Lecture 1

Lecture 21
• Jupiter and Saturn
– Orbit
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Rings
– Moons
• Jupiter and Saturn
– Orbit
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Rings
– Moons
• Why is the ecliptic at an angle with respect
to the horizon?
Inferior planets
superior planets
A planet’s
synodic period
is measured
with respect to
the Earth and
the Sun (for
example, from
one opposition
to the next)
Measured with respect
to something that is not
rotating or orbiting
• http://learning.nd.edu/orbital/orbitals.swf
• Which is longer, Jupiter’s synodic or
orbital period?
• Which is longer, Jupiter’s synodic or
Saturn’s synodic period?
• Guess Jupiter’s and Saturn’s synodic
Kepler’s Third Law
P2 = a3
P = planet’s sidereal period, in years
a = planet’s semimajor axis, in AU
Long orbital periods of Jupiter and
Saturn cause favorable viewing times
to shift
The best time to observe Saturn from Earth is when it
A. at opposition and it is midnight at your location
on Earth.
B. at opposition and it is sunset or sunrise at your
location on Earth.
C. at conjunction and it is midnight at your location
on Earth.
D. at conjunction and it is sunset or sunrise at your
location on Earth.
E. at opposition and it is just before sunrise at your
location on Earth.
• Jupiter and Saturn
– Orbit
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Rings
– Moons
What happens to ornaments when
hoop is spun?
The oblateness of Jupiter and
Saturn reveals their rocky cores
• Jupiter probably has a
rocky core several times
more massive than the
• The core is surrounded
by a layer of liquid “ices”
(water, ammonia,
methane, and
associated compounds)
The oblateness of Jupiter and
Saturn reveals their rocky cores
• On top of this is a layer of
helium and liquid metallic
hydrogen and an outermost
layer composed primarily of
ordinary hydrogen and
• Saturn’s internal structure is
similar to that of Jupiter, but
its core makes up a larger
fraction of its volume and its
liquid metallic hydrogen
mantle is shallower than that
of Jupiter
Metallic hydrogen inside Jupiter and Saturn
endows the planets with strong magnetic
• Jupiter and Saturn have strong magnetic fields created by
currents in the metallic hydrogen layer
• Jupiter’s huge magnetosphere contains a vast current sheet of
electrically charged particles
• Saturn’s magnetic field and magnetosphere are much less
extensive than Jupiter’s
Synchrotron Radiation
Charged particles in the densest portions of
Jupiter’s magnetosphere emit synchrotron
radiation at radio wavelengths
Auroras on Jupiter and Saturn are caused
A. charged particles from the
magnetosphere colliding
with molecules in the
upper atmosphere.
B. ionized hydrogen.
C. ionized helium.
D. tidal interactions with the
largest moons.
E. gas circulating at the
• Jupiter and Saturn
– Orbit
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Rings
– Moons
• gravity and escape velocity
• gravity and escape velocity
• The visible “surfaces” of
Jupiter and Saturn are
actually the tops of their
• The rapid rotation of the
planets twists the clouds
into dark belts and light
zones that run parallel to
the equator
The chemical composition of
Jupiter and Saturn is difficult to
measure. Why?
• The outer layers of both
planets’ atmospheres
show differential rotation
– The equatorial regions
rotate slightly faster than
the polar regions
• For both Jupiter and
Saturn, the polar rotation
rate is nearly the same
as the internal rotation
Spacecraft images show
remarkable activity
in the clouds of Jupiter and
The internal heat of Jupiter and
Saturn has a major effect on the
planets’ atmospheres
• Explain how Infrared and Visible (indicated
on the previous slide) relate to the
blackbody curves we studied.
A space probe has explored
Jupiter’s deep atmosphere
• There are presumed to be three cloud
layers in the atmospheres of Jupiter and
• The reasons for the distinctive colors of
these different layers are not yet known
• The cloud layers in Saturn’s atmosphere
are spread out over a greater range of
altitude than those of Jupiter, giving Saturn
a more washed-out appearance
Both Jupiter and Saturn emit more
energy than they receive from the
Sun. What does this tell us?
Jupiter radiates more energy into space than
it receives from the Sun. What is the primary
source of the excess energy that Jupiter
A. Decay of radioactive materials in Jupiter's
B. Tidal forces from Jupiter's moons
C. Jupiter is still contracting, and the
contraction releases energy
D. Jupiter's rotation is slowing down
dramatically, and this slowdown releases
E. All of the above are the energy sources
What can you
say about these
If Jupiter and Saturn formed at the
same time, which should be emitting
more heat?
• Saturn’s atmosphere contains
less helium than Jupiter’s
• This lower abundance may be the
result of helium raining downward
into the planet
• Helium “rainfall” may also account
for Saturn’s surprisingly strong
heat output
• Jupiter and Saturn
– Orbit
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Rings
– Moons
• Link
Something is Fishy
• How can a planet be solid?
Earth-based observations reveal three
broad rings encircling Saturn
• Saturn is circled by a system of thin, broad rings lying in the plane of the
planet’s equator
• This system is tilted away from the plane of Saturn’s orbit, which causes the
rings to be seen at various angles by an Earth-based observer over the
course of a Saturnian year
Saturn’s rings are composed of
numerous icy fragments, while Jupiter’s
rings are made of small
rocky particles
• The principal rings of Saturn are composed of numerous
particles of ice and ice-coated rock ranging in size from a
few micrometers to about 10 m
• Jupiter’s faint rings are composed of a relatively small
amount of small, dark, rocky particles that reflect very
little light
• Most of its rings exist inside the Roche limit of Saturn, where disruptive tidal
forces are stronger than the gravitational forces attracting the ring particles
to each other
• Each of Saturn’s major rings is composed of a great many narrow ringlets
Saturn’s rings consist of thousands
of narrow,
closely spaced ringlets
Saturn’s inner satellites affect the
and structure of its rings
• Jupiter and Saturn
– Orbit
– Surface
– Atmosphere
– Rings
– Moons
• Already discussed influence on Saturn’s
• Jupiter’s moons are even more interesting