say it will be more moral. I can say morality, values
and personality is a big help in making the technology more humanly useful because it shows that the developers
do find ways on how they will make technology as possibly be more useful especially to the students who often
use internet as source of communication and source for school works. As a student I do learn how important to be
moral, to use the values I know and to show the personality I have in me because I know this would help me be a
more likely to be a good student if I know how to use this. Though as a human I do admit that sometimes I do
things which make me break the rules of being moral.
What I have learned:
I learned that aside from moral and values, personality is also useful in the field of technology.
I learned that as a student being moral, have values and shows personality as a whole would made me be
more knowledgeable.
I learned that technology has deeper qualities that should have.
I learned that somehow personality is hard to be shown by every individual.
I learned that as a student we must be moral, have values and show a good personality.
Integrative Question:
Is there any other deeper meaning on what technology can be to people?
Why being moral, values and personality is really useful in developing technology?
How can we justify that intellectual property is connected with individual property?
Is there a percentage on how many people are aware on how technology was developed?
How can we continue developing technology with moral, values and personality?
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Chapter 6: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories and Controversies
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what the ways on how information can be stored privately.
Quote/s: “The conception of privacy in terms of physical nonintrusion or being let alone has been criticized
because of its tendency to conflate two different concepts that need to be distinguished—namely, having privacy
and being let alone.” – Herman T. Tavani
Review: As a person, I do want my information to be private to other people unless I know them. Privacy is one of
the most complicated issues if the information of a person will be known by people who are strangely unknown to
them. Good thing developers know how they can privately store information in order for their clients to continue
use their system. Information is important to everyone because of what it can do if other people will know it. I
would want to know how privacy can be implemented by the developers within their working area because I know
that there are people who cannot keep things private especially some information of people they know. Though I
agree that it is hard to keep things private especially if you are really open to everyone but I think if you are like
that you need to learn your limitations when it comes to giving information to someone whom you do not know
because they might use it for pretending that they are you. Like in the facebook, there are people who take
information of someone they want to pretend that they are him/ her and use your picture. That is why if you have
your facebook account it is advisable to keep all of your information and pictures privately and exclusively
searchable by your friends only so that it will not become a treat for you and for your personality not only in the
facebook but also in the other social networking sites because we must learn how to keep our lives privately.
What I have learned:
I learned that privacy of information is one of the main goals in technology.
I learned that even though I am not that known by many people still they can use my information as long
as they can pretend that they are someone who really is not them.
I learned that technology is really powerful.
I learned that keeping information is the best way to keep our lives private.
I learned that even if it is hard to keep information we should learn how to know our limitation.
Integrative Question:
How can we continue keeping information private?
Does everyone know that they must keep their information private?
When did it started on keeping information private?
Is there websites who do not keep information as one of their priority?
Is it not right to know other people’s information even though you do not know them?
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Chapter 7: Online Anonymity
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I want to learn how anonymity can work inside the ethical issues about computer
Quote/s: “Anonymity may serve or be sought for a variety of purposes: to shield someone from
accountability for action, to ensure privacy, to prevent discrimination or stigmatization, to facilitate
communication, to avoid reprisals, and so on.” – Kathleen A. Wallace
Review: Anonymity can be called as “anonymity” if a person do not let anyone identify her as who she is. Like
saying your name would make you be known by different people because you have your own identity. A person is
individually unique as one for having their own name, characteristics and everything that makes her unique in the
eyes of his family, friends and the people around her because each one of us is a unique individual. To relate it
with our technology nowadays, for example in the social networking sites in order for us to be a member in that
site we need to sign up in their site and here they are asking for personal information that would let the
management know the information in order for them also to store what is the identity of the person who wants to
become a member of the social networking site. In my own experience I do give my personal information to them
because I know that they privately store my information as their basis on what they will let the people connected
to me be seen by my information which is typically normal to be seen by other people. But there are instance that
information can be hacked by people who do not have to do anything right and it might give you a problem when
it comes to using your information but you are not that person who is at the back of all the negative things that the
hacker does.
What I have learned:
I learned that anonymity is somehow what we call anonymous because it does not show how it can be
I learned that anonymity can be identified in different ways not only by person to person but it can also
be identified from places, things and many more.
I learned that even anonymity can be also connected with ethical issues.
I learned that database can be use as way of collecting information in which it can provide what is the
identification of a person.
I learned that in anonymity I can express myself for who really I am so that I will be known for whom
really I am.
Integrative Question:
What is Anonymity?
How can we identify anonymity as different with each other?
Is it possible that anonymity can also be ethical?
What are the ways on how anonymity can be lessen?
How can a person express who really he is?
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Chapter 8: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism and Counterhacking
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how hacking’s negative side can affect the environment and the people.
Quote/s: “Even if we assume that privacy and property rights might sometimes yield to such utilitarian
considerations, these social benefits can be achieved without infringing upon any moral rights.” – Kenneth Einar
Review: As we learn different things about technology hacking is one of the interesting topics that I heard. Hacking
is interesting because you will know how hackers do their hacking drama on the different sites which is mostly
government websites. There’s this question in my mind why always government websites are being hacked by
these hackers. Is there something that hackers can have if they ruin a person’s website? Base on what I learned
from reading the text about hacking it is really harmful for people who are that consistent in searching the net and
viewing the website often. I think hackers choose the website they are hacking is base on what is the content of
that website. In our country, the website that is mostly being hacked is the websites of our government, senators
and other websites that is connected with the government. Country is not the basis on who is doing the hacking
thing because even if Filipinos do hack websites especially if they are against that person or against the content of
that website. It is one of expressing of their opinions and reactions towards things that is happening in our country.
