UDL Overview presentation

Universal Design for Learning
Success for ALL
What is Universal Design?
Universal Design
Small group Carousel Activity – Creating
an Environment for ALL.
Carousel Debrief…
How many modifications were suggested?
Was it easy to generate accessibility ideas?
What were some of your group’s thought
processes when you were creating
Would it be easier to incorporate the ideas
generated when the building was built or to
go in and make alterations later?
Universal Design
Legislation Impacting Physical
What are some of the
drawbacks of retrofitting?
• Each retrofit solves only
one problem
• Retrofitting can be costly
• Many retrofits are UGLY!
Universal Design Defined…
the needs of the
broadest possible range of
users from the beginning”
Architect, Ron Mace
Universal Design Summarized
• It’s not one size fits all – but
• Designed from the beginning, not
added on later.
• Increases access opportunities
What does UD have to do with education
besides letting ALL students in the door?
What is Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) ?
UDL is an educational
approach to teaching,
learning, and
Questions: 1. What might Universal Design mean for
teaching, learning and assessment?
2. UD in buildings is about access and environment. Is
it the same or how might it be different in the learning
What does research say about
Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) ?
• UDL is… "scientifically valid framework for guiding
educational practice,"
• UDL facilitates the design and implementation of a
flexible, responsive curriculum, UDL offers options for
how information is presented, how students respond
or demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and how
students are engaged in learning.
• UDL implementation provides the opportunity for all
students to access, participate in, and progress in the
education curriculum by reducing barriers to
A building barrier might be stairs; a change made to
the building might be _______________.
A learning barrier might be a textbook; a change
made for learning might be_______________.
Pair up and plan a few…
A learning barrier might be ___________; a change
made for learning might be ______________.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Dr. David Rose
The Center for Applied Special
Technology (CAST) believes that…
“barriers to learning are not, in fact,
inherent in the capacities of learners,
but instead arise in learners'
interactions with inflexible
educational goals, materials,
methods, and assessments.”
Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age, p. vi
So what do we change?
What is Universal Design for
• UDL is not one size fits all – but IS
alternatives for everyone.
• UDL is not added on later – but IS
designed from the beginning.
• UDL is not access for some – but IS
access for everyone.
Collaboratively Defining UDL…
1. The timer is set for 3 minutes and each person in each group
writes their own definition of UDL on an index card.
2. When everyone has completed their definition, they pass their
card clockwise to the next person in their group.
3. The person who receives the index card underlines what they
feel are the most important words in the definition.
4. The cards are progressively passed, and words underlined
until they reach the original writer.
5. Then, the group uses the underlined words to create a unified
definition of UDL.
6. Finally, each group presents their definition to the large group.
Creating a Learning Environment
that Challenges and Engages All Students
Reflection Questions…
1. How can teachers at Sycamore
Middle School meet the
educational needs of all of their
2. To meet the needs of the widest
range of students, what should
teachers consider when planning
their instruction?
When does UDL play out?
• Before Instruction
• During Instruction
• After Instruction
Let’s play with UDL…
BEFORE instruction
• Get to know your students’
abilities, special needs, and
learning styles
• After reviewing standards,
determine learning needs
• Devise instructional
approaches to reach
greatest number of
• Recognize individual needs
of students
• Set curricular goals
• Determine learning
• Adapt methods and
materials to individual
student needs
• Select appropriate UDL
strategies, tools, and
features to adapt
Let’s play with UDL…
DURING instruction
• Differentiate instruction to
reach students on their
own levels
• Special educator and
general educator consult
with one another
• Use other methods and
ongoing feedback to adjust
• Use equitable, flexible,
accessible methods to fit
instruction to student
• Special educator and
general educator
collaborate to resolve
residual problems
• Use UDL features to
determine student progress
for feedback and to adjust
Let’s play with UDL…
AFTER instruction
• Employ ongoing or
alternate assessments to
determine progress, needs, • Make sure assessments
reflect UDL characteristics
and future direction of
• Assess continuously
through variety of formats
• Repeat planning cycle
to track student progress
• Adapt delivery of
instruction as needed
Large envelope
Lay out the 3 headings on your table:
 Before Instruction
 During Instruction
 After Instruction
Take the descriptors and put them in the
column you think best represents WHEN they
would occur.
What is wrong with this picture?
Where do you stand …with
• Meet the needs of the widest range of
students by reducing the number of barriers to
• Provide challenging, salient, and ageappropriate materials to students with a range
of abilities
• Allow students to learn in accordance with
their dominant learning preferences
• Create alternative ways for students to both
receive and deliver information
To Summarize UDL
Growing in a
Collaborative Climate
Anonymously write to these 2 prompts on two
paper strips, then fold and place the strips into 2
piles on your table:
1. What is one fear you have about
utilizing the UDL framework?
