Angular Momentum,Impulse and Conservation of Angular Momentum


Angular Momentum,Angular

Velocity and, Inertia

Angular Momentum

So far you know that:

 Angular momentum (L mom or H o

) is a vector quantity that defines an object’s rotation about an axis of rotation (i.e. any object or fluid that rotates about an axis has angular momentum). It is a measure of the tendency of an object to spin.

L mom is demo) used to develop kinetic energy and to stabilize moving objects (bike wheel

 L mom is dependent on the object’s such that mass , radius (inertia) and angular velocity

L mom

= mr


m=mass, r=radius and ω=angular velocity

Units: English = slug.ft

2 /s

Metric/SI = kg.m

2 /s

A Quick Note about Angular Velocity( ω)

 Angular velocity ( ω) can have units of:

A) radians per second (rad/s) – the metric/SI unit or;

B) revolutions or rotations per minute (rpm) – the English unit.

Interesting pt: The corresponding unit in the International System of Units (SI) is hertz (symbol Hz) or s -1 (1/second). Revolutions per minute is converted to hertz through division by 60.

 Often times it is necessary to convert from either rpm  rad/s OR rad/s  rpm

 To convert from rpm to rads simply x by 0.1047rad/s* ex. 65rpm= 65 x 0.1047rad/s = 6.8rad/s

 To convert from rads to rpm simply x by 9.55rpm* ex. 6.8rad/s= 6.8 x 9.55rpm = 65rpm

* Conversion factors taking from pg.7 of Engineering Toolbox

A Quick Note about Mass and Radius

 When working with angular momentum the product of mass x radius is INERTIA(I) where I=mr

 So, the formula L=mr ω changes to L=Iω

 Thus, the angular momentum of an object is affected by an object’s inertia (mass and radius) and angular velocity.

 If shape of object changes, inertia will change (see wkbk p.43) .

 For example I=mr 2 for a wheel but I=1/2mr 2 for solid cylinder.

 So, if you are calculating the angular momentum of a wheel L=I ω changes from L=(mr) ω to L=(mr 2 ) ω

 For your spin board activity you assumed that Adam and Jake were cylinders therefore their inertia can be calculated using I=1/2mr 2 .

 Therefore, their angular momentum can be calculated using:

L= (1/2mr 2 ) ω

Note: If radius changes (ex. Radius for Arms Out vs Radius for Arms In don’t forget to also use the correct value for “r”)

Working with Angular Momentum

Simple Angular Momentum

 Let’s calculate simple angular momentum (as you did in your activity)

 Let’s try another example:

A 900kg cylindrically shaped communications satellite is launched into orbit from the space shuttle. The satellite’s radius is 0.7m. It spins about its own axis at 30rpm.

What is the: a) moment of inertia of the satellite b) angular momentum of the spinning satellite due to its spin?

Classwork/Homework: Complete pp.55-

57 (Let’s review units a-d and Problems


*Whatever is not completed in class must be done for homework
