
Scavenger Hunt
“Our Mostly 2 Party System”
Answer the following questions using the information provided.
1. What are the 5 basic functions of political parties?
2. What is a two-party system?
3. What is the historical origin of the American two-party system?
4. How does the force of tradition perpetuate the two-party system?
5. How does the electoral system help to maintain the two-party system?
6. What is meant by “American Ideological Consensus”?
How does that help keep our two-party system?
7. What is a multi-party system?
8. What are the advantages of a multi-party system?
What are the disadvantages of a multi-party system?
9. What is a single-party system?
Where would you find most of these?
10. What does it take to join one of the parties in America?
Why would a person’s family be the biggest indicator of party preference?
11. Who typically tends to support the Democratic Party?
What does the Democratic Party generally advocate?
12. Who typically tends to support the Republican Party?
What does the Republican Party generally advocate?
13. What are minor parties?
What are the 4 types of minor parties?
14. What is an ideological party?
15. What is a single-issue party?
Name an example:
Name an example:
What issue do you think the image suggests about that political party?
16. What is an economic protest party? Name an example:
17. What is a splinter party?
Name an example:
Why would these find the most success winning votes?
18. What are the major roles that these third-parties play?
19. What does this cartoon suggest about the two political parties in America?
20. According to the graph – what has happened to political parties between 1960 and 1996?
21. In which year did Republicans have the largest margin?
In which year did the Democrats have the largest margin?
In which year did the Independents have the strongest showing?
22. What seems to be the trends in major party politics?