A Child Who Can't Behave in Preschool Should Be...Taught!

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A Child Who Can’t Behave in
Preschool Should Be…
Phoebe Rinkel, M.S.
Misty Goosen, Ed.S.
March 28, 2013
Misty Goosen
TASN – KITS Project
KS-MTSS Core Team
Chelie Nelson
Part B/619, Preschool TA
Phoebe Rinkel
TA Coordinator,
Part B/619 Preschool
TA Provider
If you
during the
Kim Page
ECRC Coordinator
(620) 421-6550
extension 1638
Session Objectives
• Understand the relationship between the development of
academics and social emotional skills
• Describe basic components of the Kansas MTSS for
Behavior and the Teaching Pyramid
• Identify methods for selecting and teaching socialemotional skills and competencies that are appropriate for
all, some, and few
• Understand the importance of “explicit” and “intentional”
instruction of skills supporting social-emotional
• Identify evidence-based resources to assist practitioners in
embedding effective social-emotional instruction for
children at different levels of development throughout the
preschool day (including practices also shown to promote
early literacy and learning!)
“A child who can’t behave. . .”
“If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.”
“If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.”
“If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.”
“If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.”
“If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we
teach? Or punish?”
Herner (1998)
Should Teachers Be Expected to
Teach Children How to Behave?
Behavior Expectations in Preschool
What Do We Mean by
“Teaching Behavior” in EC?
The development of social-emotional
competence in the first five years of life relies
on the developing capacity of the child to
• form close and secure adult and peer
• experience, regulate, and express emotions in
socially and culturally appropriate ways; and
• explore the environment and learn
CSEFEL (2008)
Which Matters Most:
Academics or Behavior?
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
Instilling self-confidence in
young children is arguably
the single most important
task of early childhood
Epstein (2007)
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
Developing feelings of competence
in young children is important
because how children feel about
themselves when they enter school
has a great influence on their
motivations and willingness to
undertake challenging tasks.
Epstein (2007)
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
Children who have difficulty
paying attention, following
teacher directions, getting
along with others, and
controlling negative emotions,
do less well in school.
Ladd, Kochenderfer, & Coleman (1997)
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
Children who exhibit challenging
behavior in the classroom are more
likely to be rejected by classmates
and to get less positive feedback
from teachers, which, in turn,
contributes to off task behavior and
less instructional time.
Shores & Wehby (1999)
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
Research has indicated
that children’s emotional,
social, and behavioral
adjustment is as
important for school
success as cognitive and
academic preparedness.
Raver & Zigler (1997)
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
The National Academy of Sciences reported that
60% of children enter school with the cognitive
skills needed to be successful, but only 40% have
the social-emotional skills needed to succeed in
Raver (2002)
The Link Between Children’s Social
Emotional Competence and
School Success
A substantial body of of research indicates
that children with behavior problems show
social, cognitive, and behavioral deficits.
Coie & Dodge (1998)
Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports
Behavior MTSS Structuring Components
Behavioral Expectations
Define major/minor
Building-wide rules to
define expectations
Teach Expected Behavior
ODR/BIR reflect
expectations and
Recognition System
Procedures and
Data system for
disaggregation of
ODR data by Big 5
Continuum of
Lesson Plans
Universal Screener
Schedule for
The Importance of Being Intentional. .
What to teach
How to teach
How to meet the needs of individual children
How to monitor children’s growth
How to use data on child progress to guide decisions
on assessment, curriculum, instruction, and
…About Teaching Social Skills
Social skills training is not a specific curriculum, but
rather a collection of practices that utilize a behavioral
approach to teaching preschool children ageappropriate social skills and competencies, including
communication, problem solving, decision making,
self-management, and peer relations.
What Works Clearinghouse (February, 2013)
Teaching Social Skills with
• A systematic, intentional approach to teaching social
emotional skills involves:
o Teaching the skill or concept
o Talking about examples and non-examples of the target
o Supporting use of the target skill in naturally occurring
o Reviewing children’s use of skill.
