to read - Jordan crouch

Bloomington Normal Area Home Builders
Association Home Show
Marketing Research Project Report
Report prepared for:
● Lisa O’Brien Kohn, Executive Officer, Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association
● Mike Moews, President, Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association
Prepared by:
Jordan Crouch
Jessica Fulkerson
Mark Gilchrese
Joe Ranieri
MKT 232
Horace Melton
Illinois State University
Marketing Research
College Of Business
Illinois State University
470 S. University St.
Normal, Illinois 61790
April 27, 2015
Lisa O’Brien Kohn & Mike Moews
Bloomington-Normal Home Builders Association
1713 Tullamore Ave # B
Bloomington, IL 61704
Dear Ms. Kohn & Mr. Moews,
As you’ve requested in your proposal, we have completed the marketing report
analyzing the vendor and attendee data from your annual home show. The findings of the
analysis are included in this report. Around 200 attendee surveys and 40 vendor surveys were
completed and turned into us.
The methods of how we compiled the data and analyzed are also included in our report.
We utilized the statistical tool IBM SPSS to analyze the data. Through the data analysis, we are
confident that we have valuable insights on the research objectives discussed during the
beginning of this research project. We believe our findings will give you a greater understanding
of the attendees’ demographic and input on the home show, and what the vendors think of the
home show as well.
If you need further assistance or information, feel free to contact us. We will be more
than happy to help. We hope you are satisfied with our report. Thank you for the opportunity to
assist you in this research project and we wish your business the best of luck going forward.
Jordan Crouch, Jessica Fulkerson, Mark Gilchrese, & Joe Ranieri
Table of Contents:
Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………….4-5
History of the Bloomington Normal Area Home Builders Association……………...6-7
Bloomington-Normal Demographics...………………………………………………7
Home Show………………....………………………………………………………..7-8
Significance of Home Shows………………………………………………………....8
Closing Statement……………………………………………………………………………22
Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………………..31
List of Illustrations
A. Map Illustrating Location of Attendees………………………………………………..11
B. Chart of What Attendees Liked………………………………………………………..14
C. Chart of What Attendees Disliked……………………………………………………..14
D. Chart of Suggestions for Improvement from Attendees……………………………….15
E. Map Illustrating Location of Vendors………………………………………………….18
With change of venues and declining attendance for the Bloomington-Normal Home
Builders Association’s annual home show, it is important to gain a better understanding of the
attendees and vendors participating at the show. Some of our research objectives included 1)
attendee’s purpose in attending the show 2) how the attendee heard about the show 3) the
demographics of attendees 4) vendor’s purpose in participating in the show 4) vendor evaluation
of home show facilities and 5) attendee and vendor’s suggestions for improvement.
Our class developed two comprehensive surveys - one for attendees and another for
vendors. Vendors were sent the survey via email in the week following the home show. We
received 43 completed vendor surveys. We had students attend the home show and hand out
surveys to attendees throughout the weekend. We had 203 completed attendee surveys.
We had a lot of data to analyze. The research paper will discuss all the findings, but some
preliminary results we found was the median age of attendees was 51-60 and had an annual
household yearly income of $100,001 - $150,000. This tells us they are older individuals
attending the show and have the income to purchase home related goods. We also found that
most attendees heard about the home show through radio and word of mouth. Vendors were
satisfied that the home show moved back to the Interstate Center, but were dissatisfied with some
aspects, including the announcer over the PA system.
Our biggest recommendation we have involves the advertising for the home show. Since
radio was how most attendees heard about the show, we suggest continuing using this outlet.
However, other advertising efforts could be scaled back since the next most common answer was
word of mouth. We recommend utilizing social media to promote the home show to the younger
The purpose of this study is to determine the reasons why attendance for the
Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association Home Show has declined in the past
years. This study is to give us the factors involved with the dwindling attendance by hearing
from attendees and vendors associated with the home show and how to address those factors to
drive attendance back up.
