geography[1]. - Haddonfield7thGradeGeography

Mr. DiPol
Ms. Mastantuono
7th Grade Social Studies
Contact Information
Instructor: Mr. Di Pol
(856) 429-5851 Ext. 390
Social Studies Objectives and
Major Topic Areas
To develop an understanding of global environments and man’s
relationship to them; to identify major landforms; to understand
how geography affects cultures and be aware of and understand
current events.
Skill Areas - Map skills, reference skills, interpretation of charts
and graphs, study skills (i.e. note taking, researching,
summarizing, memorizing, etc.), speaking, writing and listening
Major Topic Areas - A selection from regional environments
including North America, Latin America, Europe, Northern Eurasia,
Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East,
Australia and Oceania; current events. The text, World
Geography: Building a Global Perspective, will present these
regions from the perspectives of political, economic, cultural, and
geographic knowledge, as well as by using the five themes of
Geography - Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction,
Movement, and Region.
I believe that a student’s grade should reflect
his/her knowledge and mastery of the
content. The process of learning is a very
important aspect of our daily interactions in our
Social Studies class. The process of learning that
each student embarks upon will be evaluated and
analyzed to ensure that the student is
progressing and making growth in their academic
endeavors. Students will not be graded on the
process of learning in its entirety but will be
graded on what they have learned. Specific
information on each student’s attitude, effort,
and behaviors demonstrated in class will be
communicated through methods other than the
final grade.
What is Graded and Impacts
Marking Period Grade?
Finalized writings
Current Event Presentations
Other forms of presentations / Group
Formative and Summative
Formative Assessment is a tool used to
measure a student’s progress in mastering
the state standards. Formative assessment
delivers information during the instructional
process. It is used to make decisions about
what best practices to use in order to
promote further learning. Formative
assessment is an assessment for the
process of learning.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment is an
assessment of a learning
outcome. It documents how much
learning has occurred at a point in
time; its purpose is to measure the
level of a student’s
success. Summative assessment
is included as part of the final
Marking Period grade.
“Tasting the Soup”
-When the chef tastes the soup, it is
formative assessment.
-When the customer tastes the soup,
it is summative assessment.
Homework Policy
What is the purpose of homework?
Homework is an important part of the process of learning, and
therefore not considered a final assessment of understanding
and achievement in the final grade.
Homework is meant for practice and reinforcement.
Students are expected to complete all homework assignments
to build upon their skill and understanding. This will support
success on graded assignments.
Homework offers students an opportunity to determine which
areas they need additional help so they can better prepare
themselves for the graded assessments.
What about students who
choose not to do their
Summative assessments will be impacted
when a student did not take the
opportunity to practice and reinforce their
understanding of the content.
Students should be held accountable for
choosing not to practice what is learned in
If a student misses three assignments,
he/she will be required to attend a
Homework Help Session after school at a
time designated by the teacher.
Missing or Incomplete
Homework Procedures
If a student has 1 or 2 missing or incomplete assignments,
he/she can complete them and avoid being required to
attend an afterschool Homework Help Session.
When a student has 2 missing assignments, the student
and I will notify his/her parents the day of the 2nd missing
assignment by either email, phone call, or note home to be
Email directions
Email will be sent to parent
Dear Mom/Dad – This email is to notify you that I am
missing two homework assignments. If I miss another
homework assignment without completing any previously
missed assignments, I will have to attend the Homework
Help Session on date TBD from time TBD.
Missing 3rd Homework assignment
If a student misses 3 homework
assignments he/she will be required
to attend the Homework Help
Session. The parent will be notified
the day of the 3rd missing
assignment by either email, phone
call, or note home to be signed.
A student who is missing 3 assignments and exhibits
defiant behavior will receive a detention.
Defiant behavior is not reporting to
Homework Help Session, arriving
late, or refusing to complete work
while at the Homework Help
The student is not receiving a
detention for not doing his/her
homework; he/she is receiving a
detention for insubordination.
HOMEWORK – Students who
complete all homework for the
Marking Period will receive 1 point
added to their final grade.
When can students receive
additional help other than during
the school day?
After school except when we have a
faculty meeting scheduled.
What will parents see on Home Access Center?
Homework (a method of formative assessment) will be shown in
the grade book as a 0 or a 1. A 0 means the assignment was not
completed at all or was completed poorly. A 1 means the
assignment was completed and ready to go over in class when
Formative assessment work such as quizzes, class work, etc. will
be shown in the grade book, but will not be counted toward the
final assessment. This will be weighted as 0% when determining
the grade average.