Webster-Stratton (1999)
An intentional instructor
• has clearly defined learning goals for children,
• thoughtfully chooses teaching strategies that will
enable children to achieve these goals, and
• continually assesses children’s progress and adjusts
strategies to reach those goals.
• Having their goals and plans in mind, intentional
teachers are well prepared to tell others—parents,
administrators, colleagues—about what they are
doing. Not only do they know what to do, they also
know why they are doing it and can describe that
Copple & Bredekamp (2006)
Intentional instruction is planful,
purposeful, and thoughtful about…
• Creating a learning environment rich in materials,
experiences and interactions
• Encouraging children to explore materials, experiences,
relationships and ideas
• Conversing respectfully, reciprocally, and frequently with
all children
• Consciously promoting all areas of learning and
Epstein (2007)
Intentional instruction is planful,
purposeful, and thoughtful about…
• Content (concepts, vocabulary, facts, skills) that make up
each area of learning
• General teaching strategies that are effective with young
• Specific teaching strategies that are effective in different
content areas
Epstein (2007)
Intentional teachers are planful,
purposeful, and thoughtful about…
• Matching content with children’s developmental and
emerging abilities
• Taking advantage of spontaneous, unexpected teaching and
learning opportunities
• Neither overestimating or underestimating what children
can do and learn
• Challenging children to question their own thinking and
Epstein (2007)
Knowing What to Teach: Resources
• Curriculum Based Assessments
• Social-Emotional Measures, Rating
Scales, Checklists
• Early Childhood Outcomes/Child
Outcomes Summary Information
• Early Learning Standards
• Observations
• Family Concerns, Priorities, and
Knowing What to Teach: Priorities
Being able to select appropriate learning goals for
children from appropriate assessments involves
sorting and prioritizing those skills and behaviors that
1) Can be addressed through development, play,
maturation, and exposure/experience (All)
2) Are emerging: with practice and repetition they
will improve in independence or fluency (Some)
3) Are unlikely to emerge without intensive
instruction or individualized intervention and
supports (Few)
Grisham-Brown (2012)
Social Skills Curricula
• Resources Related to PBIS: Selected Titles from
TASN-KITS Early Childhood Resource Center
• TACSEI Roadmaps to Effective Intervention
Practices (2009). Evidence Based Social
Emotional Curricula and Intervention Packages
for Children 0-5 Years and Their Families
Retrieved from
Social Skills Curricula
From the “Sister Centers” promoting socialemotional development in early childhood:
• Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early
Learning (CSEFEL) http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/
• Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Interventions
(TACSEI) http://www.challengingbehavior.org/
• Center on Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
(ECMHC) http://www.ecmhc.org/
Hemmeter, M.L., Ostrosky, M.M., & Corso, R. (2011)
Social Skills Curricular Materials
Building relationships and creating nurturing environments
• Tools for working on building relationships
• Book list—focused on social emotional skills
• Book nooks
Social Skills Curricular Materials
Building relationships and creating nurturing environments
• Family tools—making the most of playtime
• Teacher tools
o Classroom rules
o Circle time tips
Social Skills Curricular Materials
Targeted social emotional supports
• Scripted stories for social situations
• Feelings charts
• Emotions faces
• Solutions kit
• Problem-solving steps
• Turtle technique
• Family tools--Teaching your child about feelings
Social Skills Curricular Materials
Targeted social emotional supports
• Buddy system tips—friendship building tools
• Visual strategies—making a visual schedule
• Everyday ideas for increasing children’s opportunities to
practice social skills and emotional competencies
Social Skills Curricular Materials
Individualized Interventions
• Observation cards
• Functional assessment interview form
• Family tools—responding to your child’s bite
• Teacher support planning sheet
• Recognizing and addressing trauma in infants and young children
The Importance of Explicit Instruction
of Desired Behaviors
Teaching social and emotional skills to young
children who are at risk either because of biological
and temperament factors or because of family
disadvantage and stressful life factors can result in
fewer aggressive responses, inclusion with
prosocial peer groups, and more academic success.
Because development of these social skills is not
automatic, particularly for these higher risk
children, more explicit and intentional teaching is
Bredekamp & Copple (1997)
What is Explicit Instruction?
