Makeup Work

Makeup Work Junior English Annotation Unit
Day 1 Dec 10& 11
o DGP 5- turn in DGP
o Latin Roots Set 3 Quiz
o Pick up a copy of the annotation assignment. Take notes of literary terms on the back of this paper.
o Read “The Dragon” by Ray Bradbury
o Notes:
 Imagery: The mental pictures created by a piece of writing
 Metaphor- The comparison of one thing to another without the use of like or as… e.g.
"Love is friendship, set on fire." - Jeremy Taylor
 Point of View- Vantage point from which the story is told (1st, 2nd, and 3rd)
 Tone (Review)- Author’s attitude toward the subject.
o Answer the following questions on your own paper.
 1- What is the point of view at the beginning of the story? Who is speaking?
 2- What is the point of view at the end of the story? Who is speaking?
 3- How does the second point of view add to your understanding of “The Dragon”?
 4- What is the tone at the beginning of the story?
 5- What is the tone at the end of the story?
Day 2 December 12 &15
o DGP Week 4 Day 1 – sentence interstate highways were originally built to transport military troops
and equipment
o DGP Quiz on elements #1-4 (open notes and open book)
o Start reading and annotating “The Yellow Wallpaper”
o Notes:
 Rhetorical Question- question that is asked to make a point instead of to get an answer.
 Alliteration- same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
 Diction- an author’s word choice
o Mark the following things on your copy of “The Yellow Wallpaper”
 At the top of the first page answer the questions for #1 on your annotation assignment
(Who, what, when, and where)
 Mark at least 2 rhetorical questions (mark these with your green highlighter). Write in the
margins what point the author is trying to make.
 Highlight in pink any words that show the relationship between EITHER the narrator and
her husband OR the narrator and the wallpaper. Write in the margins what these words tell
you about the relationship.
 NOTE: We will not finish reading the story in class today, so read about half of the story
Day 3 December 16 &17
o DGP Day 2
o Finish reading “The Yellow Wallpaper”
o Notes:
 Repetition- repeated use of something for emphasis, clarity, amplification, or emotional
 Weir Mitchell- Psychiatrist of the author of this story. She went through very similar
o While you read the rest of “The Yellow Wallpaper” mark the following
Highlight in pink any words that show the relationship between EITHER the narrator and
her husband OR the narrator and the wallpaper. Write in the margins what these words tell
you about the relationship.
 Highlight in green any repetition that you notice. In the margins note what this repetition is
intended to make us focus on. How does it affect the narrator’s relationship with the
wallpaper or her husband?
o Use the notes that you have taken to write a paper with the following format.
 Thesis: The relationship between the narrator and husband/ wallpaper shifts from
_________ to ___________ as shown through (choose 2) diction (word choice).
 1 paragraph on initial relationship (what words show this? Why significant?)
 1 paragraph why you think the relationship changed. Use word choice and repetition to
support this idea.
 1 paragraph on relationship at the end (what words show this? Why significant?)
o Start watching “The Giver.” Take notes on how society represses those that are different and why
society suppresses differences. You will compare this to the society in “The Crucible” or your
research paper. We will also see this theme in Huck Finn.
Day 4 December 18& 19
o DGP 3/ 4
o Finish watching “The Giver” and taking notes on societal repression.
 After finishing The Giver write a paper with the following paragraphs
 Write a paragraph about why and how the people in “The Giver” suppress
 Write a paragraph about why and how the people in The Crucible or your research
paper suppress differences.
 Write a paragraph comparing the two societies.
Day 5 December 19 and January 5
o Day 5- turn in DGP Notes
 Theme- central idea, message, or purpose of a story.
 Juxtaposition- opposites placed together to highlight the differences.
 Allusion – reference to a well-known outside work or person
o Read “Siren Song”
 While you are reading “Siren Song” mark (from annotation assignment)
 1- Who, what, when, where, and why(theme) at the top of the paper
 2- In pink highlight diction that shows what the siren uses to lure people in. In the
margin note why the lure words are effective.
 3- Nothing
 4- In green highlight repetition. In the margins note what the repetition is drawing
attention to. How does it contribute to the persuasiveness of the “song”
 At the end of the poem write the theme of “Siren Song.” What does the poem say about
human nature? Do you agree with the theme? Why or why not?
(36) Day 6
o DGP 1/free read/ any missed book talks
o Latin roots in context activity
o Read “Everyday Use”
o Notes
(37) Day 7
o DGP 2/ free read
o Read “Crystal Stair”
o Do an in depth annotation (like we will have on the ECA)
o Compare theme in the two stories.
o If time write creative story about a tradition- how move past or build on your family’s past?
(38) Day 8
o DGP 3/ free read
o Read “Two Kinds” Amy Tan
o Notes
(39) Day 9
o DGP 4/ free read
o Read “Barn Burning”
o Vocab: Bildungsroman- Coming of age story- compare to Tangled or other Disney movie 
(40) Day 10
o DGP 5/ free read
o DGP quiz
o Finish “Barn Burning”
o Practice DGP quiz for ECA
o Send study guide home with B day (finals tomorrow)
Finals Day 1 Tuesday Jan 20
o ECA B1 & B2
o A-1 Review (do sent home review with them) Have a kahoot ready (have computers from library)
Finals Day 2 Wednesday Jan 21
o ECA A-1
o A-2 Review (do sent home review with them) Have a kahoot ready (have computers from library)
Finals Day 3
o ECA A-2