LESSON PLANS FOR: Anne Douglas & Jamie Spires Week of: 11/4/2013 Course: World Geography Block: 1A;1B;2A;2B SC State Standards Standard 1: Standard 2: Standard 3: Standard 4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and human characteristics of places, including the creation of regions and the ways that culture and experience influence the perception of place. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth’s surface, including the dynamics of the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth’s surface. The students will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of culture, patterns of culture and cultural change. Standard 5: Standard 6: Standard 7: Standard 8: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the role that geography plays in economic development. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth’s surface. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how human actions modify the physical environment; how physical systems affect human systems; and how resources change in meaning, use, distribution, and importance. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Standard(s): 3,4,5,6 Standard(s): 3,4,5 Standard(s): 4,5,6 Standard(s): 4,5,6 Standard(s): 4,5,6 Objectives/Questions: TLWBAT: -Demonstrate knowledge of the physical features of Europe: rivers, mountains, and peninsulas. Objective/Question: TLWBAT: -Analyze and interpret locations of conquered lands, types of governments, and contributions to modern society of Mediterranean Europe. Objective/Question: TLWBAT: -Assess Western Europe through discussion of history, culture, economics. Objective/Question: TLWBAT: -Evaluate Northern Europe Objective/Question: TLWBAT: -Locate countries on a map Resources/Materials: Bell ringer country; physical maps of Europe; iPad; LCD; Resources/Materials: Bell ringer country; power point; note-taking guide (on-line); chart; Resources/Materials: -Bell ringer country; notetaking guide (on-line); graphic organizer; timeline Resources/Materials: -LCD projector; apple tv; iPads Resources/Materials: - Bell Ringer, Group Global Domination game folders containing all Empire Building Semester 1 worksheets Activities/Interactive Learning Strategies: -Review the locations of the rivers, mountains, and peninsulas of Europe -Label maps Activities/Interactive Learning Strategies: -Answering questions -Defining terms -Completing Mediterranean chart Activities/Interactive Learning Strategies: -Answering questions -Defining terms -Completing Western Europe Graphic Organizer -Timeline of Western Europe Development Activities/Interactive Learning Strategies: -Answering questions -Defining terms -Timeline of Northern Europe -Completing Graphic Organizer of Northern Europe -review game Activities/Interactive Learning Strategies: -European Physical Map Quiz - Students calculate purchasing power from earned funds, direct use of funds to purchase real estate, pay taxes and construct forts. Assessment Based on Standard(s): -map interpretation Assessment Based on Standard(s): -Analyzing text -interpreting maps -defining terms Assessment Based on Standard(s): -Analyzing text -interpreting maps -defining terms Assessment Based on Standard(s): -Analyzing text -interpreting maps -defining terms Assessment Based on Standard(s): Students earn capital individually, by group and class from attendance, meeting standards on all assignments, preparedness, and attitude. Extensions/Homework: -Blogs if not complete Extensions/Homework: Open-ended questions if not complete Extensions/Homework: -Open-ended questions if not complete Extensions/Homework: -Open-ended questions if not complete Extensions/Homework: Students must decide weekly how to earn capital, how to collectively pool resources, how to budget and build/protect the strongest empire.