La tarea

Hoy es martes, el dos de septiembre
La pregunta:
¿Cómo están hoy, el
primer día del año?
La tarea: los materiales  viernes
(la carpeta de argollas, papel, tres secciones)
(three ring binder, paper, 3 sections)
La meta: Be able to greet the teacher in the target
language. Understand classroom policies and
Plan de hoy:
1. El saludo
2. Los asientos (seats)
3. La información de la clase
La tarea: los materiales  viernes
(la carpeta de argollas, papel, tres secciones)
(three ring binder, paper, 3 sections)
¡Buenos días,
¡Buenos días,
Sra. Lentz!
Los asientos
Leemos juntos la hoja
“Información de la
clase de Español
La información de la clase
To contact Sra. Lentz• Email me:
• Call me: 610-351-5900 (ex. 74417)
To find helpful information or what
you missed while you were out • Check my website:
1.) Go to Parkland High School website
2.) Click on Staff Listing/ Web Sites
3.) Scroll down to World Language
4.) Click on my name “Laura Lentz”
5.) Click on “Website” link
Los materiales
Every class period, you are required to bring the following:
Writing utensils
A neat and organized three-ring binder separated into the following
class notes/class assignments (this section should be full of blank
loose leaf paper)
workbook pages
Class textbook
¡Realidades! by Prentice Hall (2011 Edition)
Las reglas
Following the rules outlined on your
class information sheet is an
important part of being successful in
the class.
Las Notas
Your grade will be weighted. Your tests, projects and quizzes will be
combined to make up your “Exam Average” which will count for 80% of your
marking period grade. Your homework, class participation and classwork will
be combined to make up your “Participation Average” which will count for
20% of your marking period grade.
Exam Average
.80 = _________
Participation Average
.20 = _________
= M.P. grade
Extra Credit
**Any extra credit opportunities are incorporated
throughout the course.
No additional extra credit opportunities are available
at the end of a marking period**
La nota de participación:
Above you noticed that you will be graded on your participation
each marking period..
For each class session, points can be deducted for the
following reasons:
 Not participating in class (this also means not actively
 Having head down in class
 Not bringing essential materials
 Not appropriately participating in classroom assignments
 For example, using English instead of Spanish when
La Tarea
Homework will be checked periodically. The majority of
assignments will be worth ten points. Completing assigned
work is essential to success. No late homework will be
The homework scale is as follows:
10/10  completely and thoughtfully done
5/10  partially but thoughtfully done
0/10  incomplete, left in locker/at home, illegible, etc.
Los ausentes:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to gather missing
assignments/information from a classmate and/or from
the folders in the room. You should also reference my
website in order to stay up to date. Any work assigned
and/or covered during a legal absence must be completed
within 3 days per absence day. This policy includes
missed tests, quizzes, projects, etc.
Otras cositas muy importantes:
- Stay in your seat until the
bell rings!!
- Do not gather at the door
- Do not get out of your
assigned seat to sit
Otras cositas muy importantes:
- ¡No chicle en la clase
de español!
All writings should be original and should reflect the student’s own ability level and
knowledge base in the world language being studied.
Uses of the following resources are encouraged as tools of reference; not as a
means of verbatim translation (i.e., dictionaries, texts, computer software programs,
translation programs). Teachers and other speakers of the language being studied can
also serve as sources of assistance.
In order to verify original work students should be prepared, upon teacher request,
to translate their work from the target language to English and vice versa and identify
and explain any grammatical constructions used in the writing.
Violation of these guidelines will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the
scholastic integrity policy of the Parkland School District.
La tarea:
los materiales  viernes
(la carpeta de argollas, papel,
tres secciones)
(three ring binder, paper, 3