Teacher: Leah Olivas School: Carlsbad Intermediate School 8th

Teacher: Leah Olivas
School: Carlsbad Intermediate School
8th Grade Pre AP and General Science
Unit Plan: Interactions of Life with Matter and Energy
Unit Plan Title: Matter and Energy in Relation to Organisms and the Environment
Unit Plan Questions:
How do the structures of living things effect interactions with matter and energy?
What is the relationship between living things and the environment?
How are traits passed to the next generation?
How do cells use or capture energy?
How does energy flow through an ecosystem?
Essential Questions:
What are the functions of inorganic substances in the human body?
What are the functions of organic substances in the human body?
How does the body’s organization enable it to function?
How are nutrients processed in the body?
How does the body transport and process oxygen and wastes?
How does the body transport and process oxygen and wastes?
How does the body coordinate movement and respond to stimuli?
How do feedback mechanisms help maintain homeostasis?
How can you describe an ecosystem?
In what ways do living organisms interact?
How do population changes affect ecosystems?
How does energy move through an ecosystem?
How does matter move through an ecosystem?
In what ways do humans affect ecosystems?
What can humans do to protect ecosystems and their resources?
What is energy?
What are potential and kinetic energy?
How is energy related to work?
What are different forms of energy?
What is the law of conservation of energy?
How does friction affect energy transformations?
How are different types of energy used?
What are nonrenewable energy resources?
What are renewable energy resources?
Why is it important to conserve energy?
DOK Questions:
How is energy categorized?
How is the movement of energy in an ecosystem explained by transformation?
How will the use of nonrenewable resources affect the future?
How is the movement of matter in living things and ecosystems explained and distinguished?
Investigate the difference between potential and kinetic energy, how does it change?
Explain how energy is conserved?
What responsibilities do humans have in the balance of matter and energy moving through ecosystems and organisms?
Content Questions:
How do living organisms use energy?
How do living organisms use matter?
How is energy transformed from one form to another?
What energy transformations are found in ecosystems?
How to organisms transform energy?
How do organisms inherit traits?
What is the chemical make-up of DNA?
How is energy conserved?
What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?
How do plant cells make energy?
What is the difference between animal and plant cells?
How is matter transferred through ecosystems?
Unit Summary:
This unit will explore the interaction of matter and energy in organisms and their ecosystems. Living organisms are made up of
molecules such as DNA. DNA contains the genetic material of organisms and directs cellular functions. Animal and plant cells are the
beginning of the transfer of energy through organisms and ecosystems. Organisms are organized from cells to systems that preform
specialized functions. Plant cells and animal cells transfer energy to an organism through different process. Plant cells are able to capture
energy from the sun and store it chemically. All cells and organisms are made up of chemicals. The chemicals and chemical reactions
involved in life can be affected by changes in the ecosystem. The flow of energy through an ecosystem will change if the processes of cells
are interrupted by changes in the environment.
Common Core State Standards Addressed:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are
used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.
NM Standards and Benchmarks Addressed: Understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next and how species evolve. Understand that living organisms are made mostly of molecules consisting of a limited number of elements (e.g.,
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen). Identify DNA as the chemical compound involved in heredity in living organisms. Describe the widespread role of carbon in the chemistry of living systems. Understand the structure of organisms and the function of cells in living systems. Describe how cells use chemical energy obtained from food to conduct cellular functions (i.e., respiration). Explain that photosynthesis in green plants captures the energy from the sun and stores it chemically. Describe how chemical substances can influence cellular activity (e.g., pH). Explain that photosynthesis in green plants captures the energy from the sun and stores it chemically. Describe how energy flows through ecosystems (e.g., sunlight, green plants, food for animals). Explain how a change in the flow of energy can impact an ecosystem (e.g., the amount of sunlight available for plant
growth, global climate change).
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
I will explain how traits are passed to offspring.
I will identify the chemical compounds in DNA.
I will use the structure of DNA to explain reproduction and transcription.
I will label and explain the role of carbon in the chemistry of macromolecules needed for organisms to carry out functions.
I will explain how cells use chemical energy to obtain food to carry out functions.
I will identify the effects of pH on cellular functions.
I will explain the process of photosynthesis and how plants capture and use energy from the sun.
I will label and explain how energy flows through an ecosystem.
I will identify processes that limit or stop the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
Week 1
(1/11 to
Week 2
(1/18 to
Week 3
(1/25 to
Quick Write:
How do
reactions affect
the human body
and cells?
