Sustainable Energy: A National and International Security Imperative L. David Montague We’re Out of Time! Sustainable Energy: A National and International Security Imperative L. David Montague A paper to frame the Issues and stimulate discussion of plausible solutions free of energy industry influence. –Draws and integrates data from June 2005 NAE sponsored conference on Sustainable Energy, and other DOE EIA sources –Proposes a holistic near term solution against a backdrop of national security and global warming concerns. Presented at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University February 2006 Outline of Discussion • Current and projected US and World energy consumption and supply by sector • Carbon emissions and warming • The nature of the options – – – – – Cleaner fossil fuels Hydrogen, Fuel Cells Solar, Wind, Bio-fuels, Nuclear • A proposed quantifiable solution set for near and long term mitigation of the threat Energy use grows with economic development energy demand and GDP per capita (1980-2002) 400 US Primary Energy per capita (GJ) 350 300 Australia 250 France 200 Russia S. Korea 150 UK Japan Ireland Greece 100 Malaysia Mexico 50 China Brazil India 0 0 Steven Koonin Source: UN and DOE EIA 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 GDP per capita (PPP, $1995) 30,000 35,000 energy demand – growth projections Global energy demand is set to grow by over 60% over the next 30 years – 74% of the growth is anticipated to be from non-OECD countries Global Energy Demand Growth by Region (1971-2030) 18,000 Energy Demand (Mtoe) 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1971 OECD 2002 2010 Transition Economies 2020 2030 Developing Countries Notes: 1. OECD refers to North America, W. Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia and NZ 2. Transition Economies refers to FSU and Eastern European nations 3. Developing Countries is all other nations including China, India etc. Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2004 growing dislocation of supply & demand • N. America, Europe and Asia Pacific are the three largest demand centres • But, have a small share of the remaining oil and gas reserves; coal is the exception • Their collective shares are: • Oil - 80% of demand; 15% of conventional reserves (28% incl. unconventional reserves) • Gas – 61% of demand; 32% of reserves • Coal – 89% of demand; 69% of reserves Steven Koonin U.S. Energy Consumption 200 180 U.S. Energy Consumption at constant 1970 E/GDP 160 Efficiency; Structural Change Quads 140 120 100 80 U.S. Energy Consumption 60 40 20 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1970-2003 Gas 0.7Q RETs 2.1 Nucl 7.7 Oil 9.6 Coal 10.4 2003 US Energy Consumption by Sector & Source 45 40 5 Quads or 5 Trillion ft3 35 Quads 30 Electricity + Losses Natural Gas Petroleum Coal Renewables Nuclear 25 20 15 10 5 0 Buildings Industry Transport Electricity The Oil Problem Nations that HAVE oil (% of Global Reserves) Nations that NEED oil (% of Global Consumption) Saudi Arabia Iraq Kuwait Iran UAE Venezuela Russia Mexico Libya China Nigeria U.S. U.S. Japan China Germany Russia S. Korea France Italy Mexico Brazil Canada India 26% 11% 10% 9% 8% 6% 5% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 26% 7% 6% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Source: EIA International Energy Annual Petroleum supply, consumption, and imports, 1970-2025 (million barrels per day) 60% 71% Scale of Challenge Scenarios of U.S. Oil Futures 35 30 Hybrids MMBbl/Day 25 Demand 20 15 Imports 10 Domestic Supply 5 0 1950 Biomass ANWR 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Oil & Gasoline Market Behavior • The oil market is not a free market – Demand is inelastic and growing while supply is elastic as long as reserves exist – The supply pipeline is easily manipulated • There is no incentive for oil companies to put downward pressure on oil prices, because profits rise directly with crude price – 1 bbl of crude on average yields 47% or 20 gal of gasoline; Assuming the other 53% has no value (gross underestimate), at $70/bbl the cost of crude per gal of gasoline would be: (20gal gas/42gal crude) x $70/20 =$1.67 