Romeo and Juliet - Kenton County Schools

Midterm Exam 2010
100 Multiple Choice Questions
You will need a pencil. The exam will be on a scantron
This exam is 10% of your final grade
Covers all major material covered in the first semester
Exam Schedule:
December 15th – 1nd and 4th
December 16th –2nd and 5th
December 17th- 3rd and 6th
Exam periods will be 85 minutes long. If you are absent the day of an exam, you will get
a zero on the exam. You need to make arrangements to stay after school within the first
two weeks of the semester. Failure to make up exams in that time period will result in
the exam score remaining a zero.
Part I. Lit Terms
____________________ a character that changes throughout the story
____________________ a character with few traits, one readers do no know a lot about
____________________ a character with many traits, one readers know a lot about
____________________ action that leads to the climax
____________________ events that lead from the climax to the resolution
____________________ one who opposes the main character in a story
____________________ the end of the central conflict
____________________ the highest point of action in the story, the turning point
____________________ the main character in the story
____________________ the setting, characters and basic situation
____________________ where the central conflict begins
_____________________ a comparison using the words like or as
_____________________ a conflict outside the self
_____________________ a story that mocks or makes fun of a serious subject
_____________________ a story with double meaning
_____________________ an all knowing narrator who knows the thoughts of one person
_____________________ clues that suggest something is going to happen in a story
_____________________ giving human qualities to non-human things
_____________________ sarcasm
_____________________ something happens different than what is expected
_____________________ the “I” narrator
_____________________ when the audience knows something characters do not
_____________________a comparison that does not use the words like or as
_____________________an all knowing narrator who knows the thoughts of all people
_____________________an extreme exaggeration
_____________________repetition of a beginning consonant sound in a line of poetry
_____________________repetition of a consonant sound not at the beginning in a line of
_____________________repetition of a vowel sound in a line of poetry
_____________________something that stands for something else
_____________________the message in a story
____________________a character that does not change throughout the story
____________________a conflict inside the self
____________________events the occur after the conflict is resolved; an epilogue
Word Bank:
dramatic irony
first person
inciting incident
falling action
internal Conflict
round character
third person limited
third person omniscient
rising action
rising action
external conflict
flat character
dynamic character
verbal irony
static character
situational irony
Part III: Short Story Review
Federigo’s Falcon
In the story Federigo’s Falcon, Federigo is in ________________ with Monna Giovanni, so much
so that he loses a lot of his _______________ and is forced to live in on a small farm in
_________________. Monna has to go see Federigo, because her _____________ is ill and
has one request. He wants Federigo’s most prized possession, his _________________.
Federigo is very happy to see Monna, but has nothing to prepare for her to _________. After
searching his home, he decides to serve up his ________________. Once Monna asks, Federigo
explains what he did. He served up the _________________ to impress her. Monna was
thankful for the gesture, but sad because now her son would ___________. Eventually Monna’s
brothers thought it would be good for Monna to remarry. Monna chose to marry
______________ because he was a ________________ without riches and loved her very
The Necklace
The Necklace is a story set in _______________. It is about a woman, Mathilde Loisel who
dreams of being ________________. One day her husband comes home with an invitation to a
party. Mathilde does not want to go, because she has nothing to _________. Her husband, who
was saving money for a ____________ gave her the money. She buys a dress, but then complains,
she has no _____________, so she borrows a ___________ from an old schoolmate Jeanne
Forstier. Mathilde goes to the party, dances and rushes out the door when it is time to leave. When
she gets home, she realizes that she has _____________ the necklace. After looking for it all
night, they make plans to _____________ a new necklace. They go to the jeweler who tells them
that he only sold them the _____________. The Loisel’s work for _______years to pay off the
necklace. Later, Mathilde sees her friend and tells her about the troubles they have faced and what
they have been through. Mathilde learns from her friend that the necklace she borrowed for the
dance was a ___________.
Shakespeare Two Truths and a Lie
In each groups, you will find three statements, identify which of the statements is a lie and correct it.
1. The Capulet’s and Montague’s are the two families in Romeo and Juliet.
The Capulets are richer than the Montague’s
The Montague’s have a son named Romeo.
2. Romeo and Juliet is an original work, not borrowed from any other source
Romeo and Juliet was written in 1596
Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona Italy.
