EXHIBIT E BEXLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 6-8 PROPOSAL* Maryland Town Hall Meeting December 1, 2015 What does research say about school configurations? There is no definitive answer on the most effective grade configuration. The quality of the school and instruction is more important than the grade configuration. Leadership, classroom teachers, and instructional strategies have the greatest impact on student success. Transitions may have a negative impact on students. The longer students stay in one school, the more relationships they form with teachers and other adults which increases the likelihood of success. (CCSD, 2009) Turning Points 2000 design Involve parents and community in supporting learning and development Provide a safe and healthy environment Staff schools with teachers that are experts on middle level students Teach a grounded curriculum Use instructional methods that prepare all students to achieve high standards Organize relationships for learning Govern democratically, involving all school staff members (Valentine, 2006) What Does the Data Say? Building Name District Name County Grade Span Performance Index Score 2013-14 Letter Grade of Overall Value-Added Karrer MS Dublin City Franklin 6-8 112.726 A Grizzell MS Dublin City Franklin 6-8 111.79 A Berkshire MS Olentangy Local Delaware 6-8 109.649 A Hyatts MS Olentangy Local Delaware 6-8 109.576 A Larry Larson MS Grandview Heights Franklin 6-8 109.258 A Liberty MS Olentangy Local Delaware 6-8 108.671 A Shanahan MS Olentangy Local Delaware 6-8 108.6 A Granville MS Granville EV Licking 7-8 108.484 C Hastings MS Upper Arlington City Franklin 6-8 108.125 A Jones MS Upper Arlington City Franklin 6-8 107.87 A Bexley MS Bexley City Franklin 7-8 107.574 A Ranking of 6-8 and 7-8 schools in Delaware, Franklin & Licking counties based on 2013-14 Performance Index. When compared to all counties, Bexley MS ranks #32 BCSD Strategic Priorities #1 Instructional and Extracurricular Programs: The Bexley City School District will maintain comprehensive instructional and extracurricular programs to ensure that students are successful in an internationally connected and changing world. All of Bexley City Schools’ programs will be programs of distinction. #2 Social/Emotional Development: The Bexley City School District will create learning environments to support the social and emotional health of its community members. We will care for ourselves, others and the environment through individual and collective efforts. #3 Readiness for Lifelong Learning: The Bexley City School District will provide instructional and extracurricular programs to ensure that all students grow, acquiring the necessary skills to thrive as they make transitions in school and in life in the 21st century. #4 Professional Development #5 Technology #6 Facilities Why are we looking at a change? • Priority 1 & 3: Instructional and Extracurricular Programs, Readiness for Lifelong Learning More instructional time (+15 days) Increased opportunities in language and music Teacher’s ability to specialize = more rigorous content Focused Health and Design classes Ability to serve diverse needs in larger groups (economy of scale) Why are we looking at a change? • Priority 2: Social/Emotional Development Young adolescents experience an environment focused on their specific needs - Staff with training/desire to work with this age group - Health classes dedicated to their concerns Better transitions - Students have a year get used to BMS before athletics begins - Bexley “transition years” more spread out - BMS staff get to know students better (3 years vs.2) Social/Emotional Development…. #2 in our priorities, but #1 in our hearts. It starts before they walk in the door… • April Visit to MS - All students visit for a ½ day to become familiar with the building and staff. • Classroom Guidance Lessons - Mrs. Louys visits each classroom to share about the middle school and gather questions/ concerns that students might have. On a second visit she responds to the questions that students have or address other topics as needed. Social/Emotional Development…. #2 in our priorities, but #1 in our hearts. Current Guidance Service: • Full-Time Counselor, Mrs. Louys - Available to meet with students and parents as needed - Integral part of Response to Intervention team that identifies and seeks to resolve barriers to student success • Director of Student and Community Engagement - Ms. Smith works with students, families, and staff to identify how we can make school a positive and productive place for all. • College and Career Planning - Mrs. Louys meets with all 8th graders to explore their interests and options for post secondary. - She helps with their HS schedules so they can accomplish their goals. • Depression Awareness and Suicide Prevention - Nationwide Children’s Hospital program provided • On-Site Mental Health Professional - Available to counsel students and families needing mental health or substance abuse services that are beyond the school’s scope. Social/Emotional Development…. #2 in our priorities, but #1 in our hearts. WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) – Trains staff and peer mentors (8th grade) strategic and intentional actions to create a structure where 6th graders get the necessary support to successfully navigate this transition and start their middle school experience on a positive note. Shanahan Middle School, Lewis Center, Ohio • 20% reduction in 6th grade absences • 37% reduction in 6th grade disciplinary referrals • 54% reduction in 6th grade D’s and F’s (BoomerangProject.com) Social/Emotional Development…. #2 in our priorities, but #1 in our hearts. Homeroom – A mixed HR assignment, with 6th , 7th and 8th graders getting to know each other and interact in supervised space provides opportunities for students to know and trust each other. A teacher would keep the same students for all three years which would allow for a sustained and meaningful adult involved in their lives. Staggered Start (17-18) – 8th grade students would not attend class on the first day of school (except mentors) to allow 6th and 7th grade students to acclimate to the building and allow us to offer programming unique to them and their