A major problem that is believed to be the cause of the lower attendance is the change of
venue from the Interstate Center to the US Cellular Coliseum. The Interstate Center was the
home for the home show for many years before switching to the US Cellular Coliseum. With the
difficult layout and parking troubles, attendance took a substantial hit. With the home show
being back to the Interstate Center, we are going to study the factors involving attendance and
this change in location will give us the opportunity to bring attendance back up.
The first objective of our study is to determine the demographics of those attending the
home show. This will give us a better understanding of who attends the show and how to target
to those people for future home shows.
The second objective is to study how the people attending the home show heard about the
home show. This will give us important information to see which home show marketing efforts
are most effective and what is driving people to attend the show.
The third objective is to see the purpose of why the attendees came to the home show.
This will give us a better understanding of what aspects the attendees are looking to see at the
home show, whether it is for bathroom related products, or pool related products. This will also
help the home show utilize vendors based on the attendee’s main purpose of attending the show.
For example, if most attendees selected interior design as the main purpose of attending the
show, the home association could have more interior design companies participate and have
them at prime locations at the Interstate Center.
The fourth objective of our study is to obtain feedback on what attendees like and dislike
about the home show. This will help us realize what should continue to be done or discontinue to
keep attendee satisfaction high.
The fifth objective is to study satisfaction among vendors attending the home show.
Vendor attendance at the home show is a substantial part of the Bloomington-Normal Home
Builders Association’s profit and it is important to keep those vendors happy. We will be asking
their satisfaction with factors such as access to electricity, Wi-Fi, and their overall satisfaction
with the event.
The sixth objective is to find areas of improvement or suggestions from both the
attendees and vendors, so future home shows can be enhanced.
Bloomington-Normal Home Builders Association
The National Home Builders Association or (NAHB) was founded in 1942 to promote
the policies to make housing a national priority. The foundation services more than 140,000
members who assist in creating quality homes for affordable prices. The vision of the association
is to show how housing and housing services are the strength of America. The BloomingtonNormal Areas Home Builders Association (BNAHBA) is the local chapter of NAHB
organization and it has brought the NAHB’s vision to the central Illinois area by supporting
people searching for homes and people planning to do home improvement since 1965. Members
of the BNAHBA receive many benefits such as: being informed immediately about any code
changes that could affect member’s company business, Muddy Boots Lunches, which is a
luncheon for members that offer educational subjects about the industry as well as an excellent
networking opportunity as many industry members attend the event, a discount of $100 per
booth at the “home show,” as well as first selection of booth space two weeks in advance of the
show. Member company websites are showcased on the BNAHBA website. Anyone who visits
BNAHBA website will be able to navigate to member’s website by clicking on the link.
Bloomington-Normal Demographics
Through the United States Census Bureau, we were able to gather information in regards
to the demographics of the Bloomington-Normal area. The Census claims that the estimated
population of Bloomington as of July 1, 2013 is 78,902 and the estimated population of Normal
as of July 1, 2013 is 54,664. This leads to a total area population of 133,566. Claimed on April 1,
2010 Bloomington has a total of 34,339 housing units and Normal has 18,816 housing units
equaling a total of 53,155 housing units. The median household income measured between 20092013 in Bloomington was $61,664 and $53,720 in Normal.
Home Show
The home show is an event where BNAHBA members and other companies bring their
most impressive products and services and showcase them in alluring booths. The booths are
10x10 spaces with many members having multiples booths to accommodate all the creative
products and services each member has to offer. The home show offers other benefits besides the
booths. There is a drywall repair seminar for people who want to learn how to repair walls.
Plaster Man, who has been doing drywall for 33 years, conducts the seminar. Other do-ityourself seminars are available for those interested such as: kitchen and bath designs with new
trends as the focus, how to lay tile and new tile trends, and also painting and stain techniques. All
of these seminars are available throughout the entire weekend of the home show. The
Bloomington-Normal Area Home Show took place March 6th from 5pm-9pm, March 7th from
10am-6pm and March 8th, 2015 from 10am-4pm. The BNAHBA promotes the home show
through the use of billboards, flyers, and radio ads. They also use social media to promote the
event through Facebook.