while the average price at the pump is $3.00. Other costs are largely fixed. – Then there is what I call the “Mysteresis” effect. Pump prices rise instantly with crude increases but lag significantly as crude prices go down. The pipeline is weeks long and refiners rarely contract at the delivery day spot price. Total=29 Total=22 Approximate Trade Deficit Contribution of Crude Oil And Natural Gas Imports Total Oil $ kft3 NG Imports Unit Pric e $400 B 3.34 B $25 2003 $500 B 3.53 B 2004 $600 B 2005 2006 (Est.) Year Trade Deficit bbls Oil Total NG $ Total$ Imports Unit Price 2002 % of $84 B 4.02 B $3.15 $13B $97B 24 % $30 $106 B 3.94 B $5.17 $20B $126B 25 % 3.69 B $39 $144 B 4.26 B $5.81 $25B $169B 28 % $725 B 3.67 B $57 $209 B 4.24 B $6 $25B $234B 32 % $800 B 3.72 B $61 $227 B 4.26 B $6.20 $26B $253B 32 % Deficit Sources: Dept of Commerce BEA and Dept of Energy EIA Crude Oil and Natural Gas Imports Now Make Up 32% of The Trade Deficit CO2 emissions and GDP per capita (1980-2002) 25 CO 2 emissions per capita (tCO2) US 20 Australia 15 Russia 10 Ireland UK S. Korea Japan Greece Malaysia 5 Mexico China India 0 0 France Brazil 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 GDP per capita (PPP, $1995) Steven Koonin 30,000 35,000 CO2 Emissions and Climate Sam Baldwin Climate change and CO2 emissions - CO2 concentration is rising due to fossil fuel use - The global temperature is increasing - other indicators of climate change - There is a plausible causal connection - but the scientific case is not overwhelming (natural variability, forcings) - Impacts of higher CO2 quite uncertain - ~ 2X pre-industrial is a widely discussed stabilization target (550 ppm) - Reached by 2050 under BAU - Precautionary action is warranted - What could the world do? - Will we do it? Steven Koonin Vectors Are in The Wrong Direction • Growing reliance on unreliable foreign supply of energy presents an unacceptable threat to our national security and economic stability – China’s projected 8%* annual growth along with other developing countries will worsen the pressures on oil and gas supply and prices. – We are increasingly vulnerable to economic disruption due to gas and oil supply interruption – The off-shore profits help fund terrorist and fundamentalist regimes that could cause that interruption • The much vaunted energy bill does little to alleviate the problem - time line is incompatible with the need • There must and can be effective competitive energy sources to oil and gas suppliers * Rand Corp. Projection Conclusions • • • Ever-increasing reliance on foreign energy supply is a real and growing threat to national security The US can be energy independent within 10-15 years and radically reduce greenhouse emissions in the process The solution seems straight forward: – Hybrid vehicles that use bio-fuels (ethanol and bio-diesel) for the transportation sector – Reliance on new nuclear plants for electric power generation with fuel reprocessing to reduce high level waste by 90% • We need to get on with it much more aggressively – A major PR campaign will be required The so called hydrogen economy is not a solution H2 SUPPLY PATHWAYS Like electricity, hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be produced from widely available primary energy resources Biomass Solar Wind • Coal w/CO2 Sequestration Natural Gas Nuclear Hydrogen Production Dilemma • 13 million barrels crude oil per day used in transportation – equivalent to 1.46 billion pounds per day hydrogen • This would require doubling the total US power production (850 GWe to 1780 GWe) if hydrogen were produced by conventional electrolysis. (assume 1 MW per 1000 lbs) OR • This would require 23 trillion cubic feet of natural gas per year - approximately 110% of the 2002 total US consumption, nearly doubling the total natural gas requirement. Joan Ogden UC Davis We are already a net importer of natural gas!! Fuel Cell System Trends Compared with other Distributed Generation Technologies Electrical Generation Efficiency %LHV 70 Combined Cycle 60 Carbonate Fuel Cell Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 50 PAFC 40 Aero Gas Turbines PEM Fuel Cell 30 Industrial