Nowadays hacking is being done in our country because even though we have our free will to express what is in
our mind our government do not hear what we are saying because they think that their own ideas and opinions
are better for the living of the Filipinos. The thinking of hackers are different from our thinking because their
thinking is more critical and wide enough to absorb more ideas and knowledge on how they will succeed on
hacking websites as it is their only goal.
What I have learned:
I learned that hacking may not be taught in school but it can be learned if you have a subject that deals
with learning ethical issues.
I learned that hacking is said to be wrong because it can harm other people and it encompasses the
private life of people.
I learned that hacking can harm people because in the site that they hacked a person may learn things
which are not right for their age especially to the young ones.
I learned that hacking may not be prevented because of the huge number of people who are entering the
field of technology but I know that time will come and hacking can also be right.
I learned that hacking may be bad in a way that it can destroy reputation of people and can harm people
but in some way I can say that hacking maybe a way on how a person can express his own opinion.
Integrative Question:
Is hacking being taught in school?
Is hacking wrong?
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How can hacking harm people?
How can hacking be prevented?
Can hacking be possible to hear what people want to say and express their own ideas?
Chapter 9: Information Ethics and the Library Profession
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn more on how library works for the students and for the people who are
fund of reading and searching books.
Quote/s: “Books are for use.”- Kay Mathiesen and Don Fallis
Review: Library is a place where books are being stored but not only books but other documentations that is
useful for people who needs to have reference for their school works or other things that needs to be researched.
Schools do have their own library for them to help the students’ research on the topics that is being discussed in
their class. Books in the library are partly reference for them because it will explain furthermore the idea of the
topic that is being taught in the class. Books are really useful in terms of giving people more knowledge on the
things they want to know more. I, as a student do go to our library because I know that our library is one of the
most updated libraries in the country who owns thousands and millions of books that is offered for the students
who are researching on their homework, projects and thesis. Based on my experience our library is really useful
because of the books that we can easily find with the use of technology. Our library is full of books that are really
ethical in terms of what it can bring to us as students. Although in our century, technology is also useful in
researching things but for me, books are still the best reference for me to look at if ever I need ideas because
books is more detailed and you can see many books that can help you more expand the knowledge you have in
head. Technology is also useful but there are times that what we find in the net is wrong and it can give us
impressions that are not equally based on the knowledge in the books.
What I have learned:
I learned that library is the best place to look for references for school works as it stores different kinds of
books that we students can use.
I learned that before being a librarian they must graduate in a course that is best for librarian as it is their
I learned that organizing books in the library based on its context is being done because it is one way of
making books more accessible for the students.
I learned that city libraries are very useful for the children who are not yet studying. In here they can start
on learning new knowledge before they enter school.
I learned that library must always be updated on the new books so that students would become more
updated on the new trends in the country.
Integrative Question:
What is the main objective of each library that is build not only in school but also the libraries of each city
in our country?
Is there a course for being librarian as profession?
How can find books in library get easier for people?
Is it possible to maintain the city libraries for the use of the children who are not yet starting studying?
How can libraries be updated on the new books that are out in the market and see to it that they will have
a copy of it for the reference of the students?
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Chapter 10: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on how software is being made and on what is the different thing that
they must consider before the software can be possible.
Quote/s: “Service learning, a concept that is becoming part of the mission of many higher education institutions
also influences the choice between open source software and proprietary software.” – Frances S. Grodzinsky and
Marty J. Wolf
Review: As a student of information technology I can say that different software is really useful in order for us to
make our exercises, exams and projects possible. And I am amaze on what this software can make as a big help for
us. As we was introduced in different kinds of software that we use in coding we have been into the improvement
of the software like Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Database, Eclipse and many more. I am really proud that I’ve been
using this software since I start learning codes as part of our course. And based on what I read from the text about
software I realized that all the functions that we are using is from the deep knowledge of all the developers of that
software. And I also realized that this software is being done with the most critical thinking that it must be because
it is not easy for them to develop software where they think it will not be suitable for the users especially the
programmers. I came to the point that I also want to develop a software that is combined with editing photos,
software for coding and software for database because it made me realize that this software is really part of the
life of every individual who are into the field of technology. I think that it is fun to create software because for me
the hard work of the developers will be much appreciated by the users if they see that the software is really
connected on what is the interest of the users.
What I have learned:
I learned that free software can also be searched in the net whom people do offer it unlike before that
free software can only be seen on the respective sites of the software
I learned that before making software developers do examine on what are the interests of the people
who will be using the software.
I learned that aside from the other considerations in making the software they also examine the design of
the software which must be user friendly for the upcoming users.
I learned that developers do also consider the quality of their work so that many users will patronage
their software.
I learned that all developers must practice ethical manners so that their work will be as unique as it must
Integrative Question:
How can free software be accessible for the users?
