Homework: pg. 412 #s 10-32, 35 10. 29 11. 25 12. 29 13. 14 ½ 14


Homework: pg. 412 #s 10-32, 35

10. 29

11. 25

12. 29

13. 14 ½

14. 31.5

15. measure of angle VWX = 132; measure of angle WYX = 66

16. Step 1: use the distance formula to find the length of each diagonal

PR = QS = Sqrt(146)

Step 2: find the slope and see if the two slopes are perpendicular to each other.

Slope of PR = -5/11

Slope of QS = 11/5

They are indeed perpendicular

Step 3: Find the midpoint of each diagonals

PR = QS (3/2, -5/2)

The diagonals of square PQRS are congruent perpendicular bisectors

******We will learn this more on Tuesday during 6.5

17. RHMB is a rhombus. HB is a diagonal (Given)

MH is congruent to RH (def. of rhombus)

HB bisects angle RHM (Rhombus  each diagonal bisects opp. Angles)

Angle MHX is congruent to angle RHX (def. of angle bisector)

HX is congruent to HX (reflective property)

Triangle MHX is congruent to Triangle RHS (SAS)

Angle HMX is congruent to angle HRX (CPCTC)

18. 1 = 29; 2 = 61; 3 = 90; 4 = 29; 5 = 90

19. 1 = 54; 2 = 36; 3 = 54; 4 = 108; 5 = 72

20. 1 = 90; 2 = 45; 3 = 45; 4 = 45; 5 = 45

21. 1 = 126; 2 = 27; 3 = 27 ; 4 = 126 ; 5 = 27

22. 1 = 55; 2 = 55; 3 = 55 ; 4 = 70; 5 = 55

23. 1 = 64; 2 = 64; 3 = 26; 4 = 90; 5 = 64

24. Always

25. Sometimes

26. Sometimes

27. Sometimes

28. Always

29. Always

30. Always

31. Sometimes

32. No, a rhombus is equilateral but not equiangular. A rectangle is equiangular but not equilateral

35. a. Rectangle  parallelogram b. HG c. Reflexive property of congruence d. Def. of rectangle e. Angle GHE f. SAS g. CPCTC
