Village Hall, The Street, Uley, Dursley, Glos. GL11 5AL Tel

Village Hall, The Street, Uley, Dursley, Glos. GL11 5AL
Tel: 07896587983 email:
Hello to all our parents and children, and welcome to Term 4.
A special welcome to Ruben Potts and his family, who will be joining us this term. We hope
you will enjoy your time with us and make lots of new friends!
The children had a great time in Term 3. Highlights include playing with ice blocks
(especially trying to get to the treasure inside!); feeding the local bird population with our
own bird feeders (one male blackbird has become a very regular visitor) and meeting
Tamsin and her furry friend Dormy the Dormouse from the Stroud Valleys Project. Do
look at the photographs in our big Planning Book.
This term Debbie and I will be focusing more on the Next Steps identified for each child
on her/his last assessment, but will also be providing lots of interesting activities and
resources for the children to explore:
Chinese New Year
(Year of the Goat)
 learn about family customs and how
to say “Happy New Year!” in Chinese
 explore the story of “The Three Billy
Goats Gruff” using role-play and
 make paper lanterns
 What is your favourite story?
World Book Day
5th March
School visit
12th March
Red Nose Day
13th March
 Who is your favourite
! ! Please arrive at the hall by 9.15am
Pay £1 and wear something funny!
Cake sale
I am sure many parents will join me in congratulating Debbie Brazier on her appointment as
our new Deputy Manager. Debbie has been a member of staff at Uley Under 5s for just
over two years now, and I look forward to working closely with her to expand the
playgroup and the opportunities offered to children. With this aim in mind, Debbie and I
will be participating in various training workshops over the next few weeks:
ECAT (Every Child a Talker):
Inspiring Creative Play:
to support speech and language development;
to get some fresh ideas for creative and challenging
Designated Safeguarding Lead: to ensure Debbie is aware of a Manager’s responsibilities
should she have to cover for me.
All of the above training courses are provided free for Early Years staff by
Gloucestershire County Council’s Early Years Team based at Shire Hall.
Our recent Open Day was a great success. It was lovely to see lots of families whose
children currently attend the playgroup, particularly dads who do not often have an
opportunity to visit. We now have over twenty children registered with the playgroup,
with five more expected to join us between now and the end of May. Our next Open Day
will be held on Saturday, 13th June from 9 – 12, so please spread the word!
Due to our growing numbers, we are currently advertising for a third member of staff to
work on Thursday and Friday mornings. He or she must hold at least a Level 3 qualification
in child care, and be available to start after Easter. Our lovely, hard-working volunteer
Hattie Lewis-Jones has accepted our offer of a temporary contract to work on Thursday
and Friday mornings until she moves to Cardiff at the end of March. We are also
advertising for bank staff to provide cover for staff illness. Again, applicants must hold
at least a Level 3 child care.
However, we would not be able to function without funds, so a big thank you to our fundraising officer Rachel Davidson plus all the parents, staff and members of the committee
who have supported recent fund-raising efforts. The recent bag packing/bucket shaking
at Sainsbury’s raised over £165, but this could have been even higher with a few more
volunteers to cover all the check-outs. There are more fund-raising events in the pipeline:
a joint Easter activity with the FUS for children during the last week of term, and a Race
night plus hog roast at the Uley Village Hall on Saturday 18th April at 7.30pm. If you can
help in any way please get in touch with Rachel ( or go along to
the next fund-raising meeting on Wednesday, 1st April at 8pm in the Old Crown, Uley.
Ted Collett, chair of the Village Hall Management Committee, is appealing for volunteers
(particularly dads!) to help strip the village hall kitchen on the 18th and 19th July in
preparation for its refurbishment. The playgroup has received a huge amount of support
from the local community, and this would be a wonderful way to say thank you. If you can
help even if only for an hour, please contact Ted at
We are very short of spare clothing for boys aged 3 - 4, particularly trousers, and would
be very grateful for any donations.
Please try to collect children at 1pm prompt (or 3pm on Thursday afternoons). Staff and
volunteers have to clear the hall by 1.30pm (or 3.30pm on Thursdays) and this is always a
race against the clock!
If providing grapes for snack or your child’s lunch, we would appreciate it if you could cut
them in half lengthwise.
Please avoid providing your child with foods containing nuts or fish.
Finally, don’t forget to bring:
A piece of fruit for snack
A favourite toy or book for “Show and Tell”
A change of clothes (plus nappies and wipes if applicable)
Wellies and a warm coat
Thank you!
School visit (please arrive at the hall by 9.15am)
Red Nose Day (£1 donation to wear something funny / cake sale)
Last day of Term 4
Fund raising meeting, Old Crown, Uley
First day of Term 5
Race Night and hog roast in aid of Uley Under 5s, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Uley Under 5s Open Day, Village Hall, 9 – 1pm