What are the things that developers do consider when they are making new software?
Does the developer consider the design of their software?
How can the developers assure the users that their software is in their best quality?
In order for the developers to succeed, how are they practicing their ethical knowledge?
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Chapter 11: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn that internet research ethics have different issues to tackle about.
Quote/s: “The principle of justice mandates that the selection of research subjects must be the result of fair
selection procedures and must also result in fair selection outcomes.”- Elizabeth A. Buchanan and Charles ess
Review: Internet is a wide field where we can see and learn things that will make us open our minds on what we
must do. But we must learn how to know our limitations so that no one would make our life be ruined just because
they want to do things that is against us. There are issues that might make our life worst because of the things that
another person can make. When it comes to internet usage we must know that giving our identity might give us
problem in which posters might use what they can get from us. It is really hard to hide our personality but we must
learn how to because it is for our own good. In the huge crowed using internet everything can be possible because
you can easily access and learn how you can go into the line of privacy of all the people you can encounter with.
Like in the hacking issue it is clearly said that it can harm other people as well as in those critical issues it can also
harm other people because of what it can cause them. That’s why we must be careful on the things that we put as
part of our identity because it can harm us base on what hackers can also do. We must respect the privacy of each
and every one of us because in life we also want to be respected so for us to gain respect we must first show other
people respect the same as what we want to have as an individual.
What I have learned:
I learned that internet research ethics is about how ethics could be possible if you are using internet
I learned that when internet is being part of a conversation there would always be anonymity for all the
users who have not been identified.
I learned that copyright is use in order for you to have an authority to own what you placed in the internet
and no one will get and act as if he is the original owner of that material.
I learned that using other name would not benefit something for me as an individual because for me even
though there are other people who also have my name it is still unique because that is who really I am.
I learned that respecting other people is the best way to gain respect from other people.
Integrative Question:
How does internet research ethics being used?
How was anonymity been part of internet research ethics?
Is copyright really useful?
Why do people change their names in the social networking sites?
Why do we need to respect other person?
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Chapter 12: Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how systems are being made and what procedures are they doing first
before making the system possible.
Quote/s: “For several thousands of years, a student would learn medicine, be fledged as a trainee, and eventually
be sent into the world, where it was expected that she would remain scientifically up-to-date as an adult learner
through continuing education.”-Kenneth W. Goodman
Review: In the field of technology many things are being developed this past few years and I can say that most of
the developed technology are systems that is mainly used. As a student I am really amaze of what are the things
that is being made and develop as help for easy use of students like encoding the subjects which the students do
want to take in the coming term. Before I was not that familiar with the new technology that is coming out of the
market until I take up information systems that’s the time that I was been open with all the new technology
coming out and until it develops and progress its changes in the next years. Before these systems are being made
first it needs to be examined and search for the materials that will be needed as part of the processing how the
system will be made and what is the main goal of the system. Like us, before we come up with the system that we
are planning to make for the company we first study the problems that we must focus and after we made the
documentation about the system that we are planning to make that is the time that we must start creating the
system so that we can implement the system that we planned for the company. Critical thinking is the best way for
us to come up with a plan that will be an answer for each company’s problem because it is our duty to help them
solve their problem as we implement our solution in terms of using technology which is more in demand these
past few years.
What I have learned:
I learned that indeed, not only documents and files should be privately and confidentially kept but also
information regarding yourself and the things that should only be known within the boundary of you and
your family
I learned that clinical decision support system is a system in which it helps people make their own
decision with regards to what they think is better for them to do.
I learned that a diagnostic expert system is using an artificial- intelligence which most of us already tried
this kind of tests.
I learned that in a prognostic scoring system there’s this calculation wherein you will immediately know
the result.
I learned that in the field of technology documentation is always a part of the processing before making
the system.
Integrative Question:
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What is the benefit of implementing privacy and confidentiality?
Aside for implementing privacy and confidentiality, what is the use of clinical decision support system?
How can we identify if we have already used a diagnostic expert system?
Is it possible for us to use a prognostic scoring system?
In the ethical concept of technology, should the developers consider documentations and all before
making the system possible?
Chapter 13: Ethical Issues of Information and Business
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I learned that business does not only focus on accounting aspects but it also focus on the
ethical values.
Quote/s: “Such a level of equality is difficult to reconcile with a relationship in which one partner retains formal
power over decisions and intended outcomes, as is typically the case for management.”- Bernd Carsten Stahl
Review: Ethics is everywhere. It gives guidance on how people must consider their actions in terms of doing it in a
business. As a person we must learn on what is the right thing to do in every field that we encounter with. Like in
business we must show the people that we have an ethical manner that’s why we know what the things that we
must do. Our limitations is the answer on how we will succeed on the business that we are pursuing to build as it
will bring us the experience of being in business that we applied the attitude of ethical manners that we must
apply everywhere we are. Ethics is wide enough to tackle all the different kinds but I assure that when we study we
are starting to learn different manners that we must use in our daily lives because it will be the measurement on
how we value respect for others and how we will gain respect from them. It is good to know that business wants to
involve its topic in the ethical issues in order for them to have a good reputation because it is the best way on how
we will express the goodness inside us and it will be the way for us to be a model for the people who are not that
familiar with ethical topics. As a student I must learn the different kinds of ethical manners as I will be going to the
field in months time and I am sure that I will definitely use what I learned in order for me to show how a Benildean
work as individual workers and how creative we are.