Significance of Home Shows
It is predicted that homeowners will spend about 3 percent more on fixing their home in
2015 than they did in 2014. A home show will be the showcase of those home improvement
projects and products. It is also predicted that the sale of single-family homes will go up by 26%
from 2015 to 2025, which is a very promising number for the housing industry. The desire for
homeowners to live in the suburbs is now higher than ever. According to a NAHB poll, 66% of
millennials said they would prefer to live in the suburbs, a major area where the housing industry
is strong. It clearly looks like the housing industry is continuing to grow and the power of home
shows give options to consumers to purchase and improve upon their homes.
It is important to study the problem at hand and come up with data on the Bloomington
Normal Home Builders Association home show. Therefore, we created two different surveys to
give to the two main groups involved with the home show - vendors and attendees. We decided
the list of research objectives we wanted to cover in the surveys. The main issue was the
declining attendance and change of venue. We then researched background information on
BNHABA and home building as an industry. This exploratory research gave us vital information
on the opportunities and problems that may be involved with this case.
The list of vendors is already determined so we emailed a copy of the survey a week
following the home show. This survey asked the vendor satisfaction level with factors such as
electricity, layout, availability of Wi-Fi, and more. This will help us see what the organization
can work on for future home shows. We then asked for the vendor’s overall satisfaction with the
home show. Vendor satisfaction is key and it is important for them to be happy with the home
We then created a survey for the attendees to give out during the home show weekend of
March 6th to March 8th. We strategically placed our surveys towards the end of the floor so
attendees can walk through all exhibits at the show. The placement of the surveys is very
important so people will complete them, but also see everything the home show offers. There
was an incentive for attendees to complete the survey through the form of the raffling of four $50
Visa gift cards.
In the weeks following when we emailed the vendors with the survey information, we
followed up with any vendors who have not submitted the survey in order to increase accuracy in
the survey by getting more responses.
After getting all the data, we compiled all the responses and code them into an excel
document before transferring it to the statistical tool, IBM SPSS. The coding will basically be
having numerical figures to go into each response category which will make it easier to analyze
the data. SPSS will help us compile and make sense of the data. We then found patterns in the
data and start to answer the research objectives listed in our proposal.
Upon completing the analysis of the data, we then created a research paper showing our
findings, and recommendations for the Bloomington-Normal Home Builders Association and
present our project to the client.
The timetable for this study was to turn the proposal to the client by February 13th. We
compiled the necessary data at the home show and the week after the home show. The collection
and analyzing of the data was ready in a report form and we presented our findings for the client
on April 27th.
The budget for this study was $200 in order to raffle off the four $50 Visa gift cards for
attendees who complete the survey.
The first data we analyzed was the attendee surveys. We had all the responses on an
SPSS file. From there, we took all the responses minus the “how likely you are to purchase
products from vendors” and the “overall, how satisfied you are with the home show”, and went
to descriptive statistics on SPSS and selected frequency distribution.
The primary reason why attendees were at the home show was for kitchen and bath
remodel. SPSS gave us the valid percentage breakdown of what respondents said their purpose
was in attending the show. Kitchen and bath remodel had the highest valid percent with 40.1%
selecting this option. Windows and doors and garden landscape both had the second highest
valid percent of 25.2%. Write in questions under the other section included, roofing, insulation,
and just looking.
We did the same thing for the question whether attendees owned their own home. The
valid percent for this option was 94.5% of respondents selecting yes.
Our biggest research objective was to determine how attendees found out about the home
show. Newspaper had the highest valid percent with 55.2% of respondents selecting this option.
The next highest valid percent was radio with 26.3%.
The next research objective was to determine the basic demographics of attendees. 81.7%
of respondents selected they were attending the home show with family/friends. 57.7% of
attendees were female and 76.6% of respondents were married. Below is the region of where
attendees are from.
