French 03 Tucson High Magnet School BD2 Ch2.2 Layered Curriculum Assignment On fait la fête Due date: 6 novembre 2015 By Regina Oliver Text: Chapitre 2 Bien Dit2 Holt Rinehart Winston c 2008 This lesson is broken down into what is called layered curriculum. This allows you to see ahead of time what is expected of you to get a certain grade for the unit. You must sign off all work with me. You may only sign off one item on the final due date, so keep working and sign things off with me DAILY as you go along. All work for the layered curriculum must be completed with 90% of the information correct and on time for maximum points possible. If not at the 90% level, then corrections need to be done before we sign off and you receive credit for the work. All work must deal with current chapter/unit information. You may do more for extra credit, but only if you have completed a level B and a level A assignment. (Max 20 pts). Pay careful attention. Assignment Niveau C 1. 2. 3. THIS IS HOMEWORK !!! Date Completed Possible complete your choice of the following items for a maximum of 60 points Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation BD2 Ch2.2 Create vocabulary flash cards for ALL words pp 54-56 Play a memory game with one or MORE partners. See the binder marked “flash card games” on the “world geography table” for some ideas for new memory games. Or make up one of your own. 4. Create a ‘how to’ mini-poster for how to use AVOIR and ETRE in passé composé EXPLAIN ALL RULES Show examples 5. Activity Workbook – BD2 Cahier d’Activité pp 15 et 16 6. Create a power point presentation with images of all the vocabulary in Chapter 2 pages 54, 55 and 56. OR create an illustrated dictionary of the vocabulary words – NOUNS and VERBS. Use pictures from the internet, magazines or draw your own. 7. Create a word search with 20 vocab words and phrases – MUST use computer program online 8. Choose one of the poems from the “Poetry Basket”, five to ten lines (depending on how long), memorize it and recite it to Mme O 9. Create a Q & A dialogue with BD2 Ch 2.2, 20 lines. Write dialogue out on paper *(NOT a partner activity) 10. Create a negativity chart, p 62 textbook. Use ALL negatives, write NEW examples (do not copy). 11. Fan Fold Vocabulary Review. Take a piece of paper and fold it into 3 columns. Label the first column ‘français’ ; the second column « anglais ». In first column list vocab words in french ; corresponding in english in second column : Use the third column to fold over second column to study the words : quiz yourself on the meaning of each word. Show work to Mme Oliver 12. Create your own activity (something simple to study vocab and grammar) 10 10 10 20 15 20 10 20 20 15 10 varies Earned Niveau B complete the following for 20-30 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Work with 1 partner max – Write and record (video or podcast) a lesson about AVOIR and ETRE in passé composé (MUST be 2 mins long, BOTH partners must speak, use English and French to teach) Work with 2 partners max to create a 15 slide power point presentation using chapter vocabulary in sentences to tell an interesting story. (include 10 words from vocab , 5 expressions from ‘Exprimons-nous’ pp 55 et 57 . Turn in a printed copy of your power point for correction. (Email or print put four to six slides on each page of your printed copy). Present your power point before Examen day. Write 15 original, non repetitive sentences in French using BD2 Ch 2.2 Create a 2 minute skit in French with 2 partners max. Turn in your skit in written form for correction. Present your skit from number 4 to the class before Examen day. Create a band dessiné to tell a story using chapter vocabulary. Use at least 25 vocabulary words and phrases. 20 Read your #5 story to an adult and have them sign below. Create an original song (recorded podcast or video) BD2 Ch 2.2 25 words/phrases Make a crossword puzzle using at least 20 words and expressions from Vocab I. You may not use any English in the clues – think French or illustrations. Make an answer key 10 20 20 10 20 10 20 10 Niveau A – Complete one of the following. 1. 2. Work in a group of two maximum to create a podcast CONVERSATION – use your imagination to use the vocab in BD2 Ch 2.2 – create a party conversation, or a “news show” interview about chores/things to do before a party - get creative! Create a research project about holidays in France, Canada, Senegal or Vietnam (or convince Mme O of the merits of your project – shopping, famous people, apartment living, house living). MUST present for all 30 points…Include power point, or poster, or media of some type. TOTAL: 90 points - Extra credit built in – possible to earn more than 90 points To earn a C, complete only Level C for 60 points – 30 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Children’s illustrated book (A) Bring props and do a skit French holidays related research project OR French famous person …Interview questions and data results, surveys…. Or no report on the results…??? Story boards… Music video that actually helps teach someone what’s on the test???? Songs….including vocab….Write a song Memorize a poem….Write Tutorials – teach the class (grammar tutor videos that aim at teaching the basic rules to someone who is having trouble understanding….and have the tutee sign off) 10. Quizlet for credit 1.Conjugation chart – 2. Make things worth more points because we’re lazy and will only work if you show us the money 3. Add a comic book or a strip for a FAIR amount of points. Sheesh 4. Film project – create a PBS style video to teach a concept or vocab. Rue d Sesamé 5. This class is OBSESSED with point values 6. Create a video similar to restaurant conversation from last year….How can I explain this on menu? 7. Write a story using the vocab and grammar (past tense) 8. More art and legos projects What does THAT mean? 9. Create a dialogue -- theme and vocab -- ….chores 10. Create an original poem or SONG 11.