Gas Turbine 20 IC Engines Stirling Engine 10 Microturbines 0 1 10 Residential 100 Commercial 1,000 10,000 100,000 500,000 Industrial Size in kW Copyright 2005 Electric Power Research Institute,Inc All rights reserved Wholesale Sam Baldwin Chief Technology Officer Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy 36 Multijunction Concentrators Three-junction (2-terminal, monolithic) Two-junction (2-terminal, monolithic) Crystalline Si Cells Single crystal Multicrystalline Thin Si Thin Film Technologies Cu(In,Ga)Se2 CdTe Amorphous Si:H (stabilized) Emerging PV Westing- ARCO Dye cells house Organic cells 32 28 Efficiency (%) Best Research-Cell Efficiencies 24 20 16 (various technologies) 12 Monosolar 0 1975 Kodak Boeing RCA Japan Energy NREL Kodak UNSW Spire Georgia Tech Varian Georgia Tech Sharp ARCO University RCA of Maine RCA RCA RCA RCA 1980 Boeing AstroPower RCA Solarex UNSW NREL Cu(In,Ga)Se2 14x concentration NREL Euro-CIS Boeing Boeing Photon Energy UNSW NREL NREL University So. Florida Solarex UNSW UNSW UNSW Stanford Spire NREL/ Spectrolab NREL AstroPower NREL University of Lausanne United Solar Princeton 1990 Siemens University Linz UCSB Kodak NREL NREL University of Lausanne 1985 NREL United Solar AMETEK Masushita 4 Spectrolab No. Carolina State University Boeing 8 Spectrolab 1995 Cambridge 2000 ECN, The Netherlands UC Berkeley 2005 026587136 Bio-fuels & Hybrids in Transportation can eliminate our need for imported oil • We grow things better than any nation on earth • Biomass (corn, sugar cane and beets, sorgum, fruit, and many other waste products) are ideal feed stock. • Arguments over whether the life cycle net energy balance ratio for ethanol is less than or greater than one, are moot if biomass is converted using the sun’s energy, or waste heat from power plants. • CO2 is reduced by at least 30% using ethanol and more is adsorbed in growing the biomass. Horsepower and Gallons of Ethanol Req'd per Hybrid Vehicle Traveling 12K miles in a year 60.0 hp and fuel consumption •1.2 acres of corn yield enough ethanol (385 gal.) to run a full sized hybrid vehicle for 12K mi (the average driven during a year) at 50 mph. •385 m2 of solar collector operating @75% eff. In the SW for 4.4 hrs provides the energy needed to convert corn feedstock to 385 gal of ethanol to run that vehicle for a year. 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 40 50 60 Vehicle Speed in mph HP Req'd vs Speed Ethanol Fuel gal x 10-1 Ethanol Produced/Acre in gal x10-1 70 How Much Ethanol Does it Take to Run Half of all US Cars? • Less than 30 hp needed to maintain a car or light truck at 68 mph against aerodynamic drag and rolling friction; less than 9 hp to maintain it at 40 mph. • A 35 hp Ethanol fueled IC engine augmented by battery usage for acceleration with regenerative braking is adequate for hybrid full size family vehicles • to run 100 million hybrid cars for 12K miles at 50 mph on ethanol would take 385 gal. X100 X106 or 38.5 billion gallons of ethanol/yr. US today produces about 5 billion gal/yr of ethanol How Much Biomass and Land to Grow and Transform to Ethanol? • To grow if it all came from corn: – Corn Crop yield =122 bushels per acre, and 2.6 gal of ethanol/bushel or 317 gal of Ethanol per acre – 38.5 x 109 gal./317 gal./acre = 121million added acres planted in corn compared to about 85 million acres currently in corn for all purposes • To transform using solar energy – 100,000 acres or 156 sq mi. of solar collector operating 250 days per year @ 6 hrs per day at 75% efficiency transforms enough corn to ethanol for 100 million cars for 12 k miles at 50 mph – Includes all conversion steps: milling, cooking, saccharification, fermenting, distilling, and dehydrating • Can also transform using waste heat from electric generating power plants What Does Ethanol Cost? Ethanol Mythology and Reality • Ethanol takes more energy to make it than it delivers – Depends how you allocate energy cost to bi-products – The argument is moot since all the energy for production can be power plant waste heat or otherwise wasted incident solar radiation • Ethanol has lower energy content than gasoline so it is a poor fuel