
Achieving Administrative Efficiency
& Technology Advancements
August 6, 2010
Deb Carroll, Business Manager
Samaritan Interfaith Counseling Center
Naperville, Illinois
Laurie Killmer, Office Administrator
Samaritan Institute
Denver, Colorado
And so it began….
Keys to Administrative
and Organizational
Replace Chaos with
Analogy to Notes on a Scale
• Assess
• Build Best Practices
• Communication
• Dedication
• Efficiency
• Fine Tune
• Growth
Assess and Build
Level of Organization
Human Resources
Technical Infrastructure
Reporting Methods
Assess and Build
Level of Organization (orderliness)
Human Resources Function
Business/Billing Function
Technical Infrastructure
Reporting Methods
Level of Organization
Questions to Ask…
•Is your physical space
organized and efficient?
•Are paper files in order and
easily accessible?
•Are electronic files stored
efficiently with a data flow?
• Are you at a point for off-site
Build Best Practices
Organize, Organize, and Organize!
Purge files which exceed the time limit.
Efficient use of physical space.
Work flow areas and productivity.
Identify your files; devise organizational systems.
Paper format vs. electronic files
Create a flow for electronic files.
Attention to secure data and HIPAA compliance.
Assess and Build
Level of Organization (orderliness)
Human Resources Function
Business/Billing Function
Technical Infrastructure
Reporting Methods
Human Resources Function
Questions to ask…
Are the Employee Files Complete?
Do you act in accordance with the law?
Are job descriptions well defined?
Are reports effective for employee benefits
and wages?
• Do you have a formal review process?
• Do you have written policies and procedures?
• Do you adhere to written policy ?
Build Best Practices
Human Resources
Employee Orientation.
Employee files contain documents per government
regulations and Institute standards.
Subsets of folders within each file.
Familiarity with government regulations and standards.
Create formal job descriptions – Identify as exempt vs.
non exempt.
Build Best Practices
Human Resources
Create benefit tracking tools for accurate record
Develop report mechanisms for accuracy in wage
Implement a formal review process.
Formal Employee Handbook which states Center policy
and adheres to government regulations.
Standards are attained in following policy and
Assess and Build
Level of Organization (orderliness)
Human Resources Function
Business/Billing Function
Technical Infrastructure
Reporting Methods
Business/Billing Function
Questions to ask…
• Does your Center have a Risk Management plan?
Sound accounting and auditing principles?
• Is your software effective? Does it provide the
tools for strong business analysis?
• Are policies and procedures in place for attaining
accurate data?
• Is your staff trained and knowledgeable?
• Have manuals been created for every job function?
• Are you forward thinking in electronic banking and
billing? Are you prepared for the next wave?
Build Best Practices
Identify risks.
Develop a plan for Risk Management.
Create checks and balances.
Identify information necessary to effectively run a
business. Build reports. Communicate.
Evaluate software reporting tools.
Establish sound accounting principles and implement
Build Best Practices
Learn from each other and evaluate levels of
Create manuals to support each Administrative job
function to allow for cross-training and employee
Investigate billing and banking trends and weigh the
impact on your Center. Be Prepared.
Assess and Build
Level of Organization (orderliness)
Human Resources Function
Business/Billing Function
Technical Infrastructure
Reporting Methods
Technical Infrastructure
Questions to ask…
• What is the status of hardware? Copiers, fax,
• Is your Center HIPAA compliant?
• Center emails through a common host?
• Are you ready for the next step?
Build Best Practices
Engage the expertise of a professional.
Goal: Computer access for every employee.
E-mail capabilities from identified host.
Secure Network.
Identify drives, users, and assign permissions.
Copy/fax/scan functions.
Secure Credit Card transactions.
HIPAA compliance in all areas of technology.
“The first rule of any technology used
in a business is that automation
applied to an efficient operation will
magnify the efficiency. The second is
that automation applied to an
inefficient operation will magnify the
~Bill Gates
Assess and Build
Level of Organization (orderliness)
Human Resources Function
Business/Billing Function
Technical Infrastructure
Reporting Methods
Reporting Methods
Questions to ask…
• What areas of reporting need a strong focus?
• What information will be beneficial in making
decisions and aide in future goals?
• How will the report increase efficiency?
• When are spreadsheet representations
Build Best Practices
Key: Every report and every spreadsheet will impact the
decision making process and
create greater efficiencies.
 Accounts Receivable
 Clinical
 Program
 Board
 Statistical Analysis
Communicate Effectively
 Use technology to your advantage
 Implement tools for written communication.
 Ensure accurate communication.
 Process for conveying information and new ideas.
 Regular meetings and agendas.
 Good old fashioned ‘one to one’.
Dedication breeds success
 Understanding the mission of your Center.
 Listen to and value all ideas for further successes at the
 Teambuilding with all staff.
 Allow the Administrative team to share in the
triumphs of our clients.
“Dedication is not what others
expect of you, it is what you
can give to others.”
Create Efficiencies
 Evaluate needs and administrative hours.
 Define roles.
 Evaluate work flow and cross-train.
 Encourage checklists.
 Monthly calendars.
 Find what works – No need to re-create the wheel, only
 Investigate integrated systems.
 Goal: Paperless files.
A little out of tune?
• There is always room for improvement.
• Review practices and revise each year.
• Listen to criticisms…listen to complaints and
implement change.
• Harmonize.
“When you’re finished
changing… you’re finished.”
~Benjamin Franklin
Isn’t it Grand?!
You are now ready to take on new endeavors.
Explore new opportunities and programs.
Look toward expansion.
Identify your goals.
Go through the process … Keys A-G.
Improve, achieve and SUCCEED!
“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It
will never be perfect. There will always be
challenges, obstacles and less than perfect
conditions. So what. Get started now!
