essay - ConradResearch

Name- Ahmed Alkuabi
English 2010
Smoking is an act or a practice in which smoke of burned tobacco or other drugs is
inhaled or exhaled. It is mostly through cigarettes, pipes, cigars, bidis, hookahs and bongs.
Tobacco smoking is the most practiced form of smoking. There are other types of smoking
with drugs such as cannabis, opium and heroin. But this kind of smoking is not easily
available and is not legal in many parts of the world.
Smoking has always been serious challenge to our society. Many people have tried to
eradicate smoking in many ways and numerous people all around the world died because of
smoking. In spite of all the health hazards of smoking some factors influence people to take
up smoking. Smoking is invisible way of committing suicide because of the high risk
diseases it causes. However, if people start smoking they can still reduce its effects by
quitting smoking which is not an easy task.
There could be many reasons for people to start smoking some of which are true and
Sensible while others are not. It is not important whether these reasons are true or not. The
more important thing is to identify the reasons and determine if they are true. So that people
can take an action towards these reasons. Some reasons are psychological like the idea of
being cool or to relieve stress. Other reasons are related to elements of society such as friends,
family and media.
The idea of losing weight is one of those reasons that is forcing people to start
smoking. Girls are highly affected in this particular scenario. As Karen Balkin wrote one such
a story of an athlete woman who started smoking after she stopped playing basketball. She
said “it was either food or cigarettes and I chose cigarettes because i don’t want to be
gigantic”. Her parents smoke too. They are both overweight and have long history of
smoking. Recently they both have lost more than twenty pounds. She said that they were on
diet “but smoking helped”. Now they are afraid that if they quit smoking they will gain their
weight back (Balkin, 40-44).
Families also have big influenced relationship for smoking. Children who grew up in
smoking families are more likely to develop a habit than who do not. Colette who started
smoking when she was 16 said “My dad always smoked, so my parents couldn’t get too mad
(Balkin, 40-44). Another story of the relationship that family has in smoking is a story of a
man, Husain Saeed who started smoking when he was 11 years old. He started smoking at
earl age because his father and his older brothers smoked. He said “I have seen my father and
my brothers smoke cigarettes since i was in elementary school. First I didn’t have any
influence. However when I grew up I wanted to try smoking because I thought I wasn’t
Friends play a great role in people’s lives. They could influence positively or
negatively because people usually are influenced by whom they deal or communicate with.
Smoking friends have a strong influence to make people start smoking. Being in circle of
friends who smoke if that one particular person doesn’t smoke he or she might get a feeling
of an odd person in that group.
The media is designed to help people send their messages to common people. The
media could change people’s perspective so easily. However sometimes media is used for
useless things like advertising or promoting smoking on screen. Some claim that smoking on
TVs and movies may not cause a serious problem among people. But they do have their
affects on people especially on teens. If they watch one particular celebrity they admire the
most smokes, then they too are prone to smoke. Although watching smoking on screen might
be harmless at first but it has very serious influences in their future. The link between movie
smoking and starting smoking among teens is still significant. Also a study in 2005 found
that “38 out of 100 adolescents who tried smoking did so because of exposure to smoking in
movies.” Some people are against while others are in favour in promoting smoking in TVs
and movies. Movies should have at least film rating “to display how many smoking
occurrences are in movie.” Another study has shown that teens are 16times more likely to
smoke if their favourite actor smokes. (Balkin, 80)
Tobacco advertisements have started targeting new adult smokers. However, they
realised that it was no longer influencing adults but the younger population. Now, millions of
teens all around the world started smoking and 90% of smoking initiation before age of 19. A
study had shown the number of smoking teens in countries that allowed smoking
advertisement. Another study shows that teens smoke the most banned smoking
advertisements. Another study has shown that teens smoke the most heavily advertised brand
of cigarettes (Williams, 73-74)
Smoking is very serious problem in United States and many died because of smoking.
In 1990 one out of five deaths was because of cigarette smoking. Smoking is reducing
smokers’ lives at least 25% than that of non smokers (Williams 20). It has many effects on
structures and functions of organs in the human body. Smoking leads to addiction because of
nicotine that is present in tobacco. And that is one of the main reasons that smokers cannot
quit smoking. Nicotine causes many damages on brain that motivates repeated and
compulsive use of that substance. The same pharmacological processes that cause addiction
to heroin and cocaine are similar to those that cause addiction to nicotine. Secondly, nicotine
in tobacco leads to serious affects in nervous system and it may lead to bad affects on mood
and brain activity. Third, studies have shown that nicotine in tobacco affects body weight.