What I have learned:
I learned that businesses in the country are the one that solves the stocks of every country as investors
comes and also opens business in the country.
I learned that business and ethics are not that connected with each other as it only gives meaning that
business ethics is about the ethical manners when it comes to business issues.
I learned that in terms of business ethics stakeholders is the rejection of shareholders.
I learned that even in business ethics, norms and values are still considered as people are working in this
I learned that there are main and deeper responsibilities that are implemented in every company so that
the business will grow strong.
Integrative Question:
What is the role of Business in every country?
Is business and ethics are related with each other?
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In the topic Business Ethics, does the meaning of shareholders and stakeholders are the same with the
accounting terms?
Does norms and values are really needed in business ethics?
What are the responsibilities of people in the company?
Chapter 14: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what is the real responsibility of internet in the information that
internet can encounter.
Quote/s: “It is relatively easy to disseminate information through the Internet.”- Anton Vedder
Review: Responsibility is one of the things that we should be proud that we have because it will test us on the
things that we can do. If we have responsibilities we are oblige to do that responsibility especially when it comes to
family and friends. But in IT there are things that are mainly being needed to be our responsibility either to our self
or to other people. The information that we give example in the social networking sites we place there our
address, contact number, so on and so forth there are times that people who are anonymous can get our personal
information as it can be seen in our account that is why we need to be extra careful of all the information that we
place in our social networking sites as it can harm us personally. Though there are instance that whenever we
secure our information as long as there are people who know our information there are situations that people who
knows us give our information that is one way of causing harmful threats. That is why it is better for us if we have
limitations on the information we say to people around us because it is our responsibility to keep our information
privately as it can help us have our private lives. In my own opinion, I do restrict people who can view my profile
especially who are not my friends or people whom I do not know personally because I know nowadays that there
are people who have bad ideas in their heads who knows how to harm people not physical or personally but in
terms of social perspectives. That is why we need to be more careful of giving our personal information to other
What I have learned:
I learned that back up of files is one of the best thing that we must do in order for us to have our own
copy of information that we need even the internet connection was lost.
I learned that not all information is responsibility of the internet connection but in general, the
information that is critically needed to be stored carefully is the main information that can be the
information of transactions.
I learned that all of us must have a responsibility that we need to do as we are oblige to most of the
responsibilities we have in life
I learned that ISP is aware of all the harmful tools that we can see in the internet. Example is the abusive
comments, status, images, videos that we can see in the social networking sites.
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I learned that it is better for us to keep all the information we know either our family’s information or
friends information because if we have no limitations when it comes to this kind of thing it might cause
them harm.
Integrative Question:
How can we assure that every information is stored properly if the internet connection immediately lost?
What particular information is being mentioned in the text?
Why do we need to have our responsibilities?
Does ISP be cautious of the harmful tools that we can see in the internet?
If we know information of our friends or family, is it our responsibility to keep it in our own and not to
mention it to other people?
Chapter 15: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how virtual reality started and how it became so far.
Quote/s: “A virtual world can be defined so as to provide sensory feedback of objects, in which case it yields
virtual reality, but it can also be defined without such feedback.”- Philip Brey
Review: Virtual reality cannot be easily determined unless you read articles about it. Because me, as a student I do
hear the words virtual reality but I do not understand what really it is. That is why it is good that Chapter 25 do
tackles the topic virtual reality. It cleared my mind on the things that I do ask myself when it is regarding the
inventions in the field of technology. Virtual reality is really helpful especially for me as a student, because I really
need to have laptop as part of my tools in study and as part of being an IT student. I do agree on the 4 elements of
virtual reality as it explains the different elements as clearly as possible. This is the only time that I understand why
technology exist and how it came to this point that most of the people are into using technology in order for them
to have a successful profession, successful business because technology really give its best to have something that
will help people on their interests in life. I do admit that at first I do not have interest on what technology is as long
as I have my laptop, mobile phone and iPod. But this topic opened my mind on what really is the reason why we
need to learn what virtual reality is. I am really amazed that all the gadgets, games that we use do belong to the
virtual reality as it can help us develop our activities in school, job and other things.
What I have learned:
I learned that virtual reality does exist but because we do not know virtual reality we cannot easily
identify it.
I learned that computers, laptops, iPads do belong to the virtual world that is one of the elements of
virtual reality.
I learned that the computer games that we play are part of the immersion, one of the elements of virtual
I learned that sensory feedback is much more used nowadays like touch screen monitors, mobile phones
so on and so forth.
I learned that all the elements of virtual reality is really useful, just like the interactivity as it can make you
navigate on different parts of the virtual machine.
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Integrative Question:
Why do we need to learn Virtual Reality?
Are we all visible to have the so called “virtual world”?
How can we know that we already tried immersion?
What are the things which we can include as sensory feedback?
Is interactivity also useful in the field of virtual reality?
Chapter 16: Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how machines are being made.