needs. Academy Days – The first 1-2 days of school are set aside to focus on transition and organization. Classroom teachers give mini-lessons on how to be successful in their subject, how to login and use technology resources, what resources are available to them, etc. Health Class – All students would take a 12 week Health/ PE course taught by a certified teacher. Our curriculum has always revolved around healthy choices at an age appropriate level. Social/Emotional Development…. #2 in our priorities, but #1 in our hearts. The mission of BMS is to educate the middle level child for academic excellence, developing informed, responsible, respectful, and productive citizens. Community & Service Days 7th Grade • October: Reflection on the start of school/ Goal setting • Spring: On-site with a focus on raising awareness and support for South Sudan 8th Grade • October: Community Tour • Spring: Off-site service opportunities art local charitable organizations Social/Emotional Development…. #2 in our priorities, but #1 in our hearts. (I’m)agine 2.0 – We would review, revamp, and implement the next iteration of our home grown advisory program. Staffing Plan Goals: Maintain our current quality of programming Align staff strengths with student needs Current Middle School staff 9 sixth grade teachers (+0 FTE)1 Not all staff new to BMS will be assigned to 6th grade Minimum of one intervention teacher2 Professional development to begin 2016-17 MS Involved in hiring of potential staff in 2015-16 Timeline provides time to identify high quality staff 1. Posted for internal applicants first 2. Dependent on IEP needs Staffing Plan Enrollment Current4 2017-18 4th 199 162 5th 163 162 6th 165 199 7th 181 163 8th 182 165 Middle School 363 527 6th Grade 17-18 MS 15-16 Projected MS 17-18 9.01 12.8 20.0 Design -.- 1.0 1.8 Art 0.5 1.0 1.4 General Music 0.5 0.8 1.2 Health/ PE 0.5 1.0 1.8 Spanish 0.25 1.4 2.4 French -.- 1.0 2.4 Intervention 1.0 4.0 5.02 Title 1 -.- 1.0 1.0 Orchestra 0.15 0.4 0.6 Band 0.15 0.4 0.6 Choir -.- 0.2 0.4 0.11 1.0 1.5 ELA, Math, SS, Sci Counselor Total Aide 1. Based on current 4th grade staffing 2.Minimum, dependent on IEP needs 3. Dependent on student needs 4. As of October 1, 2015 6. Actual reductions depend on multiple unknown factors Secretary 40.1 +1.9 FTE5 38.2 ? 1.2 1.23 NA 1.5 2.0 Student Plan Proposed implementation SY 2017-18 (current 4th grade class) 2/3 of student body will be new to BMS Separate graduations for 5th and 6th grades to maintain traditions Work with 5th grade students/ teachers to ease transition Work with 6th grade students/ teachers to ease transition Host evening tours for students/ parents Host multiple dates for student visits to MS to help students feel comfortable (either by grade or by school) District/ Building resources such as Leisan Smith & Katie Loveless to overcome non-academic barriers Utilize structures that will support the unique needs of 6th graders entering MS (mentoring program) Adoption of Standards Based Grade Card in 2017-18 Lunch time Make use of new cafeteria design 6th grade eat first, then activity period 7/8th grade have activity period first, then eat Closed lunch for 6th grade What will the student day look like? Current Schedule: Home Room 7 - 50 min periods 30 min lunch 30 min activity/ intervention period Benefits to alternative schedule: Current Start End Increased flexibility with facilities 7:54 3:15 Start time consistent with research Alternative 1 8:48 4:19 Alternative 2 ? ? Ease of congestion at Cassingham Complex Allow MS siblings to help with Elementary drop off Morning arrival after sunrise First Floor Physical Ed Design Health Lab Lab Library Lab 8 MS Office Cafeteria 8 8 8 8 6 Second Floor 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 8 7 Lang Lang 6 7 7 7 Lang 7 7 Lab Lang Lang Art Wing Next Steps Town Hall meetings at each elementary school for parent input (winter 2015-16) Email surveys to K-12 parents in the district for input (Late Winter 2016) Surveys for 4-12 students in the district (Late Winter 2016) Ongoing input and refinement from staff Findings and recommendations to BOE (Spring 2016) Resources • 2013-14 Local Report Card Building Data. (2014, September 25). Retrieved from http://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/Pages/Download-Data.aspx • Bedard, K., & Do, C. (2005). Are middle schools more effective? The impact of school structure on student outcomes. Journal of Human Resources. 40, (3), 660-682. • Carolan, B., & Chesky, N. (2012). The relationship among grade configuration, school attachment, and achievement. Middle School Journal, 43, (4), 32-39. • Caskey, M., & Anfara, Jr., V.A. (2014). Developmental Characteristics of Young Adolescents. Retrieved from https://www.amle.org/BrowsebyTopic/WhatsNew/WNDet/TabId/270/ArtMID/888/ArticleID/455/Developm ental-Characteristics-of-Young-Adolescents.aspx • Cook, P.J., MacCoun, R., Muschkin, C., & Vigdor, J. (2008). The negative impacts of starting middle school in sixth grade. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27, (1), 104–121. • McEwin, C., & Greene, M. (2011). The status of programs and practices in america’s middle schools: Results from two national studies. Westerville, Ohio: Association for Middle Level Education. Resources • Research on School Configuration. (2009, October 27). Retrieved from http://www.ccsdut.org/about.cfm?subpage=3482 • Rockoff, J.E., & Lockwood, B.B. (2011). Stuck in the middle: Impacts of grade configuration in public schools. Journal of Public Economics, (94), 1051-1061. • This we believe: Keys to educating young adolescents. (2010). Westerville, Ohio: Association for Middle Level Education. • Valentine, J., & Goodman, M. (2006, March 18). Turning points 2000 recommendations and student achievement: A statewide study provides insight into best practices. Lecture presented at Annual Convention, Reno. • Williams, T., Kirst, M., Haertel, E., et al. (2010). Gaining ground in the middle grades: Why some schools do better. Mountain View, CA: EdSource. • WWC quick review of the article: “The negative impacts of starting middle school in sixth grade”. (2008). Retrieved from http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/pdf/quick_reviews/sixthgrademiddle_060308.pdf