VTNE SCHEDULE Kristin Canga, LVT A. Course Design: This course is designed to help students take the Veterinary Technician National Exam. This is not exclusively a review course. The course will consist of study tips, group activities, lecture practice exams and CD ROM exams. B. Grading: All work is 95%. Professional grade 5% a. If a student is absent during pre-test days they can only make up another test on Monday of week 8. If you miss more than 2 exams, no make up’s are allowed b. The instructor must be made aware of a student absence PRIOR to class. i. Part of this course is to prepare you for the workforce. If you need to miss class for any reason, you MUST notify your instructor. C. Conduct: Students should not eat, drink, surf on the internet or text during class. I will give one verbal warning after which I will ask the student to leave the class. You can only return back to the class after you have talked to me, Miss Huff or Mr. Hamilton. If you talk to Miss Huff or Mr. Hamilton, please bring a note from them showing me that you have met with them. If you finish early PLEASE GO ON STUDY MODE to do well on test day. D. Corrections: If the class average on any one section is lower than 75%, HAND CORRECTIONS OF YOUR TEST QUESTIONS will be allowed. You must QUOTE TESTBOOK RESOURCES you will be given 0.5 additional points for that particular test. THIS IS OPTIONAL. E. Important websites 1. VTNE: http://www.aavsb.org/vtne/ 2. Texas veterinary Medical Association: http://www.tvma.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=12 3. Zukureview 4. I - apps F. Course Schedule WEEK 1 MONDAY 2 ANATOMY REVIEW Pretest – open book DR. DEV 3 4 5 6 TUESDAY Introduction Schedule Candidate Handbook Review ANATOMY Test: 100 questions ANATOMY Test: 100 questions CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Test: 120 questions ANIMAL NURSING Pretest – open book Dr. Mendoza ANIMAL NURSING - Test Animal care: 70 Emergency: 70 DENTISTRY Test: 100 questions DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Test: 100 questions ANESTHESIOLOGY ANESTHESIOLOGY AND SURGERY Test: 100 questions REVIEW Pretest – open book Dr. Dev PHARMACOLOGY PHARMACOLOGY MEDICAL Test: 100 questions CALCULATIONS REVIEW Ms. V/Ms. Zee Pretest – open book TSBVME TSBVME Test Test Rules of Professional Licensing ACT Conduct REVIEW REVIEW WEDNESDAY PRE - TEST THURSDAY MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Pretest – Open book: In class CLINICAL PATHOLOGY REVIEW Miss V Pretest – open book ANIMAL NURSING - Test Pocket Pets/ Lab animals: 70 Medical Nursing: 70 MEDICAL CALCULATIONS Test: 100 questions MAKE UP ONE TEST TSBVME Test DSHS REVIEW Pretest – open book 7 DSHS Tx. Health and Safety Code REVIEW DSHS Test TAHC REVIEW Pretest – open book TAHC Regulations REVIEW 8 TAHC Test RVT REVIEW Standards of conduct Pretest – open book RVT REVIEW Renewal Policy FINAL EXAM 200 questions FRIDAY MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Test: 100 questions CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Test: 120 questions DENTISTRY & DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Pretest- open book Ms. Zee SURGERY Test: 100 questions TSBVME REVIEW Pretest – open book Miss Danene Birtel DSHS Tx Administrative Code REVIEW TAHC Statutes and TX livestock Entry Requirements REVIEW G. Section Questions a. Medical Terminology: 190 b. Anatomy and Physiology: 785 c. Clinical Pathology: 1115 d. Animal nursing i. Animal care: 350 ii. Emergency care: 160 iii. Pocket Pets/ Lab animals: 242 iv. Medical nursing: 400 e. Pharmacology: 322 i. Medical calculations: 166 f. Anesthesiology: 331 g. Surgery: 402 h. Dentistry: 157 i. Diagnostic Imaging: 324