History of The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. The Latina A.R.M.Y, Inc., (TLA - Accomplished Role models Motivating Young Latinas), a nonprofit 501c(3), was established in 2009 to support the positive life development of young Latina girls. Our mission is to celebrate and empower young Latinas by providing inspirational role models and introducing powerful life skills for personal excellence. Our goal at TLA is to improve outcomes for struggling, low-income, first and second generation Latina girls ages 12 to 18. TLA developed a two-session group program model, which was written by co-founders Dr. Carmen Marcano-Davis, a licensed clinical psychologist and Nancy Roldán Johnson, the organization’s creator and Executive Director. Program sessions were facilitated by a trained Latina A.R.M.Y. staff and/or volunteer role models and were generally held 6-8 weeks apart. Girls were engaged in exploratory discussions and activities in four main skill areas (JARS); Journaling thoughts and feelings, banishing negative thoughts - Affirmations, setting personal boundaries Rules, and Setting, planning and achieving goals. Over 1,000 girls have participated in TLA’s original program model, and demand for our workshops exceeded the capacity to provide workshops requested both regionally and nationally. “… always punctual and very professional [The Latina A.R.M.Y. volunteers] bring a powerful message to a captivated audience every time they present. …Many of the students are very willing to share stories and feelings due to an excitement these women are able to elicit in them. Many students cannot wait to return to the second session to share the successes they have had implementing what they have learned.”Dr. Francisco Soto, Assistant Principal at Hill Regional Career Magnet High School, New Haven, CT “Many of the staff don’t know Spanish or don’t understand the culture, so we have a hard time helping (the Latina students). They need to see that there are professional women out there who have come from different countries who have made it. Then they’ll believe that they can do it, too.”Lisa O’Leary ESL Teacher West Haven High School, CT The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. P.O. Box 713 Shelton, CT 06484 info@theLatinaArmy.org / www.TheLatinaArmy.org The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. P.O. Box 713 Shelton, CT 06484 info@theLatinaArmy.org / www.TheLatinaArmy.org 2 La Mariposa A Personal Empowerment Program for Adolescent Latinas THE LATINA A.R.M.Y., INC. INTRODUCES A NEW 12 WEEK PROGRAM FOR LATINA GIRLS AGES 12-18 LA MARIPOSA IS A CULTURALLY RELEVANT, GENDER RESPONSIVE AND TRAUMA INFORMED PROGRAM MODEL WITH A FRAMEWORK GROUNDED ON EVIDENCE BASED PRINCIPLES The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. P.O. Box 713 Shelton, CT 06484 info@theLatinaArmy.org / www.TheLatinaArmy.org La Mariposa: A Personal Empowerment Program for Adolescent Latinas Ages 12-18 Grant funding received from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Hispanics in Philanthropy Funders’ Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities made it possible for us to partner with experts in the field of effective gender-specific programming to evaluate our workshops and training methods and make program enhancements that result in positive outcomes for our participants. The original 2-session workshop program has been enhanced to include research-based elements of effective programming for girls, added cultural competency features, and additional sessions to ensure that girls fully learn the skills we are offering. It can be offered as an intervention or prevention program. The new model is twelve sessions and can be facilitated as an intervention or prevention program once per week for twelve weeks, or twice per week for six weeks. The new program model known as La Mariposa will teach girls valuable skills that will: Help girls develop healthy relationships with themselves, others and their community Provide girls with compassionate and culturally sensitive facilitators to share success stories and to listen to them Provide girls with an understanding of the value and importance of education in the development of their aspirations Develop personal empowerment abilities Reinforce a sense of pride and connection with Latina culture By engaging girls in twelve interactive workshop sessions, where facilitators teach personal empowerment skills (JARS – Journaling, Affirmations, Personal Rules and Setting Goals), girls will learn about the power within and the ways in which they can lead the direction of their lives. All workshops are facilitated in a relational, strengths-based, trauma informed and The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. P.O. Box 713 Shelton, CT 06484 info@theLatinaArmy.org / www.TheLatinaArmy.org 4 culturally competent manner. The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. P.O. Box 713 Shelton, CT 06484 info@theLatinaArmy.org / www.TheLatinaArmy.org 5 La Mariposa Twelve Week Curriculum Outline Session 1: Nuestro Mundo / Our World - Group Introduction Introduction To The Program Purpose, Leaders’ Story, Establishing Group Culture Session 2: Mi Mundo / My World - Journaling Introduction To Journaling and Gratitude Practice Session 3: Mi Vida / My Life Story of La Mariposa, Guided Visualization: Mi Vida en 5 Años / Me in 5 Years Session 4: Mi Futuro / My Future Development of A Vision Board and Sharing Presentation Session 5 Mi Verdad / My Truth - Affirmations Power of Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations Session 6: El Que Dirán/ What They Would Say – Personal Rules Messages in Girls’ Lives, Rewriting Messages, and Establishing Personal Rules Session 7: ¿Que Quiero Yo? / What do I Want? - Gender Roles & Wellness Practicing Personal Rules and Guided Meditation Session 8: Mi Realidad /My Reality Gender Role Expectations – Stomp it Out and Mi Verdad/My Truth Poem Session 9: En La Lucha / In The Struggle Arbol de Mi Vida /The Tree of Me Session 10: ¡Soluciones! / Finding Solutions! PODER Problem Solving Worksheet, Lavar Mis Manos/Wash My Hands Session 11: ¿Porque No Yo? / Why Not Me? –Setting Goals Career/Interest Survey and Mis Metas - Goal Setting Activity Session 12: ¡Si Se Puede! / I Can Do Anything! Practicing JARS, Mi Regalo – My Gift Sharing Activity, and Certificates & Celebration! The Latina A.R.M.Y. Inc. P.O. Box 713 Shelton, CT 06484 info@theLatinaArmy.org / www.TheLatinaArmy.org 6