A. Map Illustrating Location of Attendees
For the ordinal scaled questions, which are questions that are ranked, using the median
response to determine the most typical response is needed rather than the valid percent. The
median response for the attendees’ household income was between $100,001 and $150,000 with
a valid percent of 19.1%. The median response for their general age range was between 51-60
with a valid percent of 30.6%.
The median response for how long attendees have lived in their home was 6-10 years,
and the median response for how old their home is was over 20 years.
The median response for the attendees’ budget for their home improvement projects was
between $5,000 and $10,000. The median response for how soon they are planning on starting
their home project was 3-6 months from the time of the home show.
A few question on the survey asked respondents to give open ended questions about what
they liked about the Home Show, what they didn’t like about the Home Show, and
improvements they would make to the Home Show. Because these questions required short
answers instead of fill in the blank type responses, we separated the responses into categories.
For the question asking what did people like most about the Home Show, responses were
categorized into vendors, location, presentation, and other activities. The vendor category
contains all responses where vendors specifically are being mentioned as well as their displays,
and ease of access. The most common response was that people were happy about the variety of
vendors. The location category contains responses that includes location specifically, parking
and available space. The most prominent response was that people liked that the show was at the
Interstate Center. The presentation category contains responses that include floor plan, flow of
the show and the appearance of the booths. Other activates include responses that do not fall into
one of the aforementioned. The other category mainly featured drawings, prizes, and activities
for children. The drawings were the most popular response in this category.
For the question asking what did people not like about the home show, responses were
categorized into vendors, location, giveaways, no response and other. The vendor category
includes responses mentioning vendors. Too many, not enough and different variety of vendors
were the bulk of the responses. The location category includes parking, crowdedness of the
venue, and flooring complaints. Out of these three, parking was the biggest problems people had
with the location. Giveaways included all of the different drawings vendors and others wanted
attendees to participate in. This particular survey giveaway was not a major deterrent. Most of
responders were referring to other giveaways going on at the show. The other categories includes
responses not falling into any of these categories with more popular responses being the
ventilation, food varieties, and admission.
For the improvements question, responses were separated into positive suggestions,
location/ admission, variety/ activities, miscellaneous and no response, Positive suggestions
category includes responses that gave praise to things responders liked with many wanting the
location to stay at the Interstate Center. The location/admission category includes responses
where people make suggestions about what they wish the location had specifically more space
and more parking. Also many suggested lowering the admission price. The variety/ activities
category includes responses about more activities and variety of booths responders wanted to
see. Majority of responders wanted to see less roofing booths and more kitchen and interior
design booths. The miscellaneous category includes responses mainly about changing the
ventilation. Multiple responders stated the venue was too hot. The category also entails responses
that do not fit in any of the other three categories.
What Attendees Liked
Other activities
No response
A. Chart of What Attendees Liked
5% Givaways
change nothing
other activities
no response
B. Chart of What Attendees Disliked
Suggestions for Change
positive reinforcement
location/ admission
no resonse
C. Attendees Suggestions for Change
The second data we analyzed was the vendor surveys from the SPSS files. All questions
excluding ones that rated expectations of sales and leads and satisfaction of attendance, location,
participation, and various Interstate Center features were analyzed by first selecting descriptive
statistics and then selecting frequency distribution.
First, we asked the vendors what their primary role was at the Home Show. A majority of
were commercial businesses selling home related products or services with the highest valid
percent of 78.6%
Then, vendors were asked how many people were from their business or organization
were at the Home Show booth, the highest responses were from 2-4 people with valid
percentages 16.7%, 14.3%, 14.3%, respectively.
Most vendors were at the Home Show to sell a product or service with the highest valid
percent of 85.7% Some of the different types of products and services being sold included home
remodeling, landscaping and lawn care, home and auto insurance, HVAC work, basement
dewatering, and home organizing systems, just to name a few.
When vendors were asked how they would prefer to receive future information about the
Home Show, the majority selected email with a percent of 95.2%. The second choice would be
traditional mail with a percent of 26.2%.
