WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name __Lisa Silverman___ Date __12-8-14_ Length of Lesson __week__ Content Area _AP Literature & Composition STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): Intro to Shakespeare/Renaissance/early modern period in British Literature Hamlet rising action (Acts 2, 3)—purpose of ghost, oedipal complex, delayed revenge motifs: (feigned) madness, pestilence, war, spying Intro to literary/poetry terms: soliloquy, blank verse vs common prose, iambic pentameter, scansion, meter, trochee, pyrrhic, spondee, anapest, dactyl, feminine/masculine ending UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Essential content, literary elements and devices inform meaning • Textual structure, features and organization inform meaning • Acquiring and applying a robust vocabulary assists in constructing meaning BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) CC1.2.11-12.A,B,G,J-L, CC1.3.11-12, CC1.5.11-12 • Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. Active listeners make meaning from what they hear by questioning, reflecting, responding, and evaluating. Effective speakers prepare and communicate messages to address the audience and purpose. Effective research requires the use of varied resources to gain or expand knowledge. Audience and purpose influence a writer’s choice of organizational pattern, language, and literary techniques. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: • How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response? • What role does writing play in our lives? • How do diction, syntax, and other word choices of an author affect the overall mood of a text? VOCABULARY: STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): critical thinking/ dialectical engagement with text senior project: arguments thesis supporting facts Students will be able to: literary: character foil conflict socio-historical context (late Renaissance/early Modern) blank verse iambic pentameter soliloquy aside scansion meter trochee pyrrhic spondee anapest dactyl feminine/masculine ending • Use and cite evidence from texts to make assertions, inferences, generalizations, and to draw conclusions • Analyze the use of facts and opinions across texts • Evaluate the presentation of essential and nonessential information in texts, identifying the author’s implicit or explicit bias and assumptions • Analyze and evaluate author’s/authors’ use of conflict, theme and /or point of view within and among texts • Summarize, draw conclusions, and make generalizations from a variety of mediums • Develop new and unique insights based on extended understanding derived from critical examinations of text(s) • Evaluate the relevance and reliability of information, citing supportive evidence in texts • Analyze the impact of societal and cultural influences in texts • Evaluate the characteristics of various genre (e.g. fiction and nonfiction forms of narrative, poetry, drama and essay) to determine how the form relates to purpose. • Evaluate organizational features of text (e.g. sequence, question/answer, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution) as related to content to clarify and enhance meaning STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Summarizing main ideas Open-ended questions Students will do mini-presentations for Sartre, Shakespeare STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Do Now; SAT vocabulary do-now (Collins type 1) MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Glencoe British Lit textbook senior project handbook Mini Lesson: Intro to Shakespeare (by students) Sr. project notes/handbook video clip comparisons of two productions: Hamlet chastising mother 3.4 (oedipal complex) copies of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Guided Practice: Open discussion of Hamlet Act 2&3 using student journals as basis for lesson small groups to analyze 3.1 “To be or not to be” soliloquy(scansion) Independent Practice: Read and respond to( independent journal) literature Scansion analysis in small groups INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: tutoring Tues. and Thurs. with me parent contact English lab Ongoing: Read independent novel for second nine weeks (1984 or Brave New World) Senior project notes Senior project argument notes Summations/Formative Assessments: see above Reflections: