Life Skills

Milady Standard Cosmetology
Life Skills
© 2012 Milady, a part of Cengage Learning
Life Skills
• Important life skills
– Being genuinely caring
and helpful to others.
– Making good friends.
– Feeling good about
– Having a sense of
– Maintaining a
cooperative attitude.
– Approaching all of
your work with a
strong sense of
– Being consistent in
your work.
Life Skills
• Important life skills
– Adapting to different
– Sticking to a goal and
seeing a job through to
– Mastering techniques
that will help you
become more
– Developing a deep
reservoir of common
The Psychology of Success
Guidelines for Success
• Build self-esteem.
– Based on inner
strength, begins with
trusting your ability to
achieve your goals.
• Visualize success.
– Imagine working in your
dream salon,
competently handling
clients, feeling at ease
and happy.
The Psychology of Success
Guidelines for Success
• Build on your
– Practice doing what
helps you maintain a
positive self-image.
• Be kind to yourself.
– Stop self-critical or
negative thoughts that
work against you.
The Psychology of Success
Guidelines for Success
• Define success for
– Do not depend on
other people’s
definition of success.
• Practice new
– Develop success by
practicing positive new
• Keep your personal
life separate from
your work.
– Talking about your
personal life at work is
• Keep your energy up.
– Spend time with family
and friends, have
hobbies, enjoy
recreational activities.
The Psychology of Success
Guidelines for Success
• Respect others.
– Relate to everyone
you know with a
conscious feeling of
• Stay productive.
Avoid these habits:
– Procrastination:
Putting off until
tomorrow what you
can do today.
– Perfectionism: An
unhealthy compulsion
to do things perfectly.
– Lacking a game plan:
Having a game plan is
the conscious act of
planning your life,
instead of just letting
things happen.
The Psychology of Success
Rules for Success
• Commit to the
following rules that
will take you down the
road of success:
– Attend all classes.
– Arrive for class early.
– Have all necessary
materials ready.
– Listen attentively to
your instructor.
– Highlight important
– Take notes for later
– Pay close attention
during summary and
review sessions.
– When something is not
clear, ask. If it is still
not clear, ask again.
The Psychology of Success
Motivation and Self-Management
• Motivation: Propels
you to do something.
• Self-management:
Knowing what you
want to achieve and
keeping yourself on
track so that you
eventually achieve
your goal.
• To achieve success,
you need more than
an external push; you
must feel a sense of
personal excitement
and a good reason for
staying the course.
• You are in charge of
managing your life.
The Psychology of Success
Your Creative Capability
• One self-management
skill you can draw on
is creativity.
– Do not be self-critical.
– Do not look to others
for motivation.
– Change your
– Do not try to go it
Managing Your Career
Design a Mission Statement
– Communicates who
you are and what you
want for your life in
one or two sentences.
© Photodisc.
• Mission statement:
Essential part of a
business plan that
establishes values the
institution lives by as
well as target goals.
Goal Setting
How Goal Setting Works
• Goal setting: The
identification of longand short-term goals
that help you decide
what you want out of
your life.
• There are two types
of goals:
– Short term: Those you
wish to accomplish in
a year or less.
– Long term: Measured
in larger sections of
time such as five
years, ten years, or
Goal Setting
How Goal Setting Works
• The important thing
to remember about
goal setting is to
have a plan and to
re-examine it often
in order to make sure
that you are staying
on track.
Time Management
• Effective ways to
manage time include:
– Learn to prioritize.
– Make sure your system
works for you.
– Never take on more
than you can handle.
Time Management
• Effective ways to
manage time include:
– Learn problem-solving
– Give yourself down
time when you are
overwhelmed, worried,
or feeling guilty.
– Carry a notepad, an
organizer, or your
electronic notepad
with you at all times.
– Make daily, weekly,
and monthly
schedules that show
exam times, study
sessions, and other
regular commitments.
Time Management
• Effective ways to
manage time include:
– Plan your schedule
according to the times
when you are typically
energetic and times
when you typically
want or need to relax.
– Reward yourself with a
special treat or activity
for work well done and
time managed
– Do not neglect
physical activity.
Time Management
• Effective ways to
manage time include:
– Schedule at least one
block of free time each
– Understand the value of
to-do lists for the day and
the week.
– Make time management a
Study Skills
Establishing Good Study Habits
• Where:
– Find a comfortable,
quiet spot where you
can study without
– Have everything you
need before you
– Remain alert by sitting
upright. Reclining will
make you sleepy!
Study Skills
Establishing Good Study Habits
• When:
– Start out by estimating
how much study time
you need.
– Study when you feel
most energetic and
– Practice effective time
management by
studying during blocks
of time that would
otherwise be wasted.
Study Skills
Establishing Good Study Habits
• How:
– Study just one section
of a chapter at a time,
instead of reading the
entire chapter at once.
– Make note of key
words and phrases as
you go along.
– Test yourself on each
section to ensure that
you understand and
remember the key
points of each chapter.
• Ethics: The moral
principles by which
we live and work.
• Five professional
behaviors will show
you are an ethical
– Provide skilled and
competent services.
– Be honest, courteous,
and sincere.
– Avoid sharing clients’
private matters with
– Participate in
continuing education.
– Give clients accurate
information about
treatments and
Personality Development and Attitude
• Diplomacy: Tact, the
ability to deliver
critical or difficult—
messages in a kind
• Pleasing tone of
voice: Improve by
speaking more softly
or more clearly.
• Emotional stability:
Handling confrontation
and sharing feelings
without going
• Sensitivity: A
combination of
empathy, and
Personality Development and Attitude
• Values and goals:
Guide behavior and
give direction.
• Receptivity: To be
interested in and
responsive to others.
• Effective
communication skills:
Be warm, caring, clear
and direct.