Comic Life Project – Chapter 17 US History

Comic Life Project – Chapter 17 US History
Collectively, the US History Classes will create a graphic novel regarding Westward Expansion from 1865-1900
in American History using Comic Life. The comic will explain major events that fit this theme in US History.
Your chapter will focus on one specific event, group, or person in American history that has been an example of
Westward Expansion, as outlined below.
For all topics: go to US History page for resources:
Topic 1: Boomtowns (read pp 578-580)
1. First and second page: Describe boomtowns. How they were formed. What they originally looked like.
Who came to live in boomtowns? Describe some of the main elements of a boomtown.
2. Third page: pick a person to be in a boomtown (miner, hotel operator, railroad operator or owner, general
store operator, resident, immigrant) and create a scene from his/her life.
3. Have pictures of a boomtown, mines, stores, railroads and people in a boomtown.
4. Cite web pages used.
5. See rubric for grading.
Comic Life Project – Chapter 17 US History
Collectively, the US History Classes will create a graphic novel regarding Westward Expansion from 1865-1900
in American History using Comic Life. The comic will explain major events that fit this theme in US History.
Your chapter will focus on one specific event, group, or person in American history that has been an example of
Westward Expansion, as outlined below.
For all topics: go to US History page for resources:
Topic 2: Railroads (read pp 580-583)
1. First and second page: Describe the transcontinental railroad. How they were funded and built. What were
the effects of the railroads?
2. Third page: Become a person working on the railroad and create a scene from his/her life.
3. Have pictures of railroads, construction, and routes.
4. Cite web pages used.
5. See rubric for grading.
Comic Life Project – Chapter 17 US History
Collectively, the US History Classes will create a graphic novel regarding Westward Expansion from 1865-1900
in American History using Comic Life. The comic will explain major events that fit this theme in US History.
Your chapter will focus on one specific event, group, or person in American history that has been an example of
Westward Expansion, as outlined below.
For all topics: go to US History page for resources:
Topic 3: Native Americans and Westward Expansion (read pp 584-589)
1. First and second page: Describe the effect of the manifest destiny on Native Americans? What treaties
were passed and broken? What was the effect of the Dawes Act? How did the Century of Dishonor relay
the tragedy in the West?
2. Third page: Pick an Indian War or famous Indian leader and create a scene from the conflict or that
person’s life.
3. Have pictures of tribes, famous conflicts, and reservations famous people.
4. Cite web pages used.
5. See rubric for grading.
Comic Life Project – Chapter 17 US History
Collectively, the US History Classes will create a graphic novel regarding Westward Expansion from
1865-1900 in American History using Comic Life. The comic will explain major events that fit this
theme in US History. Your chapter will focus on one specific event, group, or person in American
history that has been an example of Westward Expansion, as outlined below.
For all topics: go to US History page for resources:
Topic 4: The Cattle Kingdom and Wild West (pp. 590-594)
1. First and second page: Describe the Cattle Kingdom and Wild West? What were the famous
trails? Why were the trails created?
2. Third page: Pick a famous Cow Town, Wild West legend (Dodge City, Dalton Gang) or Wild
West Character (Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, etc.).
3. Have pictures of trails, cow towns, Wild West, famous characters.
4. Cite web pages used.
5. See rubric for grading.
Comic Life Project – Chapter 17 US History
Collectively, the US History Classes will create a graphic novel regarding Westward Expansion from
1865-1900 in American History using Comic Life. The comic will explain major events that fit this
theme in US History. Your chapter will focus on one specific event, group, or person in American
history that has been an example of Westward Expansion, as outlined below.
For all topics: go to US History page for resources:
Farming in the West (pp.595-599)
1. First and second page: Describe the farming in the Great Plains? Describe how the Homestead
Act populated the West. Describe life on the Great Plains.
2. Third page: Pick a topic such as farming and the Populist Party, Boomers, Sooners or the close
of the Frontier and develop a page telling their stories.
3. Have pictures of farms, the frontier, political parties, Grangers, Farmer alliance.
4. Cite web pages used.
5. See rubric for grading.