Creating and Managing Enterprise Information Assets Course description The discipline is for students of the master's program. Total hours - 228. Number of classroom hours - 72, including 24 hours of lectures, and 48 hours of practical training. Total hours of independent work – 156. The course assumes knowledge of technical disciplines students. Course objective: Studying discipline is aimed at students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the management of information assets of the enterprise. Identification of assets and their contents, accountability, and assessment of the assets. It also discusses the methodology of risk assessment and cost information assets. Course content 1. Introduction to the Information Assets: The study of the definitions of concepts. Making sure the perception of terminology. The study of different types of information assets. 2. How to Design, Deploy and Sustain an Effective Data Governance Program: Definitions and concepts. Overview of a data governance program. The data governance business case. 3. Data management: Information as an independent asset. The problems of valuation information assets. Methods of valuation. 4. Maximizing The Enterprise Information Assets: Review the content information assets. Overview of the provisions the accounting methods governing the establishment and treatment of intangible and information assets. Meeting the challenges to formation of the content of information assets. 5. Information and Data structure design. Model development: Study of approaches to structuring information assets. Review business cases showing examples of implemented projects to develop the structure information assets. 6. Information assets as a part of business value: The study of the impact of information assets in the value of the business. The risks, threats, and methods of reducing and eliminating their influence. Ways to increase business value by improving the quality of IT assets. 7. Data storage and data cost: The impact on the quality and value of the information assets of the company by the cost of creating and storing data. Meeting the challenges for evaluating the real cost of storage and data processing in the company. 8. Business planning model of creating information assets of the enterprise: Review of processes for the preparation in planning IT assets. Methodological basis for planning IT assets. Interconnection between information assets and all services of the company that uses common data. Business case to develop business plan for information asset growing process. Classroom hours Lecture Practice Home work 1 Introduction to the Information Assets. Part 1. 2 2 0 2 Introduction to the Information Assets. Part 2. 2 2 0 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 8 2 2 8 0 6 8 0 6 8 2 2 16 2 2 16 11 Data storage and data cost. Part 1 2 2 16 12 Data storage and data cost. Part 2 2 2 16 13 Information assets risk assessment. 2 4 16 14 Planning for the growth of information assets 2 4 16 0 4 16 0 4 4 24 48 156 Theme, content How to Design, Deploy and Sustain an Effective Data Governance Program. Part 1 How to Design, Deploy and Sustain an 4 Effective Data Governance Program. Part 2 3 5 Data management. 6 7 8 9 10 Maximizing The Enterprise Information Assets. Information and Data structure design. Model development. Part 1 Information and Data structure design. Model development. Part 2 Information assets as a part of business value. Part 1 Information assets as a part of business value. Part 2 business planning model of creating information assets of the enterprise. Part 1 business planning model of creating 16 information assets of the enterprise. Part 2 15 Total, hours: Control questions 1. What are information assets? 2. What is governance of information assets? 3. Most used methodology of governance information assets. 4. How to design governance program? 5. How to deploy governance program? 6. How to sustain governance program? 7. The ways to increase the value of information assets. 8. The problem description of valuation information assets. 9. Information and data structure design examples. 10. Data governance and business value. 11. Quality of information assets governance program and business risks. Methods of evaluation The current control is provided on the practical classes. The form - control work. Homework of the course Homework issued to students during the course. Homework provides a detailed analysis. On the homework the student prepares a report in electronic form; estimated time for homework and the preparation of the report is no more than 2 weeks (usually from 11 to 13 calendar days). Introduces students to the reports by the teachers; Homework evaluated on a 10 point scale. Failure to comply with the deadlines and rules for reporting (included in the text of the job), automatically results in the evaluation of "0" ("Fail") for the homework. Final test: Control of knowledge is carried out in the oral form. The structure of the exam grade by educational discipline: Type of work Contribution to final evaluation (%) Contol work 50 Practice 30 Final test 20 Grading Table of compliance assessments on a ten and a five-point system On a scale ten-point scale 1 - unsatisfactory 2 - very bad 3 - bad 4 - Satisfactory 5 - very satisfactory On a scale five-point scale unsatisfactory - 2 Satisfactory - 3 6 - well 7 - very well 8 - almost perfect 9 - Excellent 10- Brilliant well - 4 Brilliant - 5 Readings 1. Data Governance. How to Design, Deploy, and Sustain an Effective Data Governance Program. John Ladley. 2012 Elsevier Inc. 2. Data centers and assets of the company. Sukhov R., Maltseva S. 2015 HSE. 3. Амзараков М.Б., Сухов Р.Р., Исаев Е.А. «Модульный центр обработки данных: Целостный взгляд.» Бизнес-Информатика. [2014] № 3 (29). С. 7–14; 4. 2013 Cost of Data Center Outages. Ponemon Institute. 2013. White papers. 5. 4 Principles for Reducing Total Cost of Ownership. By David R. Merrill, Chief Economist, Hitachi Data Systems April 2015 6. Risk Assessment Handbook. The National Archives. 2011.