2. What is one thing that excites you about
Now, pull randomly from the piles and discuss
openly at your table.
Return to your Learning Logs…
Previous Prompts…
 How can teachers at Sycamore Middle School meet
the educational needs of all of their students?
 To meet the needs of the widest range of students,
what should teachers consider when planning their
With your new or refined understandings about
UDL, revise and add to your previous
What do we mean by Learning?
of information
WHAT …of learning
for expression
and action
HOW… of learning
Multiple means
of engagement
WHY… of learning
Connecting to 3 Principles of UDL…
WHAT? Principle 1
– Multiple Means of Representation – The educator
provides flexibility in the ways information is
HOW? Principle 2
– Multiple Means of Action & Expression – in the
ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge
and skills, and
WHY? Principle 3
– Multiple Means of Engagement – in the ways
students are engaged.
1. Take out a piece of paper,
put your name on it and
number 1-3.
2. Move all materials off your
work area.
3. Find a piece of paper to
cover your answers.
alternatives are
there for more
UDL friendly
Action and
Principle 2
Principle 3
Presenting information
and course content in
multiple formats so
that all students can
access it
Allowing students
alternatives to express
or demonstrate their
Stimulating students'
interests and
motivation for learning
in a variety of ways
• Provide alternatives
for accessing
information (e.g., visual,
• Provide or activate
background knowledge
in multiple ways (e.g.,
pre-teaching concepts,
using advanced
• Provide options for
responding (e.g.,
keyboard instead of pen
to complete a writing
• Provide options for
completing assignments
using different media
(e.g., text, speech, film,
Principle 1
• Provide options that
increase the relevance
and authenticity of
instructional activities
(e.g., using money to
teach math)
• Provide options that
encourage collaboration
and communication
(e.g., peer tutoring)
Principle 1
Educators present
information and course
content in multiple
formats so that all
students can access it
Action and Expression
Principle 2
Educators allow students
alternatives to express or
demonstrate their learning
Principle 3
Educators stimulate
students' interests and
motivation for learning in
a variety of ways
Physical action
Recruiting and interest
Language, expression
and symbols
Expression and
Sustaining effort and
Executive Function
UDL Guidelines 2.0
UDL Guidelines 2.0
The UDL Guidelines were designed to assist
anyone planning lessons or developing
curricula to…
1. Reduce barriers
2. Optimize levels of challenge and support
3. Meet the needs of ALL learners from the start
For More Information:
From Theory to Practice…
What does it look
like to
implement the
UDL framework
into my daily
Critiquing the model lesson
1. 3 people per group
2. Choose one of the model lessons.
3. Each person, looking through the lens of 1 UDL
principle, reads the model lesson.
4. Use the UDL Guidelines Checklist to critique the
lesson through the lens of your assigned UDL
5. Discuss with your group your observations of
the lesson relative to the UDL checkpoints.
6. Consider, what these checkpoints would they
look like implemented in one of your lessons?
UDL in Practice…
Grade 1
Grade 6
1. View the video and watch for UDL actions you
could try.
2. Reflect in your learning log on one practice that
appeals to you.
3. Share with your small group the practice you have
chosen and describe how it will benefit your
How do I apply the
UDL Guidelines in my lessons?
Use the UDL Guidelines to critique
your own lesson:
1. How many checkpoints are represented by
your lesson plan?
2. What’s the evidence?
3. What changes will you make to your lesson
plan ?
• MD
• Will it
work for
Digging Deeper through More Practice &
Implementation Opportunities
• Lesson
Will it work for Johnny?
Collaborate to decide if one of the analyzed
lessons will work for Johnny and/or the
other students described on the cards in
your envelope. After you choose a lesson,
read the student descriptions and consider:
• Will the lesson hold up?
• Why or why not ?
• What UDL changes could you make to reduce
barriers for these students ?
MD DOE Website
• http://marylandlearninglinks.org/1021
Lesson Plan - Peer Review
1. Exchange your revised lesson plan
with a partner
2. Peer review the lesson plan using
the UDL guidelines
3. Provide feedback, (2 strengths and 2
What technology tools can I use?
Top 4
UDL Websites
For More information on UDL…….
What online resources are available?
US Dept of Ed
Office of Special Education Programs
National Center on UDL
IRIS Center
So, what is UDL to you
Table groups craft a representation (pictorial,
demonstration, graphic) of your current/collective
concept of UDL to accompany your definition of
UDL. Time to leap of the Blooms Ladder; be
Be ready to
pop up and
answer the
#1 – What is UDL?
#2 – What students need AND benefit
from UDL?
#3 – What time do we start tomorrow?