What do the teenagers in their free time?

What do the teenagers in their free time?
All the teenagers are different, they have their likes and dislikes, they enjoy
doing something or not but all of them are united, they have something in
common: they are teenagers. It doesn’t care where are you from, what is
your name, your culture, your tradition, your history, you are a teenager.
A person that can be totally different, unique in every way, but at the same
time, this person share with all the rest of the teenagers simple things, like
the passion that all have to something, the love for the music and another
types of art, belonging to a group and stay with their doing nothing, just
spending a good time with friends.
When I have a time for me, I do things that later I will have to do, like washing the
plates or watering the plants. When I finish with those activities I rest on my bed and
I watch TV. Sometimes I play with my brother, he likes playing football. And I love
going to musical comedy. But what I love de most is being with friend. I always
remember the things that we do together.
What I do in my free time? My answer is “nothing”. That is what I do in my free
time. This “nothing” can be a lot of things, depending to the day and what I want to
do, because is my FREE TIME, the moment when I can do what I want. Don’t confuse
what we want to do with things that we never do because we never have time. It is very
different. These moments of free are very scarce, but very important. When I am at
my house I listen to music, sometimes at the same time I dance but if I am not alone
I close my eyes and I try to relax. On my weekends I cycle, I play with my dogs, I go
to walk around the farm, I cook or I try to do a craft. Well, synthesizing: what I do
in my free time is have a rest of my week, is do what I want.
A mi me gusta jugar en la nieve y con medusas. En el otoño yo nado. A mí me
encanta comer helado con mi prima, Zelena. Me gusta abrazar árboles. Chicos juegan
videojuegos y juegan deportes. Chicas van de compras y miran a chicos. A mí me gusta leer
y nadar con mis amigos.
Diferencias y similitudes
Muchas son las diferencias y las similitudes que tenemos entre las tres. Todas rondamos por la
misma edad, todas somos adolescentes. Y qué raro pensar que una persona que vive del otro lado del
continente, con toda una cultura distinta, con la cual no nos conocemos pueda llegar a contactarse
con nosotros, podamos intercambiar mensajes y conocernos poco a poco. Ambas somos personas, y en
este caso casi de la misma edad, por eso compartimos estas diferencias y similitudes. Creo que la gran
mayoría de nuestras diferencias son gracias a los lugares de donde somos. A Jacque le gusta jugar en
la nieve, a Guadalupe y a Reina de seguro que también, pero el clima de Buenos Aires hace que esto no
sea una costumbre. Entrando mas en lo personal de cada una de nosotras podemos decir que a Jacque
le fascinan los deportes, está en todos los equipos del colegio e incluso en su tiempo de libre disfruta
realizando actividades físicas. A Guada no le gustan los deportes con reglas, los juegos. No le gusta
nadar de tal manera, o hacer carreras, le gusta nadar como ella quiera, o hacer actividades como andar
en bicicleta, escalar, caminar, andar a caballo, todos deportes que no tengan una competencia. A
Reina si le gustan como a Jacque los juegos. Ella hace hándbol. Nos gusta la comida japonesa a las
tres, y sobre todo nos encanta estar con nuestros amigos, ya sea reunirnos a tan solo hablar, a nadar,
o en comedia musical.
También podemos hablar sobre las diferencias y similitudes de nuestros dos países. Las personas en
Estados Unidos le dan un lugar muy importante en su cultura a los deportes. A ellos les gusta
mucho el fútbol, al igual que en Argentina. Realizan eventos deportivos como “Super Bowl” o “World
Cup”, que en Argentina también se hacen. En Estados Unidos se juega mucho al soccer. Se festeja
Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, and Easter. Muchas de las cuales en Argentina también se
celebran, a excepción del Día de Gracias que no se hace. La música que se escucha es jazz, country,
alternativa y hip hop, aunque en Kennewick la más escuchada es la música country, ya que a la
gente d le gustan mucho las cosas de campo: “Aquí en Kennewick, la música más popular es música
country. Personas en Kennewick les gusta la vida de campo. Personas de Kennewick les gustan
caballos, sombreros de vaquero, y rodeos.”
In Argentina we love sports too. The popularest is football. On Sundays people watch footballs games.
The majority of that people are men, but this sport is popular on our tradition. We listen a lot of types
of music, but the characteristics of Argentina are Tango and folklore. Where Guada and Reina live is
not common to do activities related to the country, because we live in the city. In our free time we
watch TV, or play with computers or we do others activities that we can do in this city. Guada is
luckily for have the possibility to go to her grandfather’s farm and have a bit of calm and relax.
Reina plays in her garden with her brother to rest of the big city too.
United States and Argentina are different countries, but they have a lot of things in common. They
have their tradition, culture and history, the passion for sports, the love for the music and for all the
things that make that country like that country is.
Messages for Jacque!!
From Guada:
When our teacher told us about this project I was very excited for the idea of talk and
send emails to a person of the other side of the continent. I thought that we will have
more differences than similarities, but we aren´t so different, are we? I enjoyed a lot
writing you emails. I searched information of my own country!! I learned a lot with
you Jacque!! Of your country and mine! I learned more about me too, because I have
never thought about how I am. I took me a lot of time for writing you an email and
then I revised all the days waiting for your answer that then I read anxious. With
you I know a bit about your country and of one fantastic person!!
With love, Guada
From Reina:
I learned many things that you told me. I had a great at this time .Like I said I want you to
come here to give you a big hug
I love you, Reina
Nos gusto este corazón, porque tanto en Estados
Unidos como en Argentina podemos verlo siempre