Quote/s: “The idea that biology is an information technologyis a weak argument.” -Griffiths
Review: We can see machineries in different places wherein we are also using the said machineries. Machineries
are made of materials that are really strong in order for the machine to run many decades. It is hard to think of
machineries that is made for replacement of the old ones but it is challenging in terms of you need to think of the
materials that is needed for the improvement of the machines. Machines have different kind wherein we can
identify it as technological like computers, laptops and other gadgets that comes out of the market nowadays. As a
student, I do want to try making machines and I will be basing it to the issues that need to be developed. Though I
admit it is really hard at least I had the thinking that I want to make a machine that will become really useful for
each and one of us. It must start with analyzing how to create a machine that will answer all the problems that the
users are encountering on their present machines. And I know that developing machines is different from making
systems because machines needs to have models where you are going to look if it is perfect for the development
we are wanting.
What I have learned:
I learned that genetics is a form of how information can have additional copies.
I learned that genetic is part of ethical issues as it gives duplication of information.
I learned that machineries are made of materials that are being examined before using that kind of
I learned that egg is one of the models on how machinery has been made by the inventors.
I learned that models in technology need to be examined first before they become a full time model so
that technology will be more develop.
Integrative Question:
What is genetics?
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How can genetic be part of ethical issues?
Are cells being used in creating machinery?
What is the role of egg in making machinery?
What are the pros and cons of models?
Chapter 17: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn what really the use of cyber warfare in ethical issues is.
Quote/s: “These laws generally prohibit most cyber attacks, including denial-of-service attacks,
web defacements, network intrusions, and the use of malicious code such as viruses,
worms, and Trojan horses.” – Dorothy E. Denning
Review: Cyber warfare is part of technology wherein we can learn on how cyber issues plays around in the field of
technology. As a user we are open in learning how technology really plays in terms on how we give meaning to it.
It is hard to think of things about cyber if we do not have any ideas on it because it will open our minds on how we
can learn cyber issues. We must think first of cyber issues every time we use cyber as part of communications and
searching things as how we need it. Cyber can be a bad way on how we will learn things that can harm other
people though it is also good in order for us to learn technological things even though it is not our role. Learning
new things are fun to do especially when it comes to technology because based on the past years our country is
also part of the new technological issues coming out of the market. We must be happy that we have chance of
learning these things because it is good for us to have knowledgeable minds about technology.
What I have learned:
I learned that cyber warfare is part of ethical issues as it will bring more explanation on how ethics should
be present in technology.
I learned that law of conflict management is a big help for ethicists as they will know how they will
manage the conflicts that are present in the ethical issues.
I learned that cyber attacks will be the hint on how forces would be present in the scene of ethical issues.
I learned that law of the war is the answer on how we can fight for what we know is right.
I learned that hackers are an example of non- state actors of cyber attacks.
Integrative Question:
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How will the level of cyber warfare help ethical issues?
What is the use of the law of conflict management?
How is cyber attack being present in the scene?
How do we use law of the war?
Who are the people who act as non- state actors in cyber attacks?
Chapter 18: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment- A SoDIS Inspection
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn the risks that happens in the ethical issues
Quote/s: “The availability of high-quality software is critical for the effective use of information technology in
organizations.” – Don Gotterbarn, Tony Clear and Choon- Tuck Kwan
Review: Risk management can be applied whenever we are doing projects like events. As what I experienced
before doing risk management is really useful because it will give us ideas on how we can handle future problems.
It will help us succeed on what we are planning to have and it will help us learn that every time we plan something
there are possibilities that risks would come with just a snap. That is why it is better for us if we include risk
management as part of our planning. Based on my experience doing risk management in an event is really useful it
helped us to have a successful event and as a student we can also learn on how we can analyze things that should
be first in our goals. It is good that we reach our goal and our aim as a student leader. It is also training for us so
that if we are already in the field we can share or give our ideas especially that it is based on experiences.
What I have learned:
I learned that before we create a system we need to see to it on the things that need to be considered.
I learned that if we use risk management it will be useful for us as it will give us hint on the things that
might happen.
I learned that we need planning every time we do risk management.
I learned that risks should be analyzed because it is one way of solving future problems.
I learned that managing risks is a big break for us to open our minds on how we will succeed on what we
are aiming.
Integrative Question:
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What should we consider every time we are planning to create a system?
What is the use of risk management?
How do we start on creating the contexts for the risks?
How can we identify risks?
How can we manage risks?
Chapter 19: Regulation and Governance of the Internet
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn the things that should and should not be done in the internet.
Quote/s: “Internet governance is the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil
society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs
that shape the evolution and use of the Internet (WGIG, 2005).” - JOHN WECKERT and YESLAM AL-SAGGAF
Review: Most of us are really into using internet especially us that we are studying technology as part of our
course. On the past chapters we also learned how we must deal with usage of internet. In this chapter it helps us
learn how to have discipline on the things that we usually use. We must have different ideas so that we can easily
learn on the new things that we are learning. It is good for us to learn things that will be part of our lives because it
will bring us to greater life as we understand things that are related to our passion in life. Accepting these things
will have a big impact to us now that technology is really into the market. Everywhere we go technology is around
us and every year technology gives us a big surprise on the new inventions that are invented by the developers. It
is good to think that we can also be part of how technology would become more successful as we can help have
discipline on how internet must be use by us. We better open our minds on the new learning as it will give us great
opportunity for our future.