3. Shakespeare invented over 2000 words
Shakespeare’s plays are the plots of many contemporary movies, for example
Hamlet is similar to Beauty and the Beast
Romeo and Juliet are #9 on the list of most influential people who never lived.
4. King James finalized the bible in 1610
Shakespeare left a fact in the new testament of the bible
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
5. Like Kabuki, men performed all the roles in Shakespeare plays
Women were allowed on stage in 1662.
It is bad luck to say “Othello” in the theatre.
6. The Globe Theatre was rebuilt in 1993.
The Quakers shut down the theatre in 1642.
The Globe was one of several theatres in London during the Renaissance.
7. The groundlings stood in front of the stage.
The Globe Theatre burned down during a production of Henry V
The Globe no electricity, scenery or sets
8. The Master of Revels was in charge of censoring plays
The Theatre used flags to advertise what plays were being performed.
Shakespeare wrote two types of plays, comedies and histories
9. Christopher Marlowe was the leading playwright in England
Marlowe was a Catholic, which might be why he was killed
Marlowe was mentioned in one of Shakespeare’s plays
10. Bacon was a politician, scientist and politician
Delia Bacon sought to prove Bacon was the real Shakespeare
Bacon was not a concealed poet.
11. Dramatic Foil are characters that are the same
Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the other characters do not
A tragedy is when the main characters die and are victims of fate.
12. Shakespeare is buried in Poet’s Corner in London
Shakespeare wrote his will months before he died
Shakespeare has a curse on his grave
13. Shakespeare was part of Lord Chamberlain’s Men
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets
Romeo and Juliet was written in 1496
14. Shakespeare son died, so did his line
Shakespeare married Mary Arden
Shakespeare had three children
15. The bubonic plague is spread through humans
The bubonic plague spread through Stratford shortly after Shakespeare was born
The bubonic plague killed thousands of people
16. Shakespeare’s parents were Mary Arden and John Shakespeare
Shakespeare was one of 3 children
Shakespeare’s father was a glover
17. Man’s nature was determined by the proportion of hot, dry, cold and moist
Inanimate objects were the most important things on earth
School consisted of seven subjects
18. There were more than 5 million people in England at Shakespeare’s time
The area was mostly wooded and rural
The chief industry was agriculture
19. Henry VIII wanted a male heir, and divorced wife Catherine of Argon
Henry’s second wife Anne, had a son, Edward
Henry VIII established the Protestant Church of England
20. Bloody Mary killed Catholics in England
Elizabeth I was a Protestant
The Puritans left and came back stricter Protestants
In Animal Farm, Orwell uses lots of examples of propaganda in Animal Farm.
Listed below are SEVERAL examples. Identify the techniques used. Note: there
may be more than one answer!
_________________1. Old Major identifies the humans as the enemy.
_________________2. Old Major promises life will be better if they overthrow the humans.
_________________3. Old Major teaches them a simple, easy to remember song “Beast of
The pigs persuade the other animals to agree with the principles of
_________________5. The pigs tell animals they should work for the rebellion, even if they
are long gone and never see the rebellion
_________________6. Mollie is told that ribbons are a badge of slavery.
_________________7. Animals create a flag for Animal Farm.
_________________8. The hens, sheep and ducks memorize “Four Legs good, two legs bad”
_________________9. Squealer tells the animals it is scientifically proven that pigs need
milk and apples to stay healthy.
_________________10. Squealer tells the animals that if they fail in their duty, Jones will
come back.
_________________11. Pilkington and Frederick exaggerate stories about what is happening
at Animal Farm.
_________________12. “Vote for Snowball for a three day work week” or “Vote for Napoleon
for a full manger.”
_________________13. Squealer and the dogs explain why Napoleon had to get rid of
_________________14. Squealer tells the animals their memories are at fault and suggest
this is probably due to lies spread by Snowball.
_________________15. Squealer convinces them there could never be a rule against beds
because even hay is considered a bed, the rule was against sheets.
_________________16. Napoleon blames Snowball for ruining the windmill and “discovers”
his footprints leaving the farm
_________________17. Napoleon does not want the humans to see animals are starving. He
fills up the storage bins with sand and then covers it with food.
_________________18. Napoleon executes the animals that have been working with
Snowball or refuse to follow his orders.
_________________19. Squealer tells the animals that Snowball was in cahoots with
_________________20. Squealer tells the story of Napoleon’s bravery during the battle of
_________________21. Napoleon says he pretended to be friendly with Pilkington to get
Frederick to raise his price.
Squealer tells the animals that the Battle of The Windmill was a
_________________23. Squealer overwhelms the animals with an endless list of “facts”
which they cannot disprove
_________________24. Napoleon revises his story about Cowshed. Saying Napoleon was a
villain and the wounds on Snowballs back were inflicted by
_________________25. Moses tells stories of Sugar Candy mountain.
Ad hominem
Ad Nauseum
Analysis of fact
Appeal to fear
black and white fallacy
Celebrity endorsement
Direct order
emotional appeal
expert witness
glittering generalities
Intentional vagueness
Quotes out of context
Common Man
Appeal to authority
beautiful people
Demonizing the enemy
logical reasoning
obtain disapproval
name calling
Red herring
Virtue Word
Allegory Review
Russian Revolution
Match Russian Revolution people to their description
____ 1.
Czar Nicholas II
____ 2.
Joseph Stalin
____ 3.
Karl Marx
____ 4.
____ 5.
Leon Trotsky
____ 6.
____ 7.
Vladimir Lenin
Cared for power; did not follow Marx’s
b. Co-leader of October Revolution; chased
away by KGB
c. forced support for Stalin
d. Founder of Bolshevik Party; body on
e. Inventor of Communism, died before
f. Poor leader, abdicated his power.
g. Russian newspaper; propagandized
Character Identification
Match the characters to their description
____ 8.
____ 9.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
Old Major
____ 16.
Mr. Jones
Animal Farm Characters
Now, match the characters with their Russian
Revolution counterparts
____ 17.
____ 18.
9 Puppies
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
Mr. Jones
____ 23.
____ 24.
Old Major
Pig who envisioned an animal rebellion
drunken farmer
intelligent pig; learned war tactics
old, cynical donkey; unchanged by
e. persuasive pig
f. physically imposing pig
g. strong, hardworking cart horse
h. tame raven; Jones’ pet
i. vain, selfish white mare
____ 25.
____ 26.
Citizens who opposed revolution
Czar Nicholas II
Highly devoted Stalin supporters
Josef Stalin
Karl Marx
Leon Trotsky
i. Skeptical citizens
Main Events
Match Russian Revolution event to event in Animal Farm
____ 1.
1864: Karl Marx holds Communist Internationale in London
____ 2.
1883: Karl Marx dies
____ 3.
1917: February Revolution removes Czar Nicholas II from power
____ 4.
1918: Civil War of 1918; white forces try to remove red forces (led by Trotsky)
from power
____ 5.
1922: Soviet Union formally established
____ 6.
1924-1927: Stalin outmaneuvers Trotsky and gains command of the Soviet Union
____ 7.
1928: Stalin announces his first five year plan
____ 8.
1933: Stalin announces his second five year plan
____ 9.
1934: The “Great Purges” and show trails take place; force confessions and executions of
millions of people.
____ 10.
1939: Stalin and Hitler sign a secret peace treaty (the German-Soviet Non
____ 11.
1941: Hitler invades Russia in Operation Barbarossa; Russians eventually run the
troops out.
____ 12.
1943: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill meet to discuss lasting peace after the war.
a. Frederick and his men attack Animal Farm and destroy the windmill; the animals fight
back and successfully regain control of Animal Farm
b. Jones and his men attempt to take the farm back at the Battle of the Cowshed, but
Snowball leads the animals to victory.
c. Napoleon and neighboring farmers meet in the farmhouse to discuss how they will learn
from one another.
d. Napoleon announces that they will build the windmill
e. Napoleon announces that they will rebuild the windmill (and eventually other structures)
f. Napoleon begins opposing Snowball on everything (windmill, defense of the farm) and
eventually uses his dogs to run him off Animal Farm
g. Napoleon has all animals meet together and proceeds to have the dogs kill animals for
crimes they admit to committing
h. Napoleon sells the timber to Frederick; the animals thought it was going to Pilkington,
but Napoleon says he arranged the sale in secret.
i. Old Major dies
j. Old Major has all animals meet in the barn; he discusses his idea of an animal rebellion
k. The animals break into the feed shed after Jones forgets to feed them; Jones and his men
attack, but the animals run him out.
l. The farm is renamed Animal Farm and they create a flag.
Mythology Notes
Mt. Olympus
Part I. Fill in the blank and identify. Use the word bank listed above for help.
1. A hero is often born of ________________ birth.
2. All heroes have a tragic _____________, an error or defect that leads to their
3. An epic also contains the statement of the ________________.
4. An epic begins with the invocation of the ________________.
5. In an epic, the hero is ___________________, that is they learned something.
6. In an epic, the hero is often called the _____________hero.
7. In myths and epics, the god’s _________________ in human affairs.
8. In the eyes of the gods, ______________ was the worst offense.
9. The gods lived atop _____________________.
10. Identify four essential elements of mythology
Part III. Match
a. king of the gods, thunderstorms
b. hearth, home, community
c. underworld
d. love
e. fire, craftspeople, artisans
f. the moon, hunting
g. messenger, trade, thieves
h. queen of the gods, marriage
i. sea, earthquakes, horses
j. wisdom, practical arts, war
k. war
l.. sun, music, poetry, prophecy
Part IV. The Trojan War and The Odyssey. Fill in the blanks
The Trojan War begins when ______________ chooses ________________ over
Hera and Athena in a contest between the gods. This winning goddess, promises him
the most beautiful girl in the world, ___________ of Sparta. At the time, she is
promised and married to King Menelaus. As time grew, Menelaus and his wife trusted
their new friend, but he ended up deceiving them taking her away and beginning the
Trojan War.
On the side of the Greeks, was __________________ a boy who was protected at
birth when he was dipped in the river Styx, well except for his ____________ which
he ended up dying from an infection in that part of his body. On the side of the Trojans,
was ___________ who ended up dying when he was wearing ____________ armor
and he knew there was a small opening to kill him. Ultimately, the Greeks defeated the
Trojans when __________________ came up with an idea to “surrender” and give
the Trojans the gift of a _________________. Once wheeled into the city and the
Trojans were convinced they won, the Greeks jumped out and ________________
and defeated the Trojans by tricking them.
The Odyssey begins as Odyssey makes his way to his home _______________ after
the Trojan War. On their way home, they encounter many obstacles, including
________________ a one-eyed monster and son of Poseidon. Odysseus and his men
___________ him and escape his cave. They also fought off the ____________,
who tried to lure sailors with beautiful songs, but Odysseus outsmarted them. For years,
they ended up staying with ___________ a beautiful woman who promised Odysseus
that he would live forever if she stayed with him. However, Odysseus knew that he must
get home to his wife ______________ who was awaiting his return by weaving a
funeral tapestry during the day and unweaving it at night to avoid remarrying.
Eventually, after losing all of his men, he finds kindness in King Alcinous, who sends
Odysseus to his home. When he arrives, he sees his son __________________ for
the first time since he was a baby. They devise a plan with the help of the goddess
___________________ to destroy the suitors. Disguised as a ______________
he returns to his home and his wife has set up a challenge, to string the bow of Odysseus
and shoot it through twelve ax handles. Odysseus, in disguise, is allowed to have chance
is successful and he and his son __________________ the suitors.
Steps of the Hero
____ The Call to Adventure
____ Apotheosis
____Atonement with the Father
____Crossing the first threshold
____Freedom to live
____Magic Flight
____Master of Two Worlds
____Refusal of the Call
____Refusal to Return
____Rescue from Without
____Supernatural Aid
____The Belly of the Whale
____The meeting with the goddess
____The road of trials
____The ultimate Boon
____Woman as Temptress
A separation from the heroes known world and self.
A series of test, trials, ordeals
Achievement of a goal/quest
After the call, the hero refuses
Balance between material and spiritual
Living in the moment. anticipating, no regrets.
Once committed to the journey, a helper appears.
Temptations that lead the hero away from the quest.
The confrontation with whatever holds power in the hero’s life.
The experience of unconditional love that may or may not be a woman.
The forces that bring the hero back to everyday life.
The god-like state or period of peace.
The point when a person is first given notice everything is going to change.
