데이터베이스 강좌 안내 2002-2 동국대학교 컴퓨터정보통신학부 컴퓨터학과 卞正龍 2002-2 시간표 구분 시간 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 18 19 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 09:00-09:30 09:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-13:00 13:00-13:30 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00 18:00-18:45 18:45-19:30 19:35-20:20 월 화 DB3 3 A308 수 목 정책회의 예불 DB3 3 A308 교무회의 DB1 3 S301 실장회의 DB1 3 S301 DB2 3 S301 금 교재 Modern Database Management, 6th ED Jeffrey A. Hoffer Mary Prescott, University of Tampa Fred R. McFadden, University of Colorado ISBN: 0-13-033969-5 Publisher: Prentice Hall *Copyright: 2002 Format: Cloth; 672 pp *Published: 11/19/2001 Status: Instock US: $104.00 *You Save: $10.40 (10% off) *Our Price: $93.60 웹주소 : http://hepg.awl.com/ keyword : McFadden Features NEW—Internet Database chapter—Chapter 10 has been added, covering the issues of database development for the Web. Web databases are the hottest topics in Database design, and this coverage will keep the student current. Running case and database files—A running project case is found at the end of each chapter. Access and Oracle database files will be supplied on the Instructor's CD-ROM and on the Companion Website. Allows the student to use application software in a business setting. Updated coverage of Data Warehousing and SQL—The Data Warehousing Chapter (11) is revised and SQL is now covered in Chapter 7 & 8. Gives the student current coverage. Oracle8i or Visible Analyst 7.5 software—Can be packaged with the text. Gives students experience using actual commercial software applications, at a package price. Contents I. THE CONTEXT OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT. 1. The Database Environment. 2. The Database Development Process. II. DATABASE ANALYSIS. 3. Modeling Data in the Organization. 4. Advanced Data Modeling. III. DATABASE DESIGN. 5. Logical Database Design and the Relational Model. 6. Physical Database Design and Performance. IV. IMPLEMENTATION. 7. SQL. 8. Advanced SQL. 9. The Client/Server Environment. 10. The Internet Environment. 11. Data Warehousing. V. ADVANCED DATABASE TOPICS. 12. Data and Database Administration. 13. Distributed Databases. 14. Object-Oriented Data Modeling. 15. Object-Oriented Database Development. APPENDICES. Appendix A: ER Modeling Tools and Notations. Appendix B: Advanced Normal Forms. Appendix C: Data Structures. Appendix D: Object-Relational Databases. 선수과목 Data Structure, File Structure Java, C, C++ 등 고급언어 평가 수업 8.26. – 12.6. 총 15주 45시간 (10%) 9.20.(금) 추석연휴, 10.3.(목) 개천절 : DB3 1/3이상 결석이면 F 실험실습 및 과제물 (30%) DB개발 Term Project 개인별로 개발, 미제출 F 단계별 진도 보고서 제출, 5회 장별 요약 보고서 제출 시험 정기 2회, 쪽지 수시 (60%) 중간고사 DB1:10.7. DB2:10.7. DB3:10.8. 기말고사 DB1:12.2. DB2:12.2. DB3:12.3. 결시면 F 실험실습 실습DBMS IBM DB2 ORACLE 활용언어 C, C++, JAVA 활용도구 PowerBuilder, Delphi, JBuilder 등 주의 장마다 예습한 후 요약 정리하여 제출 모든 응용은 DB 활용이 필수이므로 그 특성을 이해하고 활용력을 길러야 함 “1수업 1질문” 원칙 준수를 통하여 생 각하는 수업 분위기를 조성하도록 함 “머리 속 기술”에서 “손가락 끝 기술”로 전환을 지향함 게시판에서 보고서 작성 등 참조