What I have learned:
1. I learned that internet is not use for harming other people.
2. I learned that in order for us to have discipline we must understand why we need to follow the
regulations in the usage of internet.
3. I learned that internet is really harmful especially if we do not take regulations seriously.
4. I learned that every time we accept the agreement between site developers they are the one who sees
what we are doing, if we can harm or go beyond the regulations of internet usage.
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I learned that in order to have discipline we must know what will/ will not happen because it might bring
us to the wrong way.
Integrative Question:
What are the rules every time we use internet?
How can we learn to follow the regulations in the internet?
Is internet really that harmful for each one of us that’s why we need to have to follow regulations?
Who are the people watching the users of internet?
How can we discipline ourselves?
Chapter 20: Information Overload
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how information is overloaded.
Quote/s: “At the heart of this understanding of the phenomenon is a fairly simple conception of human
information processing—a three-stage model consisting of reception, processing, and action.” –David M. Levy
Review: As a student we do search on the internet on the topics that we need to learn as for school works and it is
already a routine for us to search on the internet if there are things that is not clear to us. Every time we search
the net we can see a lot of answers which are somewhat same but there are times that there are answers which
are technically wrong. If I were one of internet developers I would think of a way on how information would be
limited to the answers which are right and has a sense. It will help the searchers have the limits on how many
information they would get every time they search for a topic. It will also solve the problem of overloading of
information as giving limitation is the best way in order for the users to have a more concise answer and learning.
As a student I am also having hard time searching the net for topics which gives me wrong outputs that made me
felt less patient because of the improper way of giving me results on my search. It is good to learn that there is
overloading of information in the internet because of the many people contributing to have answers on the net.
Because in that way we can think of other solution on how overloading of information in internet will become less
than what we are seeing right now. As a user I can say that somehow I am not that satisfied on the other
information that I can search in the internet because it happens to have a wrong answers that I can search in the
internet instead of the right one.
What I have learned:
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I learned that information is sometimes too much to have because it might give more problems instead of
solving the problem.
I learned that too much information is cause by the researchers who have different ideas on their minds.
I learned that too much information would also give the staff problem on how they can handle each one
of the information.
I learned that somehow technology is one of the reason why there is overloading of information because
of the internet.
I learned that technology can have the solution of having the overload of information.
Integrative Question:
What are the reasons why information is overloaded?
What is the cause of having too much information?
What are the consequences of having too much information?
Does technology can be blamed of overloading of information?
Can technology help to lessen the overloading of information?
Chapter 21: Email Spam
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how emails can get spam messages even though it comes from trusting
Quote/s: “A fundamental problem with any philosophical discussion of email spam is definitional.”- Keith Miller
and James Moor
Review: Email spam are mostly can be seen on our email accounts, like me I do receive spam message in my yahoo
account but instead of reading it I just delete the message because I know that it might bring virus to my laptop
though there are times that important emails are being tag as spam message in my yahoo account maybe because
the content of the message is too small to say that it is a real message. I was amazed that spam message was
detected early 1980s although it was not that recognized by people but in the year 2000s spam message are being
recognized because of the increasing percentage of people receiving spam messages. These spam messages are
sometimes made intentionally in order for other people to have problem with their computers or laptops. It is a
bad habit for them to do spam messages because they do not know the feeling of a person who suffers from virus
attacks because of the spam messages they made and sent. If I am a professional in the field of technology I would
definitely do the right thing instead of harming other people’s computers or laptops. As a student I do understand
their feeling of people who received spam messages because I too received ones that is why I already learned my
lesson but there are instance that you need to open a spam message especially if it is important. We must be
aware of the email messages that we can receive especially the spam messages.
What I have learned:
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I learned that spam messages started early 1980s though it was not used until wikipedia gave meaning on
what really a spam message is.
I learned that spam messages happen because of the bulk sending of email messages of other users.
I learned that spam messages consist of small amount of message inside the inbox that is why it is
included as spam message.
I learned that people do spam messages just simply to attack other persons computer or laptop with a
I learned that if the message consists of virus his/ her laptop or computer will definitely suffer from virus
attack that is why we should always make sure that we are using anti- virus.
Integrative Question:
When did spam messages was recognized in emails?
How can someone receive a spam message from other people?
How can we determine if the message is spam?
Is there a bad thinking why people intend to send spam messages?
What will happen to the user if she received a spam message?
Chapter 22: The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why and If
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what are the different ways where you can say that you have done
Quote/s: “Plagiarism will be treated here very broadly as expression that improperly incorporates existing work
either without authorization or without documentation, or both.” – John Snapper
Review: Plagiarism is not good. It is an act of cheating because of you copying someone’s work without his
consent. As a student I really learned my lesson when I was ones in the place of plagiarizing. It was not really my
intention to do plagiarism because it is my first time I do not really have an idea that it is plagiarism. But after that
incident I said to myself that I will not do it again even if someone is asking for my help. As a student I do not want
to have case and I do not want to have bad records in my institution. Plagiarism does help people who are lazy
doing their paper works. It is lets people do bad things which is plagiarism are said to be an immoral act because of
copying someone’s idea. I understand the concept of plagiarism because I know the feeling that you work hard for
your answer but someone will copy it just like that. That is why I really learned my lesson and promise to myself
that even if someone will ask for my help I will never ever give my work. I will just help him instead of tolerating
him to do plagiarism. As a person we must respect someone’s work so that you cannot be accused of plagiarism.