choice - 125,300 vs 79,000 btu/gal – Ethanol burns slower and more efficiently in an IC engine regaining almost half of the difference in energy content. • Ethanol costs much more per mile than gasoline – A gallon of Ethanol costs about 75% of gasoline in California - about the difference in mileage per gallon • Engines require redesign/modification to burn ethanol – Many engines in currently produced US cars are flexible fuel engines that can burn any blend from pure gasoline to at least 90% ethanol – Other fuel injection engines can be adapted at low cost. • Ethanol production and distribution cannot be increased rapidly – Existing gasoline distribution can be readily used for ethanol and production facilities can and will grow to meet demand 2nd Generation Hybrid Vehicle Proposed For Long Term • Uses 35 hp flex fuel engine to overcome drag and rolling friction and battery charging relying on battery power for acceleration at highway speeds as well as low speed operation. • Requires more batteries with high energy density, high surge current capability, and long cycle life. • Lithium Ion nanoelectrode battery technology appears most promising solution with potential for: – Many thousands of cycles with electrodes not susceptible to fatigue failure – High current capable, fast recharging – Good ruggedness and safety But not mature in required sizes for several years Biofueled Hybrids, Natural Gas and Nuclear Power Inexorably Linked • To be energy independent, natural gas fired power plants must eventually be replaced by nuclear or coal fired plants • Future fuel efficient hybrids depend on high energy density batteries - Lithium Ion technology. • The production and replentishment of such batteries for 100 million vehicles will increase electrical power generation demand • Is there enough Lithium? Is it safe enough? The st 21 Century Reemergence of Nuclear Power • • • • Improved nuclear power performance Global climate change and carbon emission constraints Increase in natural gas demand and costs Non-proliferation and arms reduction agreements require the consumption of fissile warhead materials • Advanced systems for economic, versatile, sustainable, minimal waste and proliferation resistant nuclear power plants Dr.Lawrence Papay Retired VP SAIC Current Status: A Dramatic Increase in Output Equal to 4 new Equal to 23 new 1,000-MW plants 1,000-MW plants 850,000 800,000 753,900 750,000 727,915 700,000 673,702 640,440 650,000 600,000 576,862 550,000 1990 1994 1998 1999 2000 2005 Dr.Lawrence Papay Retired VP SAIC 3 Obstacles to Increased Use of Nuclear Power • Fear about nuclear energy safety • The cost of siting, approval process, & building • The disposal of high level waste There are effective solutions to remove these obstacles A Safety Reliability and Cost Perspective • US Naval Reactor Program has produced and operated well over 100 >50MW output reactors with an impeccable safety record. Operated by 4-5 personnel per shift • The Keys: – Standard reactor designs and procedures – Excellent reactor school and training program – Streamlined regulatory processes • French commercial reactors used standard designs • By comparison most of US commercial reactors are one of a kind with widely different procedures • Lots of bugs worked out before potential was realized • Even so, the safety record including TMI is good. Nuclear Safety • Perspective: TMI and Chernobyl • Status Today Worldwide: 441 Reactors, 2574 terawatt hours 31 Reactors under construction (several more ordered) 17% of world’s electricity North America: 118 Reactors, 118 Gigawatts (103 in U.S. = 20% of electricity 15 in Canada = 12% of electricity) Dr.Lawrence Papay Retired VP SAIC Reducing The Cost of Siting, Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants • Standardization of plant design • Streamlining regulatory requirements and approval process for siting of nuclear power plants • Using the Naval Reactor model for standardization, design, construction, training and operating procedures • Rethinking the waste problem Nuclear Wastes • All nuclear fuel cycle waste (except HLW) has been safely and reliably disposed of through DOE and