French – Self Assessment Form 2015-16


French – Self Assessment Form 2015-16

This form is designed to help you choose the right language level and complement the information available on our website and in our

“Inspirations” guide. Please tick the appropriate statements to help you decide which level is suitable for you.

If, after completing the form, you are still unsure please email

or phone 0118 9847608 and we will try to help you further.

First Steps for Beginners/ Survive for a Short Stay

I have no previous knowledge of this language.

I know only a few words and phrases in this language.

If you tick either statement, join a Beginners course. You do not need to continue with this form.


I can greet people and make introductions.

I can give personal information (name, address, nationality, job etc.)

I can book into a hotel and understand hotel facilities.

I can order some food and drinks.

I can count up to 100.

I can say that I’m hungry/ thirsty/ cold etc.

I can give and follow simple directions.

I can give and follow simple directions.

I can recognize the verbs avoir, être and faire in the present tense.

I can use regular –er verbs in the present tense.

If you ticked at least 7 statements you can join an Improvers course.

Lower Intermediate (evening)

– this is slightly different to the daytime course of the same name.

I can talk about the weather.

I can shop for groceries and clothes.

I can use the verbs avoir, être, aller and faire in the present tense.

I can use regular verbs in the present tense (-er, -re and –ir verbs).

I can describe items and people.

I can buy tickets for public transport and/ or make enquiries at a tourist office.

I can talk about things belonging to myself and others.

I can talk about the future using aller + infinitive (e,g, je vais manger..)

If you ticked at least 6 statements you can join the Lower

Intermediate evening course.

Lower Intermediate (daytime)

I can talk about the weather.

I can shop for groceries and clothes.

I can describe people and belongings.

I can buy tickets for public transport and/ or make enquiries at a tourist office.

I can talk about rooms in the house, furniture and household items

I make a short presentation on a topic of my choice.

I can use the present tense of most verbs e.g to describe my daily routine.

I can use the perfect (past) tense of common verbs.

I know some vocabulary for visiting the doctor/chemists.

If you ticked at least 7 statements this course is suitable for you.


I can talk about rooms in the house, furniture and household items

I can make a short presentation on a topic of my choice.

I can use the present tense with some confidence e.g to describe my daily routine.

I can use the perfect tense of common verbs.

I can use the immediate future with aller to say what people are going to do.

I can recognize the difference between the past present and simple future tenses in French.

I can recognize pronouns including lui, leur, y and en.

If you ticked at least 5 statements this course should be suitable

for you.

Intermediate Plus

I can use adjective agreements and possessive adjectives (mon/ma etc)

I can use the passé composé (perfect tense) with avoir to describe events in the past with some confidence.

I can also use the passé composé (perfect tense) with être.

I can describe a past holiday.

I can describe an area with which I am familiar.

I can make complaints (e.g. about food).

I can give my preferences and opinions.

I know how to make transactions in a supermarket, post office and bank.

If you ticked at least 6 statements this course should be suitable

for you.

Upper Intermediate

I can understand the main differences between the past tenses: perfect

(passé composé), imperfect and pluperfect.

I know how to form these tenses but may need some practice in order to be able to use them confidently, especially in speech.

I can use the future and conditional tenses.

I can express opinions and state preferences giving reasons.

I can deal with problems when visiting a French speaking county (e.g medical issues, complaints about service).

I understand about the use of the passive voice and the subjunctive.

I have a reasonable general vocabulary relating to situations I might encounter in France.

If you ticket at least 5 statements this level should be suitable for you.


I am able to express my feelings and give detailed reasons for them.

I am able to report on what someone else has said.

I have an adequate vocabulary to enable me to talk about a range of topics.

I can use some advanced vocabulary to enable me to communicate on different topics.

I can use a variety of prepositions and pronouns.

I can use the main past present and future tenses confidently.

I can give a presentation on a topic of my choice.

If you ticked at least 5 statements this level is suitable for you.

French for the fluent

I can use all four language skills (listening, speaking, writing, reading) with confidence.

I can use a wide range of tenses such as present, past, future and conditional.

I can use the subjunctive and passive voice.

I can speak and write with some fluency on a variety of topical issues.

I can tackle authentic written and audio material such as newspaper articles and broadcasts.

I can demonstrate some awareness of the cultural diversity of French speaking countries.

If you ticked at least 5 statements this level is suitable for you.