The point when they leave for the adventure, venturing into the unknown.
The refusal to return to a normal life.
When the hero must escape with the boon.
When the hero must retain the wisdom gained and return to human life.
Romeo and Juliet
Line numbers may not be exact depending on the book used. Be sure and check the
general area given.
2. Servant of the Capulets; he and Gregory
inadvertently renew the feud.
3. In Roman mythology, she is the goddess
of dawn. "But all so soon as the all-
1. Juliet's family name.
4. The prince substituted this
punishment for that of Romeo's
death, provided Romeo was not
cheering sun / Should in the farthest East
begin to draw / The shady curtains from
_____________'s bed" (I.i.125-27 or
5. A person who makes and sells medicine
and drugs; Romeo obtained a vial of
poison from such a person.
10. Name of the friar who was unable to
deliver Friar Laurence's message to
11. Adjective used in the Prologue to
described the ill-fated Romeo and Juliet.
12. When Lord Capulet sees Juliet in her
death-like sleep, he says that Paris will not
be her groom because Juliet has married
_______________. (IV.iv.35-40 or IV.V
13. Juliet's age.
16. Mercutio calls Tybalt the Prince of
17. Romeo and Juliet is one of the greatest
_____________ stories.
20. The tragic heroine of the play.
21. In mythology, the child of Hyperion; the
sun god; term for any one of the race of
giant deities overthrown by the Olympian
gods. "And flecked darkness llike a
drunkard reels / From forth day's path and
___________'s burning wheels" (II.iii.3-4).
24. Number of days of action in the play.
25. Romeo's friend and relative of Prince
Escalus; he engages in a duel when
Romeo refuses to respond to insults; he is
killed in this duel.
27. A form of address used for a man
indicating familiarity and contempt;
frequently used by Elizabethans. "Ah,
______________, by my fay, it waxes
late" (I.v.125).
28. Town to which Romeo flees to avoid the
death penalty.
31. Nephew of Lord Montague and good
friend of Romeo. He attempts to stop the
caught in Verona; term for being
exiled from one's home country; a
6. A bitter, prolonged quarrel between
families; there was a ___________
between the Capulets and
7. "That which we call a ___________
/ By any other name would smell as
sweet" (II.ii.43-44 or II.ii.42-43).
8. Romeo's servant who brings to him
the news of Juliet's (apparent)
9. Protagonist of the play.
12. Gold coin used by Romeo to buy
the poison.
14. A young count and relative of the
Prince; Capulet orders Juliet to
marry him or to leave the
household; Romeo is forced to kill
him at the Capulet tomb.
15. an oath used to express anger or
surprise; an altered form of the
oath "God's wounds." Mercutio
says it after he has been stabbed
18. City in northeastern Italy; primary
setting of the play.
19. Confidant of Romeo; friar who
marries Romeo and Juliet.
22. Nephew of Capulet's wife; rash and
impetuous; kills Mercutio in a duel;
Romeo kills him in a duel to avenge
23. Young girl Romeo believes he
loves before he meets Juliet.
25. Romeo's family name.
26. Word that means prayers. Juliet
uses it when she asks her nurse to
leave her alone the night before
she is to marry Paris (IV.iii.3).
29. An insulting gesture is to bite one's
________________. Sampson
renewal of the feud. His name means
does this and begins the quarrel
good will.
with the Montague servants.
32. Form of poetry popular in Elizabethan
30. "For never was a story of more
literature. Shakespeare uses it often, and
___________ / Than this of Juliet
he uses at Romeo and Juliet's first
and her Romeo" (V.iii.309).
33. "Good night, good night! Parting is
34. A formal fight between two persons armed
such sweet ________________, /
with deadly weapons to defend one's
That I shall say good night till it be
honor or to settle a dispute.
morrow" (II.ii.184-85 or II.ii.183184).
37. Juliet's confidant; old woman who has
cared for Juliet since her birth.
35. Songbird; bird that sings at break of
day; when Romeo is preparing to
38. Type of pet that Juliet wishes she could
leave for exile, he and Juliet debate
make of Romeo and thus keep him near
whether the bird they hear is this
her. (see II.ii.77-78).
type or a nightingale.
39. Prince of Verona.
36. Queen of the fairies described at
length by Mercutio in Act I, scene