The next question asked was the length of time vendors had been participating at the
Home Show. A majority of vendors have been involved for 9 or more years with valid percent of
56.1%. The second highest response was 2-5 years with a valid percent of 22%
As for the ordinal scaled questions, vendors were asked to rate a number of questions
from the survey on a scale of 1-10, 10 being extremely satisfied and 1 being extremely
dissatisfied. Vendors were first asked to rate the support process for the Home Show with
various aspects including the registration process, communication with the support staff prior to
the show, booth layout, booth location, booth size, loading and unloading process, booth setup
and teardown process, and the event staff at the show. All across the board, the highest valid
percent for all of these questions was under “extremely satisfied”.
The median response when asked to rate satisfaction with attendance at the Home Show,
vendors were mostly to extremely satisfied with a mean of 8.48.
The median response regarding the satisfaction of the location of the Home Show, a
majority of the vendors were extremely satisfied with a mean of 9.57.
Next, vendors were asked to rate their satisfaction of various features at the Interstate
Center such as parking, WiFi access, access to power outlets, access to water, lighting, and sound
system. Vendors were mostly satisfied with parking, access to power outlets, access to water and
lighting with a mean responses of 8.60, 8.89, 8.27, and 8.95, respectively. The mean response for
the WiFi access and sound system was somewhat neutral with a mean of 6.66.
The mean response when asked to rate the satisfaction of participation of the Home
Show, vendors were mostly to extremely satisfied with a choice of 8.81.
We found it to be very important to breakdown where the vendors are coming from in
relation to the home show and the distance being traveled is much farther than we had expected.
The farthest anyone is traveling from the North is 79 miles (1 hour and 23 minutes), the farthest
distance from the South anyone is traveling is 82 miles (1 hour and 19 minutes), the farthest
distance from the East anyone is traveling is 53 miles (54 minutes), and the farthest distance
from West anyone is traveling is 67 miles (1 hour and 12 minutes). Knowing this information is
quite exciting because it shows us the exact radius in which the home show is working with in
terms of marketing and advertising. From what the client has told us, most of the marketing is
done around the Bloomington-Normal area, and by networking. After learning how far vendors
are traveling to promote their business at this show, we believe it is time for the vendor to
expand their horizons
E. Map Illustrating Location of Vendors
Expectation for Leads Generated
F. Chart Comparing Vendors Expectations for Leads Generated
Expectation for Amount of Sales
G. Chart Comparing Vendors Expectations for Amount of Sales
The next two things we would like to analyze are the vendors expected leads generated
and the expectations for amount of sales. We gathered this information by asking two simple
interval scale questions: “The home show met my expectations for number of leads generated”
and “The home show met my expectations for the amount of sales”. The vendors were then
given a scale of 1-10 and asked to choose one number to represent their expectations met. After
analyzing the vendor’s answers to these two questions, it is evident that the home show met
expectations relatively well for both leads and sales generated. For leads generated there were 6
vendors who did not answer so we conducted analysis with 36 total vendors and for sales 8
vendors did not answer so we used 34 vendors total for sales. Looking at leads the most popular
answers were 7 and 10, both at 9 vendors each. The expectation for leads generated leads to a
mean of 7.19, meaning that the average rating for leads generated at the Home Show was around
a 7. On this scale of 1-10 the majority of vendors believed that the home show met their
expectations for leads generated very well all the way to exactly what they expected. We believe
that this is incredible work done by the home show. The have the majority of expectations met is
incredible information to utilize for future promotions. In order to meet the expectations for
those who chose 1-4 (7 vendors) there are a number of factors to consider. They might have been
some of the vendors who did not promote the home show themselves, their booth might have
been in a poor location, or their sales associates were not skilled. All of these are a bit difficult
for the home show to control.
In regards to sales met, expectations were not met as well but the majority was still in the
5-10 range. Specifically, the mean for amount of sales was a rating of 6.74. The most frequent
answer was 6 out of 10 (7 vendors) and 10 out of 10 was one behind that (6 vendors). Increasing
sales is another difficult thing for the home show to work on. Sales are really set on the vendor’s
skill themselves not so much how the home show is set up. We believe that signs are another
great way for the home show to attract attention to booths but in regards to actually generating
more sales, it is really on the vendors to do that.