• I do it (modeling).
• We do it (prompted or guided
• You do it (unprompted practice).
Archer and Hughes ( 2011)
Explicit Instruction
Hall (2002)
Elements of Effective
Social Skills Instruction
• Using developmentally appropriate practices
• Designing the environment to support
Developmental levels
Content areas
Teacher-child interactions
Peer interactions
• Identifying evidence-based social-emotional
curricular materials
• Intentionally infusing social skills instruction
across the day
• Providing supplemental and intensive
supports for those children who need them
The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool for Preschool Classrooms
(TPOT) is soon to be published by Brookes Publishing Co. Based
on the Teaching Pyramid Model, it was developed and refined
through years of research by faculty from the Center for the
Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning (CSEFEL) and
the Technical Assistance Center for Social and Emotional
Interventions (TACSEI).
Send request for copy of TPOT research version to
Examples of “Red Flags” from TPOT
Teacher-directed activities
Teacher talk to children primarily “no,” “stop,” “don’t”
Many children not engaged
Teachers not prepared for activities
Emotions never discussed or children reprimanded for
expressing emotions
• Interactions between children during play or activities
rarely encouraged
• Teacher only communicates with families when children
have problems
Intensive Individualized Intervention: A Few Children
Skills/behaviors are unlikely to emerge without intensive instruction or
individualized intervention and supports
Targeted Social Skills Instruction: Some Children
Skills/behaviors are emerging: with practice and repetition they
will improve in independence or fluency
Universal Strategies: All Children
Skills/behaviors that can be addressed
through development, play, maturation, and exposure/experience
How Did You Do?
• Teachers identify ways to have conversations with children who are nonverbal, language-delayed, or have English as a second language. (ALLRelationships)
• Teachers provide support and special preparation for children who might
need additional learning opportunities, adapted materials and activities,
peer support, or more support to follow the routine, etc. (ALL Environment)
• Teachers use assessment to guide decisions about frequency, intensity,
and impact of targeted instruction. (SOME – Targeted Social Skills
• Teachers partner with the family and other team members to participate
in the development of a positive behavior support plan by providing
functional assessment data to team members. (FEW – Intensive
Individualized Intervention)
TPOT Universal Practices
• Nurturing and Responsive Relationships
o Supporting children’s play
o Responding to child conversations
o Supporting communication of children with
special needs
o Providing positive feedback and encouragement
of appropriate behavior
o Building relationships with children
Hemmeter, Fox, & Snyder (2008, Revised 2009)
TPOT Universal Practices, continued
• High Quality Supportive Environments
o Adequate Materials
o Defined play centers
o Balanced schedule (large and small group)
o Structured transitions
o Individualized instructions for children who need
o Small number of rules taught and promoted
o Activities designed to engage children
o Clear directions
TPOT Targeted Practices
• Targeted Social Emotional Supports
o Teach children to identify and express emotions
o Teach and support self-regulation
o Teach and support strategies for handling anger
and disappointment
o Teach and support social problem solving
o Teach and support cooperative responding
o Teach and support friendship skills
o Teach and support collaboration with peers
TPOT Targeted Practices
• Targeted Social Emotional Supports
o Explicit instruction
o Increased opportunities for instruction, practice,
o Family partnerships
o Progress monitoring and data-based decisionmaking
TPOT Intervention Practices
• Individualized Intensive Interventions
o Convene team to develop interventions
o Collect data to determine nature of problem behavior
o Develop individualized behavior support strategies
o Implement behavior support plan with consistency
o Conduct ongoing monitoring of child progress
o Revise plan as needed
o Partner with families and colleagues in plan
You Want to Be More Intentional About
Teaching Social-Emotional Skills.
What’s Next?
Planning and Implementation Tools Promoting:
 High Quality Environments
 Responsive Caregiving
 Social Emotional Teaching Strategies
 Individualized Interventions
Based on What You’ve Heard Today
We hope you feel more confident in knowing:
What social-emotional skills to teach
How to teach them
How to meet the social-emotional needs
of individual children (all, some, and few)
Based on What You’ve Heard Today…
What Do You Want to Know More About?
