Technology Applications 1...................................13030
Prerequisite: Keyboarding or Instructor Approval
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Technology Applications 1 provides students the opportunity to learn introductory applications in word processing, database, spreadsheet, Internet, multimedia presentation, and using the Microsoft Office Suite. As computers become more critical in today’s world, this course provides the beginning experiences used for high school through career applications.
Tourism 1...............................................................13330
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
Tourism 1 introduces students to career opportunities in the travel and tourism industry with emphasis on workplace skills.
Sample occupations in this pathway include tour guides, travel agents, event planners, convention services managers, hotel managers, or hotel front desk assistants.
Tourism 2...............................................................13340
Prerequisite: Tourism 1
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
Tourism 2 allows students to explore tourism by meeting and interacting with representatives from the tourism industry. Students will expand their career portfolio, plan a trip for a client, expand knowledge of geography, and learn how to promote a business and how to meet the special needs of clients. Course content may include career portfolios, trip planning, customer service and business promotion. Sample occupations in this pathway include tour guides, travel agents, event planners, convention services managers, hotel managers, or hotel front desk assistants.
Prerequisite: Tourism 1 or Instructor Approval
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
In S.T.A.R.T. (Skills, Tasks, and Results Training), students learn essential knowledge in the areas of hospitality, rooms, and food and beverage service. Attention is given to customer service, facilities management, guest services, and food and beverage management. Students gain practical experience in the hospitality industry through a variety of training opportunities. This course is for those students seeking exposure to the hospitality industry, but whose career pathway may be geared to a supporting job opportunity.
Human Relations in the Work Place ................... 15020
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 9-12 Credit: 0.5
This course is designed to help students understand their behavior and the behavior of others. It is designed to encourage students to follow those behaviors that strengthen individuals and families. Aproject-based approach that uses higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes is used. Careers in this pathway, such as childcare worker, teacher, counselor or personal trainer, will be explored.
Introduction to Human Services ......................... 15010
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
Introduction to Human Services covers the basic skills and aptitudes required in a variety of Human Services occupations such as the medical and mental health fields. Through the use of field trips, guest speakers and self-exploration participants will obtain a better understanding of human services career opportunities. Examples of careers in human services are counselor, pastor, psychologist, social worker, attorney or diplomat.
Culinary Arts 1.....................................................15160
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Culinary Arts 1 introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following seven units will be covered: 1) Successful Customer Relations, 2)
Preparing and Serving Safe Food, 3) Preventing Accidents and Injuries, 4) Kitchen Basis, 5) Food Service Equipment, 6)
Nutrition, and 7) Preparing for a Successful Career. Culinary Arts 1 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National
Restaurant Association as part of the school-to-career approach to learning. Students who are interested in becoming chefs or working in the restaurant industry would benefit from this course. Recommended Course: Survey of Home Economics.
Culinary Arts 2......................................................15170
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Culinary Arts 2 introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following six units will be covered this semester: 1) Breakfast Foods and
Sandwiches, 2) Working with People, 3) Salads and Garnishes, 4) Business Math, 5) Fruits and Vegetables, and 6) Controlling
Food Service Costs. A minimum of 20 lab activity/cooking hours will be included. Culinary Arts 2 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National Restaurant Association. Students who are interested in becoming chefs or working in the restaurant industry would benefit from this course. Recommended Courses: Survey of Home Economics 1.
Culinary Arts 3......................................................15180
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Culinary Arts 3 introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following six units will be covered this semester: 1) The History of Food Service, 2)
Potatoes and Grains, 3) The Lodging Industry, 4) The Art of Service, 5) Desserts and Baked Goods, and 6) Marketing and the
Menu. A minimum of 20 lab activity/cooking hours will be included. Culinary Arts 3 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the
National Restaurant Association as part of the school-to-career approach to learning. Students who are interested in becoming chefs or working in the restaurant industry would benefit from this course. Recommended Course: Survey of Home Economics 1.
Culinary Arts 4......................................................15190
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Culinary Arts 4 introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following six units will be covered this semester: 1) Purchasing and Inventory
Control, 2) Meat, Poultry and Seafood, 3) Standard Accounting Practices, 4) Stocks, Soups, and Sauces, 5) Tourism and the
Retail Industry, and 6) Communicating with Customers. A minimum of 20 lab activity/cooking hours will be included. Culinary
Arts 4 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National Restaurant Association as part of the school-to-career approach to learning. Students who are interested in becoming chefs or working in the restaurant industry would benefit from this course.
Recommended Course: Survey of Home Economics.
Foods and Nutrition..............................................16450
Prerequisite: Survey of Home Economics 1 or Instructor Approval
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
Foods and Nutrition teaches students to cook nutritious foods in order to perform better in sports and in life. Topics may include basic nutrition, safety and sanitation, weight control, sports nutrition and vegetarianism. Students interested in careers as cooks or chefs, dieticians, or exercise fitness technicians would find this class beneficial.
Food Science .......................................................... 16460
Prerequisite: Culinary Arts course or Introduction to Health &
Fitness or Instructor Approval
Grade: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
Food Science utilizes a science laboratory and the scientific methodology for understanding the impact of food on the body. This is laboratory course that uses experimental methods with tools for hands-on learning. This course would benefit students interested in careers in sports medicine, culinary arts, dietetics, and nutrition.
Accounting 1
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Accounting 1 is designed to provide students with the fundamental skills needed to understand the basic accounting cycle for a service business organized as a sole proprietorship and a merchandising business organized as a partnership. Doubleentry accounting is the major emphasis of this course. Simulations incorporating source documents reinforce the entire accounting cycle concept. This course would benefit students interested in careers as bookkeepers, accountants, business managers or wanting to be self-employed.
Accounting 2..........................................................13120
Prerequisite: Accounting 1
Grade: 9-12 Credit: .5
Tech Prep Accounting 2 students will be able to further refine the basic concepts and skills introduced in Accounting 1. Students will be provided with an overview of accounting for a merchandising business organized as a corporation as well as an overview of the legal environment of business. Guest speakers are used to expose students to the wide range of accounting careers.
Automated accounting is introduced in this course. This course would benefit students interested in careers as bookkeepers, accountants, business managers or wanting to be self-employed.
Psychology 1 ............................................................ 3260
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12 Credit: 0.5
This course is an introduction to the study of human behavior. The focus of the course will be the theories of psychology as well as research in the areas of perception, learning, personality development, and human behavior.
Justice 1 .................................................................. 15210
Prerequisite: None
Grade: 10-12` Credit: 0.5
Justice 1 provides a comprehensive yet fun approach to the study of employment opportunities in the criminal justice system.
With guest speakers from local, state and federal agencies, employment opportunities are brought to life for students. Various field trips bring a reality to the criminal justice system not matched, even at the college level. This class would be good for students interested in careers in law enforcement, legal services, public service, or military service.
Justice 2 .................................................................. 15220
Prerequisite: Justice 1
Grade: 10-12` Credit: 0.5
Justice 2 is a continuation of Justice 1 and the study of the criminal justice system.