AMERICAN REVOLUTION What Caused the American Revolution? MONEY! Taxation and Trade 13 colonies established for different purposes Each had own gov’t and rarely worked together Each had different economies, goals and needs By 1760 -1.5million colonists What Caused the American Revolution? Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy : 5 nations joined together. 1 leader observed that if the colonies worked together, much stronger What are some advantages and disadvantages to this idea? What Caused the American Revolution? Triangle trade- Merchants could only sell goods to Britain the opposite flow was illegal Colonies were economically dependent Protection British army British capture of New France-Threat gone American merchants British ships, American materials British first, American second What Caused the American Revolution? When Britain kept: taxation fair and trade duties low Out of colonial affairs Things seemed fine How was the coming revolution, revolutionary? Britain- Colony serves Britain’s needs Colonists- have right to make decisions Fighting British Empire??? A very BIG deal. Colonial Dissatisfaction because…. Their interests ignored and rights violated Britain gave land to F.N. too easily. The Royal Proclamation gave Ohio River land to F.N. Americans settlers wanted this land Colonial Dissatisfaction Because…. Rich Rule Sugar Act 1764 Sugar and by-products: molasses Then: Molasses had VERY high tax. Not enforced Easy to smuggle NOW: tax lower, Detailed records $$ -Molasses and rum increased Low-key protest by Boston merchants Colonial Dissatisfaction because… Stamp Act - 1765 Britain needed money after war with France British stamp for all goods and documents. Taxation without representation Tarred and feathered tax collectors This tax was a total disaster- repealed after 1 year Colonial Dissatisfaction because… Townshend Acts 1767 Revenue Act(1767): paint, paper, lead, glass, TEA Not for profit, for control Writs of assistance and search warrants- customs Vice Admiral Court Act(1768)- Courts without juries Punish smugglers Colonial Dissatisfaction because… Quartering Act(1765): “put up” soldiers in homes Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Custom’s House- taunting Added guards Citizens used snowballs and sticks Guards Reaction: gun fire 5 dead Colonial Dissatisfaction Boston Tea Party- 1773 Political Protest by “Son’s of Liberty” Disguised themselves Dumped off ships Why? Taxation without representation Consequences?? Intolerable Acts Colonial Dissatisfaction Because… The Intolerable Acts Boston Port Act Massachusetts Government Act Gov’t appointed. Meetings 1x/yr Administration of Justice Act British trials held in different colonies, or Britain Quartering Act- ramped up Colonial Dissatisfaction Because… Quebec Act 1774 French and Catholic Expanded Quebec borders Result: First Continental Congress 12 colonies (Georgia missing) Boycott goods, send petition Revolution led to independence Battle of Lexington And Concord Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of White Plains Battle of Trenton Battle of Saratoga Battle of Monmouth Battle of Kings Mountain Battle of Yorktown Battle of Quebec- 1775 Led by Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery Avoid British marching from north Failure solidified Canadian loyalty Montgomery died, Arnold wounded, 400 soldiers prisoner Declaring Independence Until 1776, no clear goal. What are we fighting for, specifically Constitutional Monarchy? Independent republic? Colonial Independence? Benjamin Thomas Jefferson and John Adams agreed on Republic Outlined goal in Declaration of Independence Did not end war Continued until 1781 Paved the way for Worker rights, Women rights Human rights (slavery) Ideals inspired French Revolution Changes to North America Britain fighting Spanish, Dutch, French, and US. 1783- signed agreements with all Agreed to acknowledge US as separate and sovereign Changes to North America Loyalists: 1/5 favoured British rule Patriots abused Loyalists ½ million black slaves Many signers had slaves 10’s of thousands fought/helped Britain British Loyalists brought slaves to Canada…disgusting abolitionists 3000 Black Loyalists moved to Nova Scotia: still represented today Changes to North America Nova Scotia Language would keep Quebec out of US ¾ of Nova Scotians- New Englanders Why not them? Halifax major British Naval port- wealthy merchants Privateers raided Massive economic damage Solidified British Loyalty Changes to North America Haudenosaunee Confederacy chose to stay Neutral Good relations with Sir William Johnson Joseph Brant- led Mohawk and Loyalists. 1783 Brant protested 1784 Mohawks given land along Grand River Treaty did not mention F.N. Brant and Confederacy, betrayed Changes to North America 1783 Britain builds up population First: Loyalists Colonies were small No unity French vs English Inland vs Coast Constitutional Act 1791 Upper and Lower Canada Upper-Ontario Protestant, English, British law Lower- Quebec Catholic, French, French law