Based on my experience, it is not a good feeling to do that such things because ever since I start studying I have a
good record in every school I enter but I admit that I do not have that much knowledge about the project that is
why my help to my friends become a plagiarism which this makes me feel more knowledgeable and I have learned
my lessons based on my own experience.
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What I have learned:
I learned that plagiarism is a way of cheating because of copying other persons material without any
consent from him.
I learned that materials are being copyrighted so that it would give you the definition that someone made
this book by himself.
I learned that plagiarism is an evil act of a person that is why it can be said that it is an immoral act.
I learned that plagiarism is also a way of harming other people especially the author of the material
because it is an act of disrespecting his intelligence and his work.
I learned that technology can be a way on how plagiarism can be resolved .
Integrative Question:
What is plagiarism?
Is there a law for persons personal made material?
Is it immoral if you plagiarize?
Does plagiarism can also harm other people?
Can technology help to lessen the number of plagiarism?
Chapter 23: Intellectual Property: Legal or Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how online file sharing started.
Quote/s: “Lost in the thicket of lawsuits and policy challenges are the ethical issues associated
with the use and distribution of file sharing software.”- Richard Spinello
Review: Sharing files are open to us students especially to us who are doing paper works. But we only share our
files to people we personally know and who needs to have that file. I do not actually give my files to other people
even my classmates if it is my work unless we have division of workloads. I always assure that my files are kept in
my laptop privately so that no one would ever see my file maybe because they can think of getting my files without
me knowing. Files are really important and needs to be stored properly because it is also one way of organizing our
files on the right place and in order. It is better if we have organizational way of keeping our files because our files
are very important especially to us students who are doing our projects or assignments in our laptops. It is alright
to share files but we must be sure that what we share will be send to only one person because sometimes service
providers have trouble in sending the files to other person instead to the person I assigned to send the file. As a
student I know how to share files to my friends but the files I am sharing to them are files related to our school
works not like other people who are sharing files which can harm other people. If they do that kind of thing I can
say that it is immoral act because you are using online file sharing as means of sharing non- sensible files which can
harm other people. We must be more knowledgeable of all the things we do so that it would be a big help for
technology to be used as useful as it must be.
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What I have learned:
I learned that peer- to- peer network is consist of two persons connected with each other.
I learned that sharing is something you personally gave and theft is something that was stolen from you
without you knowing.
I learned that not only books are being copyrighted but also files that we share.
I learned that if we share files we should make sure that we are only giving our files to people who are
authorized to have the file and with our consent.
I learned that internet service provider are the ones who guards the wall of every internet connections in
our laptop or computer .
Integrative Question:
What is a peer- to- peer network?
What is the difference of sharing and theft?
Is files being copyrighted?
What should we consider in sharing files?
What is the use of Internet Service Provider?
Chapter 24: Censorship and Access to Expression
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how online file sharing started.
Quote/s: “One might hope that work in law or philosophy might provide the answer.”- Kay Mathiesen
Review: On the last chapter we discuss on how we will limit our sharing our files. In this chapter it tackles about
how we can censor our files as privately as we can. It is a must that we must censor our files because it is one way
of making our files private for us and it will help us have limitations on who can access our file all over. We must
learn that there are people who are abusive of accessing other person’s files without his consent that is why we
need the censorship whenever we have our personal files on our computer. We need to live our lives as privately
as possible that are why censorship is one of the best answers of having private files in our machines. As a student
I do believe that censorship is a big help for us especially now that we are having our thesis there might people
who intend to copy files from us for their own good. That is why as a group we de censor our files which can only
be access by the 4 of us and it is really helpful. Based on my personal experience, as a student I always make sure
that all my files are organized based on what subject it is for so that I can easily locate my files which must also be
privately kept for it is my personal agenda in my school works because if I will be improper of all my files I might
have problems regarding the censorship of my files. Ever since I start using technology in my academic works I
always assure that I organize my work so that no one can access any of my files even in the house we have our
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own accounts in the computer so that we have our own privacy with regards to the files that we are storing in the
What I have learned:
I learned that censorship is the limitations on who will have the access on files.
I learned that if we do censorship we would have the knowledge of giving limitations on the things that
are private for individuals.
I learned that limited access on files would help us have a more secure forms.
I learned that there are really people who do not care if someone would access their personal files.
I learned that censoring our files would help us be more private on all the things we do .
Integrative Question:
What is censorship?
What are the consequences of censorship?
Why do people want to have limited access on files?
Is there people who do not censor their files?
How can we justify that we need to censor our files?
Chapter 25: The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what is the connection of gender in computer ethics.
Quote/s: “The recognition of continuing differences between men’s and women’s lots, at home, in the workplace,
and in education, even in societies that have seen considerable opening up of opportunities for women in the
space of a generation or so, has been a major force in developing contemporary
feminist writing.”- Alison Adam
Review: I was amazed when I learned that male and female do give different perspective in computer ethics.