Developing nurturing and responsive relationships
with all children?
Creating classroom environments that support the
active engagement of all children?
Teaching social emotional skills intentionally to all
Targeting social emotional strategies for individual
children who are at risk of challenging behavior?
Developing individualized behavior support plans for
children who need them?
KSDE TASN http://www.ksdetasn.org
Phoebe Rinkel
Misty Goosen
Don’t Forget to Complete the Electronic Sign-In
and Webinar Evaluation
Send and email message to Karen Lawson – klawson@ku.edu
include the following information for each participant:
Email address
USD Number
Electronic Evaluations – Your feedback is important to us!
• Session 1 Evaluation (11:30 a.m.) Survey:
• Session 2 Evaluation (4:00 p.m.) Survey:
Primary References
Archer, A., & Hughes, C. (2011). Explicit instruction: Effective and efficient teaching. New
York, NY: Guilford Press.
Dunlap, G., Strain, P. S., Fox, L., Carta, J., Conroy, M., Smith, B., et al. (2006). Prevention and
intervention with young children’s challenging behavior: A summary of current knowledge.
Behavioral Disorders, 32, 29-45.
Epstein, A. (2007). The intentional teacher: Choosing the best strategies for young children’s
learning. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Grisham-Brown, J. (2012) Using assessments for the purpose of program planning. Wichita,
KS: KITS Summer Institute.
Hall, T. (2002). Explicit instruction: Effective classroom practices report. Wakefield, MA:
National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved from
Hemmeter, M.L., Ostrosky, M.M., and Corso, R.M. (2012). Preventing and addressing
challenging behavior: Common questions and practical strategies. Young Exceptional
Children, 15:2, pp. 32-46.
Herner, T. (1998). NASDE Counterpoint, p. 2.
Primary References
KSDE (August, 2012). Structuring Module 2 Behavior Kansas MTSS, pp. 1-6.
Raver, C. (2002). Emotions matter: Making the case for the role of young children’s emotional
development for early school readiness. Social Policy Report of the Society for Research in
Child Development, 16 (3), 1-20.
TACSEI-CELL (2012). Implementing Effective Practices to Support Young Children’s Social
Emotional, Language, and Early Literacy: A Collaboration between TACSEI and CELL.
University of South Florida: Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for
Young Children, and Orlena Hawks Puckett Institute: Center for Early Literacy Learning.
Retrieved from http://earlyliteracylearning.org/TACSEI_CELL/START_HERE.html
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse.
(2013, February). Early Childhood Interventions for Children with Disabilities intervention
report: Social skills training. Retrieved from http://shatworks.ed.gov
Webster-Stratton, & Reid (2004). Infants and Young Children, 17:2, pp. 96-113.
Thanks to the CSEFEL, TACSEI
, and ECO Centers for many
of the child photos used in
this presentation.
Additional Resources
Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants, Toolkits
CSEFEL Inventory of Practices for Promoting Children’s Social Emotional
CSEFEL/TACSEI Routine Based Support
TACSEI Recommended Practice
TACSEI Roadmaps to Effective Intervention Practices (2009)
o Evidence Based Social Emotional Curricula and Intervention Packages for
Children 0-5 Years and Their Families
o Promoting Social Behavior of Young Children in Group Settings: A
Summary of Research
o Screening for Social Emotional Concerns: Considerations in the Selection
of Instruments
Retrieved from
Some Kansas Organizations
Supporting Social-Emotional
Development in Young Children
• Child and Youth Training and Technical Assistance Project (CYTTAP)
• Kansas Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
(KAIMH) shana@kaimh.org
• Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities (KCCTO) www.kccto.org
• Kansas Early Childhood Mental Health Advisory Council
• Kansas Pyramid Collaborative marci@dccda.org
• Kansas MTSS www.kansasmtss.org
• TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports Project
www.ksdetasn.org or www.kansasasd.com
• TASN KITS Project www.ksdetasn.org or www.kskits.org
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