The FDA has shown that “these effects on structure and functions on body are significant and
quintessentially drug like” (Schaler, 124). Some consequences of smoking are notable such as
halitosis, discolouration of teeth and peelings, abrasions of teeth, dental caries, gum recession,
leukoplakia, nicotine dependences, and different forms of oral cancers (Williams, 57)
Smokers have acute and chronic illnesses as well as more restricted activity days,
more bed disability days, more school and work absenteeism than former smokers or those
who never smoked. Many studies have shown that smoking is the main cause of lung cancer.
Although smokers unlike non smokers have high risk of having lung cancer, the possibility of
having the disease is different among smokers and depends on their history of smoking.
Smokers who smoke more than 40 cigarettes a day are more likely to get lung cancer by 50%
than smokers who smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Also starting smoking in diverse ages makes a
big difference. Who begin smoking before age of 15 is four times more likely to develop lung
cancer than those who begin smoking after age of 25. (Williams, 20)
Every year there are 38,000 new cases of head and neck cancer in United States. A
study has shown a connection between smoking status and head and neck cancer. It has found
that cancer patients who smoked less than 100 cigarettes in their entire life are more likely to
survive compared with current and people who has a very large history of smoking. Also, the
possibility of getting head and neck cancer is - 12 times larger for smokers than non smokers,
and the mortality rate is three times higher among smokers. Therefore history of smoking
significantly reduces survival rate in cancer patients.
Many studies and researchers have found that leukaemia is related to smoking.
Researchers in Britain in 1999 said “Smoking can cause cell damages and reduces immunity
which could increase the risk of adult leukaemia”. Also scientists who have experienced large
number of leukaemia patients found that up to 10% of acute cases of deadly blood cancer
could be related to smoking and it is the cause for many cases of adult leukaemia in Britain
every year. The risk of leukaemia is very common among who smoke more than ten years.
The exposure to leukaemia is different from one situation to other and it depends on how long
the smokers have spent smoking. Smokers can reduce the risk of leukaemia if they quit
within the first year of their smoking (study supports smoking link to leukaemia).
Smoking during pregnancy is very fatal thing to do. More than the fact that pregnant
woman harm themselves from smoking, they are also responsible for significant health risk
they could cause to the unborn children. Moreover smoking during pregnancy can lead to
miscarriages and pregnancy complications (Williams, 22). The babies could get many risks if
the mothers smoke during pregnancy or exposed to second hand smoke which is otherwise
called as passive smoking. Twenty to thirty percent of low birth weight babies are the reason
of smoking during pregnancy. Studies have also shown that babies of mothers who smoke
half pack of cigarettes a day have low IQ scores than babies of mothers who do not smoke.
Another study has found that babies of smoking mothers during pregnancy have lower
physical growth. A study has found that non smoking woman who are subjected to passive
smoking have low birth weight babies than mothers who are not exposed.
There is big argument between people who are for and against smoking. Non smokers
claim that smokers should not smoke as they pollute the environment. It is true that people
are ought to do whatever they want. However the individuals’ rights stop if they affect other
people (Shaler, 14). The exposure to second hand smoking is very dangerous as it affects the
health of people who cannot protect themselves such as children and older adults. Children
don’t chose to live in smoke free homes. Non smoking adults cannot control the smoky ait
they breath at work (Williams, 44). Also exposure to passive smoking lead to lung cancer in
healthy non smokers and children whose parents smoke have increased tendency of
respiratory infections and respiratory symptoms compared with children whose parents don’t
smoke ( Williams, 44). Children could also get asthma because of passive smoking. Studies
have also shown that children or young adults who are exposed to second hand smoke are
likely to get ear infections; coughing, wheezing and mucus build up. Passive smoking also
leads to lung cancers. Many studies proved link between passive smoking and lung cancer.
In 1992 study by Stockwell et al that found a group of Florida women whose
husbands smoked experienced a 60% increased of risk of lung cancer. A similar study on
Missouri women conducted in same year by Brownson et al found a significant increase in
risk that are exposed to passive smoking from their spouses. Finally a study in 1994 by
Fontham et al found significant increase in lung cancer risk in women in tow California and
three southern cities who are exposed to second hand smoke (Williams, 44-46). Smoking at
home is also significant issue because it puts the rest of family who don’t smoke in high risk
of getting lung cancer. Based on the 11 US studies have shown that “a woman who lives with
smoker is 1.19 times as likely to get lung cancer as a woman who lives with non smoker.”