NRC regulations (milling, enrichment, fabrication) • Since 1982, US law ‘defines’ spent nuclear fuel as HLW, since reprocessing has not occurred since 1976 • Spent fuel is currently stored at >100 nuclear power plant sites with eventual storage/burial at Yucca Mt. • All nuclear electricity is taxed at 1 mill/kwhr for a HLW fund (>$20 billion) • HLW radiation exposure at disposal site less than natural background radiation levels in that region Dr.Lawrence Papay Retired VP SAIC Nuclear Proliferation: Myths and Realities • The US adopted a “once through” fuel cycle to minimize proliferation • In fact, the “unintended consequence” has been the development of fuel reprocessing elsewhere to meet nuclear fuel needs • The separation of uranium, actinides and fission products would reduce the requirements for long term geologic storage • Advanced fuel cycles take all of this into account Dr.Lawrence Papay Retired VP SAIC AFCI Approach to Spent Fuel Management Advanced, Proliferation-Resistant Recycling Spent Fuel From Commercial Plants Direct Disposal Advanced Separations Technologies LWR/ALWR/HTGR Conventional Reprocessing PUREX Spent Fuel Pu Uranium Gen IV Fuel Fabrication Gen IV Fast Reactors MOX + ADS Transmuter? LWRs/ALWRs Repository U and Pu Actinides Fission Products Once Through Fuel Cycle Interim Storage Less U and Pu (More Actinides Fission Products) Current European/Japanese Fuel Cycle Repository Trace U and Pu Trace Actinides Less Fission Products Advanced Proliferation Resistant Fuel Cycle Conclusions • Ever-increasing reliance on foreign energy supply is a real and growing threat to national security • The US can be energy independent within 10-15 years and radically reduce greenhouse emissions in the process • The solution seems straight forward: – Hybrid vehicles that use bio-fuels (ethanol and bio-diesel) for the transportation sector – Reliance on new nuclear plants for electric power generation with fuel reprocessing to reduce high level waste by 90% • We need to get on with it much more aggressively – A major PR campaign will be required The so called hydrogen economy is not a solution Policy Recommendations Sustainable Energy Independence is a National Imperative • US policy should mandate the following vehicle and fuel requirements: – All cars and light trucks sold after 2007 in the US to be flexible fuel capable. No exceptions, no excuses, no postponements – Pollution standards and mileage requirements that preclude noncommercial vehicles sold after 2010 other than hybrids that use flexible fuel plus batteries (or fuel cells) with all service stations required to pump at least 85% ethanol fuel in addition to petrol. – Eliminate corn subsidies and instead provide incentives for production of ethanol and other biofuels with a strategic reserve • Mandate a study -- overseen by the National Academies to provide, within one year, a national standard for new generation nuclear fired power plants and fuel reprocessing with training and operation based on the Naval reactor program. – A streamlined siting, construction approval, and regulatory process. – Immediate implementation of fuel reprocessing to reduce high level waste by 90% starting immediately and by 98-99% by 2015 – Retention of closed military bases adjacent to water for plant siting Back Up Data (See Note Pages) Hybrid Auto Horsepower Calculations (See Note Pages) Ethanol Fuel Usage per Auto (See Note Pages) Fuel Energy Content and Conversion Energy (See Note Pages) Key References How Ethanol is made – Western Plains Energy LLC Science Daily Article on Patzek/Pimentel New Study "The Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol: An Update", by Hosein Shapouri and James A. Duffield, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Energy Policy and New Uses, and Michael Wang of the Center for Transportation Research, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory. Agricultural Economic Report No. 813: "Corn ethanol is energy efficient... Various DOE EIA Reports including the 2005 World Energy Outlook Presentations at the 2 June 2005 NAE Regional Conference at Case Western Reserve on “Energy: A 21st Century Perspective”