What are the
chemicals that
make up DNA?
are used for
Kahoot over
organization of
cells and
vocabulary in
DNA Structure
models, Video
of DNA to
RNA, polymer
Chapter 5
Lesson 1,
Vocab and
Power point
with clickers
Student designed power
point over the
organization of cells to
conduct cellular
functions, Webquest
macromolecules for
cellular functions/student
designed Power Point
over macromolecules
Exit Ticket: Draw a
DNA nucleotide,
Mastery Manager
Online quiz
Cell Models,
Energy transfer
through cells,
tissues, organs
and organ
models, United
Video: Cells
Chapter 5
Lesson 2, Acids
and Bases
Acid and Base Lab, Power
Point with clicker tags
over body systems and
feedback, Identify the
effect of pH on cellular
functions worksheet
Exit Tickets: Label
an animal cell,
structure of
systems, identify
the pH of acids
and bases,
Mastery Manager
Online quiz
Order the
classification of
vocabulary in
Chapter 6
Label and
explore how
Lesson 1
organisms are
Video: The
of Living
Label the parts
Chapter 6
of a plant cell,
Lesson 2
diagram the
energy in
balance and
identify the
formula of
Power Point with clicker
tags over ecosystems and
the classification of
Exit Tickets:
Identify the parts
of an ecosystem,
The order of
Mastery Manager
Online Quiz
Power point with clicker
tags over the flow of
energy through an
ecosystem and plant
cells, Web Quest Cell
Exit Tickets: Draw
and label a plant
cell, write, balance
and identify the
chemical formula
of photosynthesis,
Mastery Manager
Online Quiz
Week 4
Label the flow
(2/1 to 2/5) of energy
through an
vocabulary in
Pre-AP Extension:
Week 1: Chapter 19 Section 1-4 Physical Science Textbook, Notes, Power Point Lecture and Mastery
Manager Online quiz
Week 2: Chapter 23 Section 1 & 4 , Chapter 22 Section 1-3, Notes, Power Point Lecture and Mastery
Manager Online quiz
Week 3: Chapter 8 Section 1-4, Notes, Power Point Lecture and Mastery Manager Online quiz
Week 4: Geothermal Cycles and Earth Processes.
Approximate Time Needed: 4 weeks
Prerequisite Skills:
Interactive Journal or Binder Sections from previous lessons
Computer skills to run applets
Group discussion procedures
Materials and Resources Needed:
Science Books
Copies of Resources
Computer Lab for Virtual Labs and WebQuests
Lab Equipment for Energy and DNA Labs
Paper for Posters and Foldables
Accommodations and Differentiation:
The unit will be accommodated and differentiated for the students in each individual class. The accommodations and
differentiations listed below include all students.
Reduced number of questions
Chunked questions
Directions read aloud
Repeat/rephrase instructions
Recorded books
Hands-on experiments
Study/Work Aids:
Interactive notebook with highlighted sections
Additional time to complete assignments
Visual examples with lecture
Classroom Organization and Management:
Preferential seating
Consistent expectations and consequences
Frequent feedback
Assess to Technology:
Overhead Projector
Computer with printer
• Follow one-step oral commands/instructions Reading
• Match content–related objects/pictures to words • Identify common symbols, signs, and words Writing
• Draw content-related pictures • Label pictures and graphs • Create vocabulary/concept cards Beginning
• Follow multi-step oral commands/instructions • Classify/sort content-related visuals per oral descriptions • Sequence visuals per oral directions • Identify information on charts or tables based on oral statements Reading
• Find information from text structure (e.g., titles, graphs, glossary) • Follow text read aloud (e.g., tapes, teacher, paired-readings) • Use pre-taught vocabulary (e.g., word banks) to complete simple sentences Writing
• Extend “sentence starters” with original ideas
• Respond to yes/no, choice, and some WH- questions
• Categorize content- based examples from oral directions • Match main ideas of familiar text read aloud to visuals • Use learning strategies described orally • Identify everyday examples of content-based concepts described orally Reading
• Use context clues • Make predictions based on illustrated text • Answer questions about explicit information in texts Writing
• Explain steps in problem- solving • Compare/contrast information, events, characters • Give opinions, preferences, and reactions along with reasons Expanding
• Identify main ideas and details of oral discourse • Complete content-related tasks or assignments based on oral discourse • Apply learning strategies to new situations Reading
• Identify specific language of different genres and informational texts
• Use an array of strategies (e.g., skim and scan for information)
• Justify ideas • Produce content-related reports • Use details/examples to support ideas • Paraphrase or summarize text • Take notes (e.g., for research) Bridging
• Use oral information to accomplish grade-level tasks • Make inferences from grade-level text read aloud Reading
• Differentiate and apply multiple meanings of words/ phrases • Apply strategies to new situations • Infer meaning from modified grade-level text • Critique material and support argument Writing
• Produce research reports using multiple sources/ citations Gifted/Challenge/Enrichment:
DNA Enrichment Exploration
Student designed Power Points
Lab Extensions for real world applications
Choice Board for assignments after instruction
Flexible grouping after pre-assessments
Visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic
Individualized feedback
Peer helpers
Open-ended prior knowledge questions
Student Assessments:
Exit Tickets
Student created Power Points
Quiz for each section
Unit Test