Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Grant Application Please complete the Grant Application and Budget Forms so that we may consider your request for funding. Organization Information Organization Name Legal Name As appears on your IRS Tax Determination Letter. Tax ID Address City State Postal Code Phone Fax Website Address Total of Current Annual Operating Budget Format example (whole dollars only): $500,000 Organization History Provide a brief narrative of the organization seeking funding. Include: mission and purpose; how long it has been in existence; and, services provided. Patriot Act Compliance TThe following information is requested to assist the Benedum Foundation in complying with the Patriot Act and related regulations. Has your organization ever transferred funds, or do you intend to transfer funds, outside of the United States? Do you anticipate engaging the services or persons or entities located outside the United States with respect to the project for which you seek funding? Is your organization a subsidiary, affiliate, or partner of or with any organization with international offices or activities? Primary Organization Contact Information Fill in the fields below as they pertain to your Organization's Primary Contact (i.e. Executive Director, President, etc.) Organization Primary Contact Name Organization Primary Contact Title Organization Primary Contact Office Phone Organization Primary Contact E-mail Organization Primary Contact Mobile Phone Organization Primary Contact Office Fax Project’s Primary Contact If your Project Primary Contact is the same as your Organization Primary Contact check this box and do not fill in the information regarding Primary Project Contact. Project Primary Contact Name Project Primary Contact Title Project Primary Contact Address (If different from organization address) Project Primary Contact E-mail Project Primary Contact Mobile Phone Project Primary Contact Office Fax Additional Contact Information: If you have an additional contact, enter this information below. Additional Contact Name Additional Contact Title Additional Contact Address (if different from organization address)******* Additional Contact Office Phone Additional Contact E-mail Additional Contact Mobile Phone Additional Contact Office Fax Project Information Name and one sentence summary of your project. Requested Amount Format example (whole dollar amounts only): $500,000 What is the opportunity or problem being addressed by this project? List the strategies and activities that will address the opportunity or problem. Describe the project for which funding is being sought. Objective(s) of the project. What is the target population served, if any? Geographical area served by this project: (Please check the appropriate box below) West Virginia Pennsylvania Other Outcomes: What do you hope to accomplish? Why do you think it will make a difference? How will you and the Benedum Foundation know that you've made a difference; that is, how will you measure success? 1) List at a minimum two specific activities with respect to each objective; and, 2) How you will measure success (use measurements of impact or benefit, not measurements of process, where possible). Proposed Outcome 1 Proposed Outcome 2 Proposed Outcome 3 Additional Proposed Outcome(s) If you have more than three outcomes, please list additional outcomes below. Implementation Plan: List the phases of project implementation and related activities, including an estimated timeframe for each phase. (Examples: research & planning, pilot testing, evaluation.) Timelines, implementation plans, charts, etc. may also be attached. Sustainability Plan Describe how the project will be financially and organizationally sustained at the conclusion of the grant. Permission to Submit You are authorized by your organization to submit this application. You understand that as part of the Foundation's obligation to exercise due diligence with respect to any grant and to comply with other legal requirements, the Foundation may seek information about your organization and people involved with your organization from a variety of sources. ___________________________________________________ (Signature) _________________________ Name and Title Date Attachments - These documents MUST accompany this Grant Application: Organization Budget (Document found on Benedum Foundation website) Project Budget and Narrative (Document found on Benedum Foundation website) AND If: Nonprofit Organization: 1. Copy of most recent Audited Financial Statement. If there is not an Audited Financial Statement, please explain and attach a copy of the most recent 990. 2. A list of the names, titles, and city or town of residence for the board of directors, chief executive officer, and any other key personnel or volunteers involved in the project. If: Government Entity: 1. 2. Copy of most recent Financial Statement or equivalent. A list of current members of the governance structure (e.g., Mayor and Council members) with titles, and city or town of residence.