With each step you take, you will grow
stronger and stronger, more and more
skilled, more and more self-confident and
more and more successful.”
~Mark Victor Hansen
Achieving administrative efficieny
Deb Carroll
Laurie killmer
 What Can the Institute Do for You?
 Electronic Materials File: Now Available
 Center Directory of Services
 Questions to Ask When Buying Software
The Samaritan Network and the Web
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media: Facebook and Twitter
What’s Next?
What can
the Institute Do for
Understanding How Things Work and Innovative
Electronic Materials files
Samaritan Center Resource Library
A compilation of many of the best materials
developed over the last 27 years.
Please take note of the
Technology Resources Tab
CCC E-Files
A “clearinghouse” of CCC resources and
Center directory
of services
 In process, an electronic survey is going
out in the fall
 Will be available through the Institute
website in a format similar to the SCRL
& CCC E-Files
 Keyword search capability
 Allows for peer consultation in a
particular service area
Be Neither First Nor Last to Adopt Technology
 What is the Samaritan network currently using?
2008 Samaritan Annual Statistical Report
See Handout for Complete List
 Billing Software
 Clinical Software
 Financial Software
 Fundraising Software
Software (continued)
 What does the Samaritan Institute use?
Constant Contact (survey tool)
Microsoft Office Suite 2007 (including Access)
QuickBooks 2009, Nonprofit Edition,
Survey Monkey
6 Key Questions to Ask
Source: Psychotherapy Finances, August 2009
 What does it cost?
 What will it cost each year to maintain the program?
 How do I find a program that’s easy to learn?
6 Key Questions to Ask
Source: Psychotherapy Finances, August 2009
 Can I transfer everything from my existing software?
 Is it worth all the trouble?
 Should I consider one of the new online billing
Two more questions
 Due to the unique nature of Samaritan Counseling
Centers and their specific needs, I would recommend
adding these questions:
 How “customizable” is this program?
 Can it interface with ______ program(s)?
the Samaritan network
The WEb
Is This your Center?
Look at your website
 Take a good, hard look at your website
 Be sure it is engaging people once they get here
How people view a website
Search engine optimization (SEO)
“Search engine optimization is the process of improving the
volume or quality of traffic to a website or a web page from
search engines via “natural” or unpaid search results.”
– Wikipedia
Keywords: How are people finding you?
• Incorporate the keywords into your website text as
often as possible and / or appropriate.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
 Link Building:
• Push content out to various places (Blog, Wikipedia,
Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Search engine optimization (SEO)
 Link Building:
• Acquiring links from relevant sources that direct
back to your website
(i.e. The Samaritan Institute webpage)
 Refresh Content
• Dynamic websites with fresh content are more
successful than those that remain static.
Stop the internet
I want to get off!
“… With over 300 million daily searches
on Google, 400 million active Facebook
users, 100 million daily YouTube video
views, and 100 million Twitter users,
there is almost an unlimited potential to
gain awareness and support for your
cause. However, it is very easy to get lost
in the mix.” 1
Location3 Media Nonprofit Seminar
Stop the internet
I want to get off!
 Your Center does not have to be
everywhere, but can we afford to miss
out on this kind of exposure?
 “This is the way people are
communicating today, and it’s the way
people will be communicating in the
future.” 2
Michael Young, Puget Sound Blood Center
Social Media
Pick the social media tools that will
work for your Center!
 More than 400 million active users 1
 50% log-in on any given day
 Average user has 130 friends
 Nonprofit use of Facebook is growing,
and those who are using it are sticking
Facebook Fact Sheet
Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report April, 2010
Facebook events
 More than 3 million event are created each
 How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk,
Columbus, GA
Facebook Fact Sheet
Facebook events
 More than 3 million event are created each
 How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk,
Columbus, GA
 Are any of your Center offerings and / or
fundraising events Facebook material?
Facebook Fact Sheet
Fan Pages vs. Groups
 Recommendation: Create a Fan Page rather than a
Group for Center marketing
 A fan page is ranked for SEO purposes,
whereas a group is not.
 A group requires an administrator to approve
all members, whereas a fan page allows anyone
to follow your Center.
Fan Pages vs. Groups
 Customize your fan page
 Create a custom “Welcome” tab with information on
your Center
(i.e. How to: donate, volunteer, and get involved)
 Get people involved
 Ask questions in your status updates
 Encourage fans through invitations and
 Take note of good comments and use them for
future publicity
 Twitter is micro blogging (140 character limit)
 Dialogue, Not Monologue – Twitter should be a
conversation, not just talking at people.
 Finding Followers – follow others who will follow
Source: Location 3 Media Nonprofit Seminar
 Start the Engagement – Ask and answer
questions, share news and links, and join
existing conversations
o “Retweet” generously, it is a modern day
form of flattery
Source: Location 3 Media Nonprofit Seminar
Social Media
Moderation is key –
Measuring success
 Engagement – Review Facebook Insights
to help you better engage with audiences
 Learn Demographics of your fans
 Growth – Record growth of followers,
fans and subscribers from month to
 Sentiment – Note the increase in
positive comments
Measuring success
 Google Analytics:
 Review URLs (where traffic is coming
 Time on Site/bounce rate (quality of
 Unique vs. returning visitors
(increased returning visitors can
signify more loyal visitors)
What’s Next?
 This is just scratching the surface of all
the resources that are available today.
 Please check the Samaritan Center
Resource Library : Technology Resources
Tab often for updated resources and
materials not covered today.
 Future Institute projects include:
teleconferencing, web-based intake
forms, a template for a Center Social
Media Policy, and a paperless office
technology resource guide.
Please remember
Always available, just ask!
Mama Said There would be days like