Preparation for Class


Class Engagement Rubric


Please circle or underline in MS Word the behavior description which most closely describes your performance in each of the areas listed below. In addition, you must provide a narrative explanation of your self-assessment on the next page.

Preparation for


I was always fully prepared for class with carefully prepared assignments and having read carefully to prepare for class relating the readings and case briefs to other material (e.g., readings, discussions, experiences, knowledge gained in other classes, other cases, etc.).

I was always prepared for class with assignments and required class materials.

I was almost always prepared for class with assignments and required class materials.

I was usually prepared for class with assignments and required class materials.

I was rarely prepared for class with assignments and required class materials.

Level of

Engagement in


Listening Skills

I contributed in a very significant way to class discussions, responded very thoughtfully to other students, and encouraged other students’ engagement.

I proactively contributed to class by offering ideas and asking questions more than once per class.

I proactively contributed to class by offering ideas and asking questions once per class.

I occasionally contributed to class by offering ideas and asking questions.

I rarely contributed to class by offering ideas and asking questions.

I listened very carefully when others talked, both in groups and in class. I supported and built upon the ideas of others.

I listened when others talked, both in groups and in class. I incorporated of the ideas of others.

I listened when others talked, both in groups and in class.

I did not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class.

I did not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class. I often interrupted when others spoke.

In Class Behavior

Attendance &


I never displayed disruptive behavior during class and actively discouraged other students who displayed disruptive behavior.

I never displayed disruptive behavior during class.

I rarely displayed disruptive behavior during class.(e.g., making side comments, passing notes, receiving calls or text messages, doing work for other classes).

I occasionally displayed disruptive behavior during class.

I regularly displayed disruptive behavior during class.

I was always prompt and ready for class to begin both physically and psychologically. I always attended class.

I was always prompt and always attended class. At most, I missed one class or was late/left early once.

I was late to class or left early more than a couple of times during the semester and regularly attended classes.

I was late to class or left early more than a couple of times every two months and regularly attended classes.

I was late to class or left early more than once a month and/or had poor attendance to classes.

Please briefly explain your self-assessment of your class participation in each of the areas listed below:

Preparation for Class


Level Of Engagement In Class


Listening Skills

In Class Behavior

Attendance & Promptness



I missed __________ class(es) over the course of this semester (for whatever reason).

I was late to class or left class early __________ time(s) over the course of this semester

(for whatever reason).


Thanks to J.W. Lowery for his contribution.
