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Polls and Public Opinion
Com 359 – Public Affairs Reporting
Fall 2005 • Purdue University
How are polls used?
As a tool for the government or an
organization to determine public opinion
As a source of information for
Is the economy good or bad?
Is the war in Iraq going well, or not?
Why are polls important?
They are used as a decision-making
instrument that allow people to:
Compare their views with those of others
Evaluate what’s going on in the world
Make decisions that may affect their
business and personal lives
How do polls vary?
Scientific polling
Attention to sampling procedures
Careful attention to survey design
Relies on random sample
Particularly question wording
Only people with some interest in the issue respond
Think Cosmopolitan survey or the J&C’s online poll
Non-random sample
Going door-to-door at 2 p.m. on a week day
Types of Polls
Goal is to assess opinion on a particular topic
Response to a perceived need for accurate information
Sometimes tied to decision-making
Often expensive, sometimes extensive
Goals are to be scientific and objective
Examples: Local survey; Child Care
Media example: Bush support slips
Types of Polls
Voluntary participation
Sometimes people even pay to do so
American Idol
Mass-mailed postcards, polls in magazines or
May contain loaded questions that steer responses
Examples: Message board
Types of Polls
An effort to push opinion from one viewpoint to another
Generally a telephone poll undertaken near end of election
Seems like a real poll, but questions are posed in way that
provides negative information about an opposing candidate
Do you value safer streets in our community?
Are you opposed to drunken driving in our community?
How do you feel about the fact that candidate X was arrested
for DUI five years ago?
Reporting on Polls
What you need to know:
Who sponsored the survey?
When was it conducted (anything happen since
What population was sampled?
How were responses collected?
How big is the sample? Is it representative?
Surveys, personal interviews, person-on-the-street, selfselection
Scientific surveys generally rely on random sampling
How were questions worded?
Margin of error
Reporting on Polls
Tip: A legitimate survey will often come
along with information that tells you:
More about the polling organization;
More about the sponsor organization;
More about the survey, including question
wording and the complete data set.
Example: PIPA
Before reporting a poll story…
Did you:
Do enough backgrounding?
Did you seek out similar, previous studies, polls on same
subject for perspective?
Talk to experts who could interpret results, not
just the poll/study conductor?
Is it free of technical jargon, are terms defined?
Not overstate significance?
A big complaint of researchers!