Summative assessments such as tests, finalized writings,
projects, interactive notebook, etc. will be shown in the grade
book and will count toward the final Marking Period grade
There are also comments regarding specific assessments or your
child’s behavior, effort, or attitude being demonstrated in class.
Students must bring 3-ring binder,
paper, pen, pencil, and colored pencils to
each class.
It is your responsibility to make up
missed class work, homework, tests, and
quizzes ASAP after an absence. See my
eBoard. Have a reliable friend to help
you get the assignment/materials. If
there’s a problem, PLEASE see me- not
School Behavior
1.Respect for everyone and everyone’s property is expected at all times. Don’t touch what doesn’t
belong to you. Do not touch anything on my desk, and do not behind it. Be especially respectful of
substitutes. Class reports are filed in the office with the names of uncooperative/misbehaving
students added.
2.Sit up with feet on the floor and hands to yourself in the classroom and auditorium so as not
to disturb those around you. Please, don't slouch! Please cover your mouth when you yawn,
sneeze, or cough.
3.Sharpen pencils BEFORE class begins; throw out trash AFTER class ends. Please pick up litter in
the room.
4.Never leave the room without permission/a pass from the teacher. Fill out the sign-out
sheet completely. In the lavatory, flush, lave (wash), and put litter in paper receptacle.
5.Defacing school property (i.e., desks, seats, books, walls, lockers, maps, floors, lavatories, etc.)
is wrong; don’t litter – including in the lavatory! Don’t write on hands and arms; some students
have cheated this way! Textbooks must be covered with a proper fitting cover or book sox
to protect it from wear and tear.
6.Be prepared for all periods. Have pens, pencils, paper, homework, binder and Agenda Book. Be
punctual. Have a book to read during tutorials. If you cannot be punctual for any reason, you
need to let the teacher know ASAP! Ask the nurse, principal, secretary, whatever person you’re
with to call the receiving teacher.
7.“Can I…?” = Do I have the ability? “May I…?” = May I have permission to…?
8.Raise your hand to be recognized for speaking. Please volunteer, but don't call out or talk back.
9.Be responsible for the care of all books in the room. They are not to be on the floor or
mistreated. Don’t throw items. Please don’t stuff any papers in any book - the binding could be
10.Any questions or comments concerning discipline are to be asked after school, not during class.
RANT – Read And Note Take text material - even when you’re not assigned to! PARAPHRASE - don’t
copy everything word for word.
Xeroxing assigned text pages allows you to highlight passages and add your personal notes!
Always take notes in class. This reinforces important information and is the best way to perfect your
note-taking skill. Make flash cards for definitions and facts; index cards are ideal for this!
Always use “active listening” -- use ears, eyes, and heart! Have a positive attitude!
Always focus your attention on the task at hand.
Leave distractions - thoughts and activities - in the hallway!
Use tutorial times for school work – meet with a teacher, make up a test, review, read a book,
Keep your Agenda Book up-to-date and use it. Review school policy periodically/as needed.
Develop a system of mnemonics (tricks, associations, rhymes, and mental images to help you
remember -- for example: “A Rat In Tom’s House Might Eat The Ice Cream,” and ROY G. BIV.)
Prepare for tests and quizzes in advance. Don’t procrastinate; don’t cram!
Ask questions in and out of class -- at the appropriate time.
Follow these IMPORTANT directions when completing homework, for behaving properly, and for
Always - in all things - do your PERSONAL BEST!!!
About Mr. DiPol
Mr. DiPol is a fairly new resident to the Haddonfield
community as well as to the Haddonfield School District. In
January 2010 he became a member of the staff at
Haddonfield Middle School. Mr.DiPol was a graduate of the
Gloucester County Police Academy and served as a police
officer prior to completing his Bachelors Degree in History
at Rutgers University. While teaching in the Washington
Township and Moorestown school districts as a Special
Education Teacher he continued his studies at Liberty
University and completed his Masters Degree in Counseling
along with an Educational Specialist Degree in Teaching and
Learning; currently he is pursuing his Doctorate in
Education through Northeastern University in Boston,
Mr. DiPol enjoys spending time with his three children and
is a volunteer coach for a Haddonfield T-Ball team as well
as the Haddonfield 60 pound Football team. Mr. DiPol is
also the Head Wrestling Coach at Haddonfield Memorial
High School.