Different ideas play in these perspectives as they have their own knowledge about computers. It is fun to read this
chapter because there are times that I can relate on what it says. It is good to have this kind of handbook because
this is one way of learning things when it comes to ideas of male and female towards computer ethics. Male do
have more sharper ideas when it comes to computer ethics as they think critically while female do also have good
ideas though they want longer discussions when it comes to giving ideas. As a student I do agree to both male and
female because both of them do give equal ideas and you can really learn to their ideas as it always pertains to
what computer ethics is. I believe that every human has its own ideas on their minds and it stated that it will
always depend on how a person can defend his or her own ideas on his or her mind. Computer ethics is a huge
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topic which a male or a female personality would have interest with and as what I can see computer ethics is well
known nowadays because of the wide spread of technology even though we did not study technology that much
we can still have ideas about how it works and how we give importance to the new and improved technology.
What I have learned:
I learned that male and female do have different points of view and ethical manners.
I learned that feminist ethics are more on debate which needs to have long discussions.
I learned that computer ethics can have different ideas because of the different perspectives of male and
female gender.
I learned that both male and female do give same persepctives of their ideas though there are times that
it is really indifferent from each other especially when it comes to computer ethics.
I learned that students can be part of computer ethics as they are the one who manages their time with
computer most of the time .
Integrative Question:
What is the difference of male and female ethics?
What is feminist ethics?
What is the use of male and female gender in computer ethics?
What is more useful idea male or female?
How can student help develop computer ethics?
Chapter 26: The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the future
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what will happen in the future of technology.
Quote/s: “There may be a case for thinking that such divides are inherently unjust, but that seems somewhat
implausible: economic injustices are viewed as problematic more because of the suffering they cause and less
because there is some sort of deontological egalitarian principle that requires absolute equality of justice.”- MARIA
Review: The future unfolds when it comes to the issues of technology because technology yearly do have new
inventions which really helps us do things easier than what we expect to have. It is good to know that technology
start to develop new gadgets that will be released in the future but there are times that we must think that there
might be pros and cons brought by the technology that we have right now. It is hard to predict what will happen in
the future but we have the guts to say that technology nowadays is really improving and it brings us easier way of
things that we do. Technology somehow are being abused by the users that is why we should learn how not to be
not that dependent on the gadgets that was invented. It might also cause bad things that might be a problem in
the near future. We must know how we can balance the use of technology nowadays so that it will help us learn
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how to be independent with it. As what I can see this past few years technology really evolved perfectly as it helps
each and one of us on how we can make things easier. In the near future, I can imagine how technology will be
more successful on what it can bring this time. To tell you the truth I am really excited on how technology can
improve the devices or gadgets that will come out of the market because I think it will have more functional
What I have learned:
I learned that nowadays developers do think more critically on how technology will play around the past
I learned that technology is already starting to develop new inventions as technology increases its
I learned that technology is really a big help for each of us as we can do things easier that what we expect.
I learned that globaly technology are being developed but there maybe countries who are not that into
the new technologies coming.
I learned that as future holds technology will do everything to develop more gadgets.
Integrative Question:
What are the new inventions about digitals?
Is the future of technology will start now?
Can future technology help each and everyone of us?
There are many countries in this world, is there countries who are not reached by the development of
How long will it took technology to develop more technological gadgets?
Chapter 27: Intercultural Information Ethics
Amazon Link:
What I expect to learn: I expect to learn on what are the different cultures when it comes to information ethics.
Quote/s: “Morality is objective in the sense of being true or false in virtue of mind independent facts about
the world—and not in virtue of what cultures or individuals think about them” – Rafael Cappuro
Review: Every country in this world has its own culture when it comes to technology. Like our country, we are also
into technology issues as we are one of the countries who uses the modern technology devices or gadgets and as
what we can see most of us are knowledgeable when it comes to technology topics. As I am taking up computer
course I can now appreciate on what really technology can bring us. Appreciating technology will give us more
learning and pursue us more to study hard what really technology is. Maybe we can also be part of how
technology can be more developed in any way. In this point of time I am having more knowledge about technology
and its ethical manners. Using ethics is really important as it will bring more discipline to everyone. As a student I
do assure myself that I can learn something that I can use in the near future about technology. Technology is part
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of my life, I grew up when technology is starting to boom and I saw how technology really developed that well.
That is why we should know the pros and cons on how we will deal with information ethics as it is one of the
important things that we must consider as a technology people. New learning are good for us as we can also share
what we know to other people in order for them to be also knowledgeable when it comes to technology issues. I
can say that, I am proud to know that technology is really important.
What I have learned:
I learned that morality shows how a person can express his or her own emotions.
I learned that Asian people are also that knowledgeable when it comes to information ethics as students
preferably want to take a computer course in their college.
I learned that Americans are really one of the best people who can think that critically than Asians.
I learned that African people are not that into using technology in their country maybe because they are
not that open minded when it comes to technological issues.
I learned that privacy is really that important that’s why information ethics is always repeating on what is
Integrative Question:
What is the use of doing a debate as source of morality?
What is the basic culture of Asian when it comes to information ethics?
Is that American much more competitive when it comes to information ethics?
Is it possible that African people are not that knowledgeable when it comes to information ethics?
Why it is privacy is always one of the issues in information ethics?
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