Scope and Sequence for Mr. Green’s French III Course Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Units do getting-to-know-you activity, review numbers 01,000/learn number 1,000-1,000,000, use the pronoun “on,” review the French-speaking world (song and -er verbs),recall the names of famous French speakers, fill out travel documents, become familiar with the syllabus, give test on la francophonie, conjugate –er verbs with an emphasis on stem-changing –er verbs, use le futur proche, describe one’s future plans, take the SLO pre-test take the speaking part of the SLO pre-test, prepare for and take future goals and expectations test (CDA), review –ir verbs, conjugate –re verbs, review and learn more classroom objects and expressions instruction, do multiple activities to regular verbs Take a quiz on regular verbs, Review and learn new classroom vocabulary and classroom objects, do a worksheet and complete another assessment on classroom vocabulary and expressions (test), review dire/lire/ecrire and related vocabulary, formulate the passé compose of –er verbs, read the poem Dejeuner du matin* Formulate the passé compose of regular verbs (no house of etre or irregular past participles), do many communicative activities and take a quiz, study leisure and responsibilities at home vocabulary Play charades games with new vocabulary, take a quiz on new vocabulary, take leisure and responsibilities at home test (CDA), learn about Senegal (1-2* day lesson) learn the parts of the computer, read about the history of technology use in France, become acquainted with “techno-langue,” learn more technology related vocabulary/describe uses of technology, complete 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 worksheets and play tic-tac-boum with new vocabulary, recognize direct object pronouns, prepare for and take technology test (CDA), dance a la quebecoise*, Complete graphic organizer on verb tensese, review the formation of the past tense/do manipulative activity, study more passe compose (house of etre, irregular past participles), complete assessments, write a journal in past tense/peer editing, prepare for last weekend test Take last weekend test (CDA), review present tense of daily routine/reflexive verbs, take a quiz on the present tense of daily routine/reflexive verbs, learn the passé compose of daily routine/reflexive verbs use direct object pronouns, learn gestures from the French speaking world, recognize indirect object pronouns study the geography of France/learn geography related vocabulary, play drawing games with new vocabulary, take vocabulary quiz, learn about France and its provinces/readings and videos, review le futur proche/partner activity do post card activity, finish France and francophone reading and videos, take France and its provinces assessment (test), begin to use l’imparfait Read about Les Santons de Provence*, begin to use le futur simple/write equivalent sentence in le future proche and le futur, review technology and chore related vocabulary, take the writing part of SLO take the speaking part of SLO, learn detailed family vocabulary/become familiar with the comparative, complete a worksheet, read about holidays celebrated in France*, describe one’s physical appearance describe one’s height and weight in metric units , describe one’s personality (groups A and B)/do accompanying worksheets, complete a choice board about family and personal descriptions 17 18 watch Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques, prepare for final exam finish Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques, take final exam