PROTISTS EXPLORATION ACTIVITY CH 20 Prentice Hall Biology Text 1. The four Animal-like representative protists used in this class will be the amoeba, euglena, paramecium, and volvox. 2. You will be given a foldable (see Handouts/Resouces above) with illustrations of the four protists. You will create a foldable from the classroom copy of information and illustrations…and will label the organelles, methods of movement, metabolic process, and reproduction method(s) using the classification cards and other text resources. 3. Guided practice: Using your foldables, you/students should will answer the “Which protist is it?” questions about the four representational protists. 4. Independent practice: EACH Students will create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting any two of the four representational animal-like protists. 5. Using the Animal-Like Protists cards as an example…your group will create a set of cards for your assigned group of protists…Each student is to do their own card for the group…and a test grade will be given. When using the internet be sure to give the SPECIFIC web address when citing information or using a diagram just as your sample cards showed you…Must contain ALL required parameters to get a good grade! Must be colorful, detailed, neat, attractive, required information about protest, cited information. 6. As a group create a GUIDED PRACTICE question set for YOUR group of protists. ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` A Virtual Pond Dip Take a dip in the jar to learn about some common types of smaller pond life, with links to Micscape Magazine resources. The tiny organisms found in pond water are fascinating subjects to study under the microscope, and can captivate both beginners and experienced microscopists for a lifetime! This virtual pond dip introduces some of the commoner types and hopefully encourages an exploration of the incredible 'world within a world' of a real pond. Click the mouse over each organism to display its factfile, which also gives links to more detailed articles. Each organism's relative size is to scale in the image; actual sizes are given in the factfiles. A more extensive guide to major groups of pond life can be found on the Pond Life Identification Kit pages. You don't need any special equipment to begin studying pond life. For simple tips, see how to collect microscopic pond life. Notes on the factfiles this jar links to and sources of information are here. Notes on the factfiles. Common Name : Of organism(s); Also include if they are unicellular or multicellular Phylum: may also include a smaller group like a genus. Genus: Size : Typical ranges of European species are given, either in mm and/or µm (µm = micrometer i.e. 1/1000th of a millimeter). Habitat/Where to find them : Typical habitats of the organism, but not necessarily all. Notes : A few points of interest. Kingdom Classification : Which of the six kingdoms and phylum of that kingdom it belongs to. Organisms in the Animal Kingdom: Organisms in the Protista Kingdom: