harrison bergeron packet

Core Analysis Frame: Fiction
Directions: Answer only the highlighted questions
Analyze Theme
• What happens to the main characters? What do they learn from their experiences?
• Does the title suggest something about the author’s message?
• What does the story tell you about people, values, or society?
• What is the main message, or theme, in this story?
Analyze Author’s Craft
• What point of view did the author choose for this story? How did that choice affect
what you read?
• How would this story change if it were told from a different point of view?
• What other elements or techniques were used—irony, foreshadowing, flashback,
surprise ending? How did these choices affect the story, or affect you as a reader?
• What kind of language was used in the story—formal, informal, dialect? Do you
think these choices were appropriate?
Evaluate and Critique
• How clearly was the setting developed? Could you picture it easily?
• How well were the characters developed or portrayed? Did you find them believable?
Cite specific details and examples.
• Did the plot proceed logically? Was the resolution believable and/or satisfying?
• What is your reaction to the theme? Do you feel the author communicated it well?
• How effective was the author’s language and style? How well did both match the
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company
Literary Analysis
The plot of a story is the action that takes place. The plot is driven by a conflict, or struggle between
opposing forces. This might be a struggle between two characters, between a character and nature, within
a character, or between a character and society as in the story, “Harrison Bergeron.”
Directions: In the chart, record the ways in which Harrison and the government oppose each other.
What the Government Believes
everyone should be average
How Harrison is Different
is a genius and an athlete
Use the details you recorded in the chart to write a summary of the main conflict in the story.
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Vocabulary Strategy
The Greek root syn means “together” or “similar.” Synchronize is one word that contains this
root. It means “to bring in line together.” To understand words that contain this prefix, you
may need to use context clues as well as your knowledge of the root.
A. Directions: Write a definition for each of the following words. If necessary, consult a
1. synergy
2. synod
3. syntax
4. synopsis
5. syndetic
B. Directions: Use each word you defined above in a sentence that shows its meaning.
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Vocabulary Practice
Word List
A. Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct word from the list.
1. If you were cornered by a wild beast, you might________________________________________
2. If you burned your finger on a hot stove, you might____________________________________
3. If a series of burglaries occurred in your neighborhood, you might increase your
4. If you never found time to eat dinner with your family, you might suggest that your schedules needed
5. If you found your mother reading your diary, you might feel_______________________________
6. If you had a rash from poison ivy, your doctor might suggest the effect with a special cream.
B. Directions: Think about the meaning of each phrase in the first column. Then find the phrase in the
second column that is closest in meaning. Write the letter of that phrase on the blank line.
____7. yelps of confused amazement
A.unceasing vigilance
____8. cringe and conceal
B. cries of consternation
____9. unending alertness
C. synchronizing watches
____10. flinch from soreness
D. cower and hide
____11. coordinating timepieces
E. neutralizing the enemy
____12. deactivating the foe
F. wince in pain
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