Why the “Y”?: An Evaluation of the YMCA Overnight Camp Program Offering By: Allison Seguin Agenda Background and research process Purpose Objectives Methodology Sampling Plan Purchasing the YMCA Overnight camp product The Path to Purchase Reviewing the Quality Eight What are the Quality Eight Table Stakes Values Outcomes Future Research Title Goes Background Here and Research Process Methodology Qualitative in nature Online Bulletin Board Focus Groups (BBG) In-Depth Interviews (IDI) What does this mean? BBGs: parents would sign in at least four times a day over two days to answer questions IDI: half hour telephone interviews BBGs: 55 parents were included IDIs: 9 parents, 5 counselors, 5 new Canadians, 11 Eastern camper parents, and 13 directors Sampling Plan Ontario Western Canada Eastern Canada Sampling Plan BBGs Completed Ontario Ontario First Timers Group 1 8-10 participants Group 2 8-10 participants Repeat Group 1 8-10 participants Group 2 8-10 participants Western Canada First Timers 8-10 participants Repeats 8-10 participants 11 Interviews were conducted with First Timer and Repeat Eastern camper parents Purchasing the YMCA Camp Experience: What Does it Look Like? Path to Purchase: What is it? Steps the customer takes when purchasing a service or product Includes awareness, research, consideration, purchase and repurchasing intent Awareness Parents were asked how they heard of YMCA overnight camps Parents typically heard of overnight camps through: Other YMCA program offerings Word of mouth Awareness Day camp Camp Alumni Members Other General Swimming Word of Mouth YMCA Programs Past Campers Daycare School trips Awareness: Word of Mouth Past campers Neighbours Friends Colleagues General word of mouth Did not specify who provided the recommendation Well-known in area Research Word of mouth and not much else Those who did follow-up research Spoke to staff at gym or daycare Consulted the website New Canadians Consulted the website One went solely on the recommendation of a friend and did no other research Different Websites Different Problems Lay-out and navigation issues for (names omitted). Consideration What stood out? Positive experiences Other campers/Their camper Themselves (camp alumni) Other YMCA Programs YMCA Brand Reputation Age of camp Affinity to values of YMCA Trust in the organization Qualities of camp Traditional, basic or simple Heterogeneous group of campers SES Children with special needs Just different kids Outcomes of camp (will be discussed more later) Also came up when asking about how heard about YMCA Overnight camps Consideration New Canadians Friendly and helpful staff The ability to participate in outdoor activities Making new friends Learning Canadian customs Why Not Girl Guides? Already knew everyone Enjoyed the activities offered at the YMCA camps Transportation convenience Re-Purchasing Intent What made the Camper want to go back? Everything! Fun games Connecting with friends or counselors What made the parents want to re-enroll their child? Praised great staff History or values Camper’s enthusiasm Reviewing the Quality Eight What Are the Quality Eight? Fun - The YMCA Resident Summer Camp is fun. Safety - The YMCA Resident Summer Camp is safe - socially, emotionally and physically. Friendship - The YMCA Summer Camp is a place of friendships. Belonging - The YMCA Summer Resident Camp is a place of caring, belonging and responsibility. Learning- The YMCA Resident Summer Camp participants learn and are challenged. Natural World - The YMCA Resident Summer Camp treasures the natural world. Life Needs - The YMCA Resident Summer Camp meets personal life needs. (Clean facilities and enjoyable meals) Place to Return - The YMCA Resident Summer Camp is a place to return to. What Are the Quality Eight? Quality Eight Principles Outcomes Values Learning Fun Friendships Place to return to Natural World Belonging Table stakes Life needs Safety Table Stakes: Safety Safety included Physical and emotional safety Communication and safety Safety and an individualized approach Table Stakes: Safety Physical safety Buildings Facilities Equipment Availability of medical staff Adequate training of counselors Adherence to safety protocols Acceptable counselor to camper ratios Emotional Safety Bullying Discussing issues in a supportive environment What do counselors think? Emphasis on safety overwhelming More training for soft skills Camper behaviour or sensitive issues Table Stakes: Safety Communication Before, during and after camp Really an unplugged environment? Parents have been known to sneak in phones They want photos, videos, updates and posts Both camp directors and counselors commented on this trend Infringes on some outcomes of camp Table Stakes: Safety Individualized Approach Although group dynamics were important, MY child should not fall to the wayside Counselors responsibility to sense group dynamics Negative experiences were noted because of cabin dynamics Requests on registration forms Table Stakes: Food Indifferent It’s just camp Suck it up Best stories are about the food Health-Conscious Parent Suggested sugar-free camps Balanced meals necessary Things to consider… One new Canadian parent mentioned food options that take into consideration religious restrictions Values: Belonging Campers enjoyed: Camp songs Lingo Routines Traditions Some parents wanted for their camper: A connection with the camp Values: Natural World Fourth most commonly mentioned benefit to attending overnight camp Tell me more… Nostalgic recount of childhood memories Being unplugged Learning outdoor skills Interacting with nature in a safe way Environmentally conscious citizens were not mentioned Values: A Place to Return To Factors that foster a place to return to Camper: Everything! Fun games Connecting with friends or counselors Parents Reputation/history of YMCA Camper’s enthusiasm to return Same topics mentioned in Ontario, Eastern and Western groups Outcomes of Camp What Parents Mentioned as the Benefits of Attending Overnight Camp Outcomes of Camp: Independence Make decisions for themselves Solve social problems without guidance from their parents Navigate through awkward or difficult emotions or situations Bullying Homesickness Come to a solution and deal with outcome Outcomes of Camp: Confidence Confident in abilities Pride in accomplishments Step out of comfort zone Allowed them to try new things Outcomes of Camp: Friendship Made friends but also kept in contact The Importance of New Friends Broaden horizons Counselors from other places Attending camp with children with special needs Kids outside of community Outcomes of Camp: Separation Some parents just really needed some time to themselves or with their significant other! Some mentioned they were still always talking about or wondering what their little ones were doing Outcomes of Camp: Other Benefits Other benefits Developing a new skill set Responsibility Developing social skills Mentorship Self esteem Teamwork Having a personal adventure Some of these benefits are quite profound! Outcomes of Camp Outcomes of Camp Outcomes of Camp: Fun Fun came up in conversations time and time again no matter what the question was! As mentioned previously, many parents decide to re-enroll their children based on their enthusiasm to return Many parent mentioned their kids would say….”but this time I want to go for…!” The importance of a variety of activities emerged over and over Age appropriate activities Camper being able to do the activities they really wanted to do Future Title Goes Research Background Here Considerations and Research Process Future Research Slide omitted for this portfolio as per client request