EEE324_L4 -

EEE324 Digital Electronics
Lecture 4: Boolean Algebra
Ian McCrum
Room 5B18, 02890366364
• a variable is a symbol, for example , used to represent a logical quantity, whose
value can be 0 or 1.
• the complement of a variable is the inverse of a variable and is represented by an
over bar, for example .
• a literal is a variable or the complement of a variable.
Boolean Addition ( + )
is equivalent to the OR operation; if any of the inputs are 1 then the output is also 1.
In Boolean algebra a sum term is a sum of literals. In a logic circuit a sum term is
produced by an OR operation with no AND operations involved, for example .
Boolean Multiplication ( * ) or ( . ) Sometimes even the dot is left out. It is equivalent
to the AND operation; if all of the inputs are 1 then the output is 1.
In Boolean algebra a product term is the product of literals. In a logic circuit a
product term is produced by an AND operation with no OR operations involved, for
example .
The 3 Laws of Boolean Algebra
• the Commutative Laws
• the Associative Laws
• the Distributive Law
The 12 Rules of Boolean Algebra
DeMorgans’ Theorems
In graphical terms, Theorem 1 says you can replace a NAND gate with an OR gate that
has invertors at its input. Sometimes we draw schematics with the alternate form, you
will meet both. (look in the quartus libraries at the BNOR and BNAND gates.
Simplification using Boolean Algebra
• Good designers make good designs; the
“goodness” of a design can depend on many
• Cost; but this can be related to silicon area,
power consumption, number of gates,
number of different gates, number of
packages, number of connections, cost of
• A simple cost model might be 1p per input of
gates with 2 or more inputs. (and 6 or 9p for
storage devices, yet to be met)
Minimising Logic
• With the rules of boolean algebra we can convert one
logical expression into another
• In practice we prefer two level AND-OR logic; this maps
onto truth tables and algebraic expressions more
• There are also advantages in terms of time delays and
gates counts.
• However, if we have to fit a problem into a strange
device we might need to refactor our expressions into
an alternate form, for example Ferranti ULA devices
only have NOR gates within them!
Minimising using algebra
The Logic adjacency theorem
• Rather than using one of 3 rules and one of 12 identities we can
avail of a theorem that says
• The logic adjacency theorem, correctly applied is all you need to
guarantee a minimum solution is the logic adjacency theorem
• And of course you need to know the logic adjacency theorem.
• The phrase “correctly applied” is relevant when we have to apply
the theorem multiple times and there is a choice as to which pair of
terms to work on first; the order matters.
• For simple problems a graphical technique can show us all possible
applications of the adjacency theorem; it helps us choose an
optimum covering.
• If the problem is large then an exhaustive solution it impractical,
near optimum results can be obtained by computer – the espresso
software from Berkeley is a good example of this. (Quartus uses it)
The adjacency theorem
If two literals differ in having one
variable in the normal form in one term
and in the inverted form in the other
then you can remove the term.
AB/C + A/B/C = A/C
B is present in the first term
and /B in the second.
Say this expression in English… Generate
an output if A is high, B is high and C is
Or generate an output if A is high, B is
low and C is low
Clearly it does not matter what B is…
Proof of adjacency theorem
F(ABC) = ABC + AB/C ;where /C is “not C”
By Distributive rule we can write
F(ABC) = AB(C+/C)
But C + /C = 1 ; write down the truthtable to check
Since “OR’ing” with an opposite is always ‘1’
F(ABC) = AB.(1) = AB ;
Since anding with ‘1’ does not change anything.
So F(ABC) = ABC + AB/C = AB ;eliminate C
Karnaugh Maps (KMAPS)
• Like a truth table it represents every possible
combination of inputs
• It uses a 2D (or 3D!) structure of cells; the
contents of a cell will be a ‘1’ a ‘0’ or an ‘X’ for a
don’t care term
• The co-ordinates of the cell gives the minterm
number, the order of these are special!
• The labelling of each axis allows us to convert
back to a literal.
• We need 2n cells for a n input problem
• A 4 variable problem needs 16 cells, hard to do
more than 6 variables… must stop at 4!
Where each minterm goes
For each level of Karnaugh map,
numbers have been entered into
the cells to indicate the actual bit
code that it represents, for example
10 = 1010 (for a 4-level Karnaugh
map), which in turn equals . It
should be clear at this stage that
each cell represents a standard SOP
term (or minterm).
The key to drawing KMaps
The digital circuit to be analysed and minimised is first described in SOP
form, or as a minterm expansion.
From this the Karnaugh map can be populated with 1s as the SOP
expression indicates, the remainder will be 0s or Xs (the Karnaugh maps
can also be populated with Don’t Care terms (represented by an X) if this is
appropriate; the advantage of these is that they can be treated as either 1s
or 0s depending upon what is the most convenient).
Once the Karnaugh map has been populated with 1s, 0s and Xs as specified
the only task that remains is to group adjacent terms of the same state
(usually 1) in groups of 2 raised to any rational power, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
64 and so on.
The larger the group the simpler the final expression. It is also possible for
groups to overlap. This is often done to achieve a larger group size, hence
simplifying the final expression.
EXAMPLE : Simplify the following equation using
a K-map (Karnaugh-map):
F(ABCD)= ∑(0-8,10,15)
The equation is determined by
looking at each region on the Kmap and deciding which part the
group belongs to. For example,
looking at the red highlighted
group we see that it is inside the B
region (the yellow, orange and red
areas on the diagram below), but
the group is not big enough to fill
the entire B region so we look to
see where else it lies. It is clear
that the overlap of B C and D
uniquely and completely cover the
red term – so BCD can generate it.
Points to note about KMAPS
• With a 4 variable problem each term can be
adjacent to 4 others, so each cell MUST have 4
• Hence the top of the map is considered joined
to the bottom (around the back) and the left
hand side is connected to the right hand side,
round the back
• (in a 6 variable map we need 4 maps in 3D
space and the top is connected to the bottom)
Example 2: X = ABC/D + /A/BC/D + /B/C + /BCD
4+4+2+3 + 4 =
Assuming a
cost model of
1p per input
for each gate
with two or
more inputs
Costs 4+2+2+2 + 4
= 16p We saved a
Further examples: (see the notes – the word document)
Further examples: (see the notes – the word document)