Winchester Public Schools August 2006

West Virginia Title 111
Sheltered Programs that Integrate Language and
Content for English Language Learners ( ELLs)
Presenter: Barbara Fagan
Opening Activity
Enduring Understandings
Participants will
 Learn about different formats of sheltered
programs that focus on academic content
and academic language for ELLs.
 Discuss the benefits and constraints of
each sheltered model.
 Have an opportunity to ask questions
about implementing sheltered programs
for their ELL students.
Reading Passage
“The Batsmen were merciless against the
Bowlers. The Bowlers placed their men in
slips and covers. But to no avail. The
Batsmen hit one four after another along
with an occasional six. Not once did their
balls hit their stumps or get caught.”
(Daniels,Subjects Matter, 2004)
Who were merciless against the
Where did the Bowlers place their men?
Was this strategy successful?
Who hit an occasional six?
How many times did the Batsmen’s balls
hit a stump?
Building Background
I can answer the questions, but I really don’t understand it!!!
There’s no deep understanding; can sometimes pass tests
on concepts that I really don’t grasp.
Prior Knowledge is the main determinant of
Students need to activate this prior knowledge
or schema to understand new material.
Sometimes students need to “shift” or revise an
old schema to make the new one work.
Would this picture have helped you
with the reading?
What Makes
Content Difficult
for English
Middle School Students’
Comments Regarding Science
Class (December, 2005)
“Many of the other students learned the
words and the materials before. I didn’t learn
it so I have no idea what she is talking
“I have no idea what all the words mean.
When she talked about the cylinders and the
triple beam balance, I didn’t know what they
were for.”
“My class is manageable for me because if I
don’t understand, I ask questions.”
“In science I don’t understand the
vocabulary they are using and I can’t
understand even if I try to understand.
Use easy words for all of us. If you have
to use hard words, then tell us what
is that mean.”
“My science class is difficult for me
because I always get confused and I
have language problem with all those
words in the book I never know.”
What Makes Content Areas
Difficult for ELLs?
Complexity of questions