Our findings tell us that the demographics of those attending the home show are in the
older age range and have a comfortable income. The higher income tells us these individuals can
afford home repair. We recommend when advertising the home show to reach these individuals
because they are the ones actually attending the event. We also recommend rebranding the home
show and try to reach the younger population. The younger population typically are the ones who
go and buy new homes as they are starting families, so it would be important to target to them for
the home show.
Using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram could help reach this
younger generation. Also, it’s free. You wouldn’t be losing out on any money if it doesn’t work.
Post updates about what vendors will be there and make links to their pages. That way, people
can get more information before they attend the show. During the show, take pictures and share
so that people see what is going on. Concerning food, perhaps consider a prepaid breakfast and
lunch option. Simple pastries and rolls with coffee and juice in the morning and box sandwich
meals with a soda or bottle of water for lunchtime. That way vendors will not need to stand in
line to find out that the concession had run out of food. As for hours, perhaps consider closing at
2pm on Sunday since traffic seemed to slow down a lot by then.
In addition, consider an experience person to do the announcing. Having a child
announcing did not seem to go over too well with the vendors. Like one vendor had suggested,
have the announcer go around the booths and talk with everyone.
The most important research objective we had was to determine how the attendees found
out about the home show. The most common answers were the use of traditional media, such as
radio and newspaper. We suggest continue using these forms of media. Another large number of
responses included word of mouth. This is a free form of advertising, so it is important to make
the attendees’ visit to the home show very satisfying, in order for positive word of mouth to
occur. With that being said, if attendees were unsatisfied with the home show, word of mouth
could hurt the attendance. Therefore, it is very important to maximize attendee satisfaction.
Attendees were happy that the location had gone back to the Interstate Center, so we
recommend to use this location in the future rather than going back to the US Cellular Coliseum.
Attendees were also satisfied with the variety of vendors, so for future home shows, it is
important to keep a variety in order to satisfy attendees.
Attendees were unsatisfied with the parking at the Interstate Center, so that would be a
suggestion to fix going forward. A common suggestion for attendees was to lower the attendance
price, with some even suggesting it to $5. This might be something to look into going forward.
We recommend that the client starts doing more advertising in cities such as Urbana, East
Peoria, Canton, and Bradford Illinois. These are the bordering towns which allowed us to come
up with the distances we have displayed above. If the client takes even a small portion of the
advertising they conduct in the BN area to these towns, we can expect vendor applications to
increase quite significantly.
Through our analysis we also came to a shocking realization that only 17 vendors
promoted the home show themselves. That is less than half of the total. After measuring the
distance vendors are coming from we recommend another great solution which ties into the
vendor promotions. For the next home show, we believe that the client should stress vendor
promotions in their hometowns, at their business, and to their customers. Through this the
amount of attendees will increase, networking between vendors will skyrocket, and vendor
applications will increase. If one vendor hears from another about their great experience at the
home show, how many leads they generated or how many sales they got, it will influence said
vendor to sign up as well. This simple networking is undoubtable one of the easiest ways for the
client to advertise the home show. By following these recommendations, we can expect next
year’s home show to have a much larger attendance and to have far more vendor applications.
One recommendation in order to increase leads generated is again to push vendors to
promote the home show themselves, also the home show can put up more signs displaying where
hidden booths may be and display what the booths are to attract more attendees.
A limitation of this study was the fact that not all vendors or attendees participated. If we
had a higher number of surveys completed, there would be a higher accuracy of the study.
Another limitation included the seriousness taken by attendees completing the survey. A lot of
open ended responses were left blank.
For future research studies, a recommendation would be to urge participants the
importance of completing the survey, and to encourage a higher number of responses. This
would require the Bloomington-Normal Home Builders Association to provide some sort of
incentive to vendors, such as there was the raffling of gift cards for attendees. This would
hopefully increase the number of completed surveys, which in turn would increase the accuracy
of the data.