(Williams, 53)
Sometimes people starts smoking because of reasons are out of their control. Then
after they realise how much smoking is risky for their health. They start to think of quitting
smoking. Many studies have shown that quitting smoking has many benefits. The sooner
smoker quits smoking the more chances the survival rates they have. Continuing smoking and
quitting smoking in different times makes a big difference. Smokers who quit before they get
to 50 years reduce their risk of dying over the next 15 years contrast to people who keep on
smoking. (Williams, 23)
People can quit smoking in many different ways. There are many services and
programmes provided to smokers to help them stop smoking such as adult smoking cessation
services. However there are children at age of seven or eight who are smoking regularly and
cannot access these programmes because they are too young to attend them. So the schools
provide quit smoking programs for school children to educate them about the risks and
dangours associated with smoking. One of the specialist community practitioners and
member of Merthyr Tydfil school of nursing team believe that young smokers are aware of
risks and dangers but they don’t realise that it affects their health. Also smoking teens think
that they can continue to smoke and can quit when they become adults later in their lives but
they do not realize how addictive nicotine is. These programmes offer a quit date setting and
developed quit plan for those who want to quit smoking. Also the programme helps the teens
to see what the real risks of smoking on their bodies are. The programme is very helpful and
the number of teens who benefit from programme and quit smoking is very good. One of the
teen smokers who started smoking when he was seven and attended the programme said “I’ve
tried to give up six or seven times before. I think I will be able to do this time. At the group
there was jar of tar that accumulates in the lungs. That really hit home”. Also the smoking
cessation group has helped a young girl aged 15 years to quit smoking after she used to
smoke 70 cigarettes a week.
Quitting smoking is very important thing to do as it benefits both smokers and non
smokers. Also reducing smoking benefits non smokers from passive smoking. According to
Polly Curtis, smoking bans is one of the solutions to reduce smoking. Peter Terry, chair of
British Medical Association in Scotland says “there is now reasonably good evidence that
definitely describes the health benefits of smoking bans.” Also he said there is an
improvement by 10% in pubs in Scotland after it is banned. The reduction in cigarette sales is
most noticeable evidence that suggests smoking bans is very helpful. Also in New York
where it has four years history of smoking bans, half a million people have quit smoking.
Many countries all around the world are trying very hard to smoking in many ways.
Smoking bans are introduced in restaurants and in public places in many countries. Some
European countries such as Wales, France, Italy, Norway and Sweden were the first countries
that banned smoking in public areas. Two countries in Asia, Iran and Singapore have banned
smoking in public areas.
In US smoking bans are also at high level it challenges smoking outdoors as well as
indoors. Some cities like New York, Austin, Columbus and Ohio are gone beyond prohibiting
smoking indoors. They prohibitied in outdoors as well. Orange County in California is the
first to ban among coast. Moreover in Iowa smoking is banned in all hospitals anywhere near
their grounds.
Another way of reducing smoking is by increasing cigarettes tax. By doing this they
will have two benefits. First it helps to decrease youth smoking and improve health benefits.
Second, they will have more money to fund the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Many children suffer from asthma because of passive smoking and that can increase health
insurance to those children. So, by increasing cigarette tax there will be more money and
more healthy people.
Quitting smoking is not very hard thing to do. Anyone who as strong belief in self can
quit smoking very easily. It only requires a good self esteem and confidence to be able to quit
smoking. One such a story of woman in the age of 107, she quit smoking after she smoked
about 90,000 cigarettes. She quit smoking because of health and her son commented “I don’t
think she could be bothered with it anymore”. This is only one case and there are so many
other cases that show quitting smoking is often not difficult even it becomes more than a
habit in people lives. If this woman considering her age and how much cigarettes she smoked,
could quit smoking, it should not be problem for other people to do so.
Smoking is very dangerous thing to do because it is one of the reasons that cause soon
and sudden deaths. It is very important to determine the reasons that make people start
smoking because it helps to prevent them from happening again. For many years researchers
have done many researches to inform people about the danger of smoking. However that does
not mean they want to face smokers who give up the habit and prevent others to start
smoking. They just want to inform the people how risky smoking could be. All the people
have right to do whatever they want even thought it means hurting themselves. By informing
the people about the risk they get from smoking, they are giving a chance to decide whatever
to avoid smoking or to smoke and lose their health.
Work Cited
Balkin, Karen, ed. Tobacco and smoking. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005.
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