IT’S MORE THAN A GAME YMCA OF BROWNFIELD SOFTBALL INFORMATION Proud Sponsor of Girls Babe Ruth Softball Ages 4-16 Regular Registration - February 18 – March 1, 2016 Late Registration – March 2 – 8, 2016 Late Registration ($10.00 late fee applies) Please register at the Brownfield YMCA – 302 S. 1st (Monday – Friday 8:30am – 8:00pm) *Ages 4-5 T-Ball Y Member $45 Non Member $55 *Ages 6-8 Machine Pitch Y Member $45 Non Member $55 *Ages 9-16 Softball Y Member $55 Non Member $65 *Uniform includes a jersey. *Pants must be purchased separately. *Games played on City fields for all leagues. YMCA of Brownfield Proud Sponsor of Babe Ruth Girls Softball Player Registration Form Registration Dates Begins February 18 Please register at the Brownfield YMCA – 302 S. 1st Ages 4-5 Y Member $45 Non-Member $55 Ages 6-8 Y Member $45 Non-Member $55 Ages 9-16 Y Member $55 Non-Member $65 *Uniform includes a jersey *Pants must be purchased separately Child’s Name:_________________________________________________ Date of Birth:________________ Childs Address:___________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Father’s Name:_______________________________ Mother’s Name:______________________________ Home Phone#:___________________ Work Phone:__________________ Cell Phone:_________________ Email Address:____________________________________________________________________________ Age as of Dec 31, 2015_______ Shirt: Youth Sizes: S M L Will be playing in which league? Adult Sizes: S M L XL XXL T-Ball (4&5)___ Machine Pitch (6-8)___ Softball (10u)___ Softball (12u)___ Softball (14u)___ Softball (16u)___ I would like to volunteer as a coach. I would like to volunteer as an assistant coach. Y Member Non Member I’m interested in umpiring I’m interested in serving on the advisory committee Participation/Liability Release: I am the parent or guardian of the participant. I give my permission for my child to participate in Y programs and to be transported as authorized by the Y. I understand that even when every reasonable precaution is taken, an accident can and will sometimes happen. Therefore, in exchange for the Y allowing me and/or my child to participate in Y activities, I understand and expressly acknowledge that I release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Y and its staff, boards, members, volunteers or guests from all liability for any injury, loss or damage connected in any way whatsoever to me or my child’s participation in Y activities on or off Y premises. I understand that this release includes any claims based on negligence, action, or inaction of the Y, its staff, boards, volunteers, directors, members or guests. Insurance: It is the responsibility of every individual, their parent/legal guardian, to provide for their own accident and health coverage while participating in Y activities. The YMCA does not provide any accident or health coverage for its participants. Medical Treatment: If a parent/guardian cannot reasonably be located when my child requires medical attention, I hereby authorize the Y transport my child and consent to any medical and/or surgical treatment of the above named participant that such staff or medical personnel deem advisable or necessary. I give permission for staff and/or volunteers to administer CPR and/or First Aid if deemed necessary. Permission: I give the Y permission to use, photographs, film footage or tape recordings that may include my child’s image or voice for purposes of promoting or interpreting Y programs without limitation, compensation, or obligation. I have read and fully comprehend this form and I am voluntarily signing this authorization and liability release form. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date I want to help kids participate! Please accept my tax deductible donation to the Y Scholarship Fund to ensure all kids in our community can participate, regardless of financial circumstances. $5 $10 $25 Other_____ Y Staff Only _____________________________________________________ Staff Signature Date PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT CONTRACT I,____________________________ (print name) as a parent of young athletes acknowledge and understand the essential elements of character building and ethics are embodied in the 4 core Y values of caring, respect, responsibility and honesty. My responsibilities are of great importance and my actions have the potential to influence young athletes that observe my behavior. I therefore promise to conduct myself in accordance with the following code: 1. I (and my guests) will treat all players, coaches, parents, umpires, administrators and opponents with respect and dignity. 2. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and wellbeing of the athletes. 3. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition. All of my comments will be verbalized in a positive constructive manner, never emphasizing the negative. 4. I will resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence. 5. I will be modest when successful and gracious in defeat. 6. I will never physically or verbally abuse a player, umpire, or coach regardless of the situation. 7. I will not tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct from my child or guests. 8. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games or practices unless I am one of the official coaches of the team. 9. I understand that my child is a member of a team and will make sure my child is at practice and games on time and will contact the coach if my child is unable to attend. 10. I will not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs during practice or games. Also, the use of alcohol or drugs will not be tolerated by any advisory board member, coach, player, fan, or parent before, during, or after practices on or around the playing field. I further acknowledge that by signing this Parent Code of Conduct I have received my first warning and no further warning will be given. I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following (upon the discretion of the baseball advisory board and/or Y staff): *Offender will be asked to leave *Offender will receive a game suspension and/or *Offender will receive a season suspension Signature:____________________________________________ Date:______________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) PLAYER CODE OF CONDUCT As a player, I____________________________ (print name) understand that I must follow these rules to stay in good standing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Respect the game, play fairly and follow its rules and regulations. Show respect for authority to the officials of the game and of the league. Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during, and after games. Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect. Be modest when successful and gracious in defeat. Respect the privilege of the use of public facilities. Refrain from the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and abusive language. I further acknowledge that by signing this player code of conduct I have received my first warning and no further warning will be given. I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following (upon the discretion of the baseball advisory board and/or Y staff): *Offender will be asked to leave *Offender will receive a game suspension and/or *Offender will receive a season suspension Signature:____________________________________________ Date:______________________ (Player Signature)