We have enjoyed completing this research study for your organization. We hope we have
provided some valuable insights on your annual home shows from both the vendor and attendee
perspective. We also hope you consider our recommendations for future home shows. We thank
you for allowing us to work with you.
Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association - Home Show Spring 2015
Attendee Feedback Survey
The Bloomington Normal Home Builders Association wants to hear from you about your
experience at the 2015 Home Show. Your feedback will help them in their planning as they
work to make future shows even more engaging and beneficial for you. If you provide your
contact information, after completing the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for a $500
coupon for free builder products or services.
Marketing Research students of the College of Business at Illinois State University are
conducting this survey on behalf of the Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association.
The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Although there may be no direct benefit
to you, the possible benefit of your participation in the survey is improved targeting of products
and services in future Home Shows to better meet your needs and preferences. There are no
risks involved with participation beyond those of everyday life. Your participation in this study is
voluntary, and if you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, there
will be no penalty or loss of benefits. Any information that might allow someone to identify you
will not be disclosed.
If you have any questions concerning this study, you can contact Dr. Horace Melton for
questions about the research at (309) 438-3845 or, or the Research Ethics &
Compliance Office for questions about participant research rights at (309) 438-2529. Thanks for
your cooperation!
1. What are your primary reasons for attending the Home Show? [Choose all that apply]
a. Kitchen and bath remodel
b. Garden landscape
c. Green products/services
d. Windows/doors
e. Flooring
f. Interior design
g. Pool/Spa/Barbecue
h. Heating/Air conditioning/Plumbing
i. Storage
j. Other (please specify) ___________________________
2. Do you own your own home?
a. Yes
b. No
How old is your home?
a. Less than 1 year
b. 1 years
c. 2 years
d. 3 years
e. 4 years
f. 5 years
g. 6 – 10 years
h. 11 – 20 years
i. Over 20 years
How long have you lived in your home?
a. Less than 1 year
b. 1 years
c. 2 years
d. 3 years
e. 4 years
f. 5 years
g. 6 – 10 years
h. 11 – 20 years
i. Over 20 years
How large is your budget for home improvement projects?
a. Under $5,000
b. $5,000 - $10,000
c. $10,001 - $20,000
d. Over $20,000
How soon are you planning to start your home project?
a. Less than a month from now
b. 1 – 2 months from now
c. 3 – 6 months from now
d. 7 months to a year from now
e. Over a year from now
How likely are you to purchase products or services from vendors at the Home Show?
a. Very likely
b. Likely
c. Somewhat likely
d. Neutral
e. Somewhat unlikely
f. Unlikely
g. Very unlikely
8. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Home Show?
a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Somewhat satisfied
d. Neutral
e. Somewhat dissatisfied
f. Dissatisfied
g. Very dissatisfied
9. What did you like the most about the Home Show?
10. What did you like the least about the Home Show?
11. What suggestions do you have for changing and improving the Home Show?
12. How did you hear about the Home Show?
a. News paper
b. Radio
c. TV
d. Billboard
e. Social Media
f. Word of mouth (family member, friend, acquaintance, etc.)
g. Other (please specify) ______________________________
13. What is your home zip code? _____________ (Or what town do you live in?
14. What is your annual household income?
a. Under $40,000
b. $40,001 - $60,000
c. $60,001 - $80,000
d. $80,001 - $100,000
e. $100,001 - $150,000
f. Over $150,000
g. Prefer not to answer
15. Are you attending the Home Show as an individual or with family/friends?
a. Individual
b. Family/Friends
16. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
17. What is your marital status?
a. Married
b. Not married
18. What is your general age range?
a. Under 21 years old
b. 21-30
c. 31-40
d. 41-50
e. 51-60
f. Over 60
If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a $500 coupon for free builder products or
services, please provide your name and contact information:
E-mail address:
Cell phone number:
Thank you for completing in our survey!
Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association - Home Show Spring 2015
Vendor Feedback Survey
The Bloomington Normal Home Builders Association wants to hear from you about your
participation as a vendor in the 2015 Home Show. Your feedback will help them in their
planning for future shows as they work to continue improving the experience for vendors and
Marketing Research students of the College of Business at Illinois State University are
conducting this survey on behalf of the Bloomington-Normal Area Home Builders Association.
The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Although there may be no direct benefit
to you, the possible benefit of your participation in the survey is the generation of even more
business leads or contacts for your organization in future Home Shows. There are no risks
involved with participation beyond those of everyday life. Your participation in this study is
voluntary, and if you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, there
will be no penalty or loss of benefits. Any information that might allow someone to identify you
will not be disclosed.
If you have any questions concerning this study, you can contact Dr. Horace Melton for
questions about the research at (309) 438-3845 or, or the Research Ethics &
Compliance Office for questions about participant research rights at (309) 438-2529. Thanks for
your cooperation!
1. What was you group’s primary role at the Home Show? Please select only one answer.
a. Commercial business selling home related products or services
b. Commercial business selling non-home related products or services
c. Nonprofit organization
d. Governmental agency
e. Educational organization
Other (please specify) ______________________
2. What is the primary location of your business or organization? Please provide the zip
3. How many people from your business or organization were at the Expo at some time
during the event, to help with the booth, exhibit or other activity?
4. Was your primary role to sell a product or service?
a. Yes
b. No [skip to question 10]
5. What type of product or service were you selling? Please be as specific as possible?
6. How much did your business sell during the Home Show? ______________
7. How many leads did your business generate during the Home Show?
8. How much does your business expect to sell resulting from contacts, discussions, etc. at
the Home Show? _____________________
9. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strongly agree, please tell us
whether you agree with the following statements:
a. The Home Show met my expectations for the number of leads generated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b. The Home Show met my expectations for the amount of sales generated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10. Did your business conduct any promotions before the Home Show to encourage your
clientele to attend the event?
a. Yes [If so, what type of promotions? ______________________________________]
b. No
11. Please rate the vendor support process for the Home Show. On a scale of 1 to 10, with
1 = extremely dissatisfied and 10 = extremely satisfied, how satisfied were you with the
following aspects of vendor support provided by the Home Show?
a. Registration process to participate in the Home Show 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b. Communications with support staff prior to the
c. Home Show booths layout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d. Your booth location
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
e. Your booth size
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Loading and unloading process
g. Booth set up/ tear down process
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
h. Event staff at the Home Show
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12. How satisfied were you with the attendance at the Home Show?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
13. How satisfied were you with the Interstate Center as the location for the Home Show?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
14. How satisfied were you with the following features of the Interstate Center?
a. Parking
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
b. Wi Fi access
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
c. Access to power outlets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
d. Access to water
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
e. Lighting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
Sound system
15. Overall, how satisfied were you with your participation with the 2015 Home Show?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA
16. What suggestions do you have for Home Show changes that would improve the
experience for vendors?
17. What suggestions do you have for Home Show changes that would improve the
experience for attendees?
18. How do you prefer to receive information in the future about the Home Show? [Choose
all that apply]
Social media
Other (please specify) _________________________________
19. How many years has your organization been a vendor at this Home Show?
a. This was our first year
b. 2-5 years
c. 6-8 years
d. 9 or more years
20. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please share them with us
Optional: In order to accommodate your preferences for how you’d like to receive future
communications about the Home Show, we will need your contact information. If you feel
comfortable sharing that information, please provide the following:
Business name and location:
Your name:
Your business title:
Thank you for participating in our survey!
Works Cited,1706613,1753234
"National Association of Home Builders." National Association of Home Builders. N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Feb. 2015.Works Cited
"Strength in Building, Strength in the Future." Bloomington Normal Area Home Builders
Association. Cybernautic, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
Umberger, Mary. "Highlights from Home-building Trade Show in Las Vegas." Chicago Tribune
2 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
United States of America. United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau. N.p., 1 July
2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.