Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Sandra Cortez
 Abraham Maslow was a pioneer of humanistic psychology
who is best known for his creation of Maslow’s hierarchy
of need
 He believed that all humans
need to feel competent in order
to win approval and recognition
The Hierarchy of Need
Hierarchy of need
includes five
Physiological needs,
Safety needs,
Belonging needs,
Esteem needs and
Self-actualization needs
What is the Theory
 The lower levels represent the more fundamental needs and
the upper levels represent the growth being needs, and the
final need for self-actualization
 According to the theory, the higher needs in the hierarchy
become evident only after all the needs that are lower down in
the pyramid have been met
Physiological needs
 These are biological needs, they consist of needs for oxygen,
food, water, and a normal constant body temperature. They are
the strongest needs because if a person lacked these they
wouldn’t be able to survive
Safety Needs
 Safety needs may be different for each individual, depending
on where he or she is in life.
 For a child, this need is the need for a safe family
environment. There has to be security in the home, with
warmth and love. When a family has problems, it makes it
hard for that child to move up to the next level of social needs
because fear is often present.
 For adults, this need may be economically wise. If a person
looses his or her job, for example fear and anxiety will have a
doing on that person’s life.
Belonging needs
 Advancing up the hierarchy pyramid, the next level
represents the need to belong on a social level.
 The social level generally becomes the priority only after
the physiological and safety needs have been sufficiently
met and maintained.
 A sense of belonging can be felt when an individual
becomes more focused on the desire to build
relationships with others. This includes the desire for a
romantic partner, to have close friends, and maybe to
get married and have children.
Esteem need
 When a person feels a sense of belonging the need to feel
important rises. Once the first three classes of needs are
met, the need for self-esteem can become dominant
because this includes the esteem a person gets from
 Self-respect, achievement, attention, recognition, and
reputation is what is important for a persons esteem
 Self-Actualization is the highest point of Maslow's
hierarchy of need, it is the quest of reaching ones full
potential as a person unlike lower level needs this need
is never fully satisfied
 A person's need to do that which he or she feels they are
meant to do and as one grows there are always new
opportunities to continue to grow
 According to Maslow only a small percent of the
population reach the level of self-actualization
Characterizations of
 Unusual sense of
 Highly created
 Need for privacy
 Strong/normal ethical
 Accept themselves and
others for what they are
leading to SelfActualization
 Experiencing childhood
 Trying new things not
only don’t what you
 Being responsible and
working hard
 Standing up for what you
believe not jumping on
the band wagon
What is needed
• Living in a safe area
• Medical insurance
• Job security
• Financial reserves
 Need of friends
 Need of belonging
 Need to give and
receive love
• Self-respect
• Achievements
• Attention
• Recognition
• Reputation
Self Actualization
Maslow’s needs in real life
 Physiological Needs: provide lunch breaks, rest breaks
and pay minion wage
 Safety Needs: provide a safe working environment,
retirement benefits and job security
 Social Needs: create a sense of community based on
projects and social events
 Esteem Needs: recognition achievements to make
employees feel appreciated and valued
 Self-Actualization Needs: provide employees a
challenge and opportunity to reach their full career
New Corporation
 Physiological Need:
product/service, business
strategy, small funds,
work space, phone
computer, internet
 Safety Needs: Multiple
Employees, steady
retention rate, office space
 Belonging Need:
Employee relations,
investor, clients
 Esteem Need: Brand
recognition, partnership,
press coverage
 Self-Actualization:
corporate citizenship,
corporate social
Limitations of Maslow’s
 While Maslow’s hierarchy makes sense there is little
evidence to support its point for example some people
place social needs before any other, also starving artist
neglect lower needs in hopes to pursuit a higher one
Maslow's assumption that the lower needs must be
satisfied before a person can achieve their esteem need
and self-actualize need is not always the case and
therefore Maslow's hierarchy of needs in some aspects
has been proven wrong
Still used today
 Even though the hierarchy lacks scientific
support it is quite well knows and is the
first theory of motivation to which many
people are exposed
 It presents an intuitive and potentially
useful theory of human motivation
 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a popular way of
thinking about people's needs this theory contends that
as humans strive to meet our most basic needs we also
seek to satisfy a higher set of needs
 Burton, Neel. "Our Hierarchy of Needs." N.p., n.d. Web.
29 Sept. 2013.
 "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs." - Simply Psychology.
N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2013.
 "Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs." Maslow's Hierarchy.
N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2013.
 "Related Materials." Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
and Diagrams of Maslow's Motivational Theory. N.p., n.d.
Web. 28 Sept. 2013.