Spanish Civil War poetry

Spanish Civil War poetry
Death of a Militiaman, Robert Capa
“The literature of political
engagement” -- Travers
the role of the writer/artist in the face of rising fascism
the writers’ survey of 1937
M. Hernández: “all theater, all poetry and all art has to
be, today more than ever, a weapon of war.”
Stephen Spender: “an obligation to save the world from
Camus: “It was in Spain that men learned that one can
be right yet beaten, that force can vanquish spirit, that
there are times when courage is its own recompense.”
On the right
Song for the Desired Spain
I want a Spain the same as that Spain
That 200 years ago fell asleep on us…
A perfect and generous Spain, compendium
Of constant efforts and supreme conquests.
A Spain, like that one, fruitful and beneficent
And, like her, hated and attacked;
Made from dreams of virtue and from love,
And with the rigor of effort and discipline…
Captains of Flanders, seamen of Lepanto,
Heroes and missionaries of the Indies,
Teachers of Alcalá and Salamanca,
Painters and sculptors of Seville…!
Theologians of Trent, craftsmen of the Escorial,
You poets who sang to the Eucharistic God,
You saints who felt and taught
The internal laws of mysticism...!
All you who enjoyed that eternal toil,
All you who felt that restless life,
Give us your swords and your bright pens,
Your faith, your efforts, your rhymes.
And join us in the toil of combat
To know our venture and enjoy our day…!
Spaniards of today, Saints and Martyrs,
Heroes of independence and reconquest.
Spaniards of today. The clock of time
Has struck the hour of the immortal watchword:
Let us make a Spain like that Spain
That 200 years ago fell asleep on us …!
Miguel Martínez del Cerro, Antología poética del alzamiento, 1936-1939, 1940
Nationalists (fascists)
culture for the elite
use of traditional forms (rejection of fragmentation):
unity, totality
order, geometry, classical form
extalled: discipline, hierarchy, paternalistic authority
the Church
traditional Spanish womanliness: motherhood
cult of violence
war as a sport, a game to be enjoyed, a crusade
cult figures: the Cid, Santiago, Virgin & saints
Look at the following poem:
“The fire”
“I’ll explain a few things”
“The battle of Jarama River”
“Short Prayer for a Hero of
the Republic” (141) & “Mass”
“Like an Amadís of Gaul” &
“Women” (142-143)
“Ultima Ratio Regum” (153)
“Fall of a city” (157)
“A Letter from Aragon” (259260)
The characterization of:
– the war
– education/culture
– the masses
– the fascists
– role of women
– the past and the future
uses of religious imagery
 other imagery
 In your opinion, does the political
message detract from its artistic value?
democracy / fascism
communism /
innovation / tradition
civilization / chaos
east / west
light / darkness
good / evil
life / death
Characteristics of Republican poetry
war waged for & by the
 purpose: a new society
 religious imagery
announcing a modern day
 Christian values of
 education / literacy
 popular culture for
benefit of all & social
importance of role of
innovation in poetic form
influence of surrealism
idealization of the masses
collective love of mankind
war as a painful necessity
death as a source of new