9 th grade entry /exit task questions. #1 Remember to add your self- scores !
1. LT 1: I understand class expectations and how to write a perfect lab report
Exit task 1: Explain the 5 parts of a conclusion for a well written lab report.
2. LT 2: I can identify which objects are made of cells.
Exit task 2: Name 2 things that are made of cells and 2 things that are not made of cells. How do you know?
3. LT 3: I can identify and explain the importance of the 4 organic molecules.
Exit task 3: Name the 4 organic compounds and one function of each.
4. LT 4: I can explain the different types of scopes and know how to use a compound microscope.
Exit task 4: What is the one thing you never do on high power?
5. LT 5: I can explain the cell theory. I can explain the difference between depth of field and field of view.
Exit Task 5: What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?
6. LT 6: After looking at living cells, I can distinguish between a prokaryote and a eukaryote; a plant and animal cell; a unicellular and multicellular cell.
Exit task 6: A bacteria is a ________ since it has no nucleus. The paramecium is a ________ because it has a nucleus. A plant cell has a cell ____ and an animal cell does not.
7. LT 7: I understand the structure and function of the cell organelles.
Exit task 7: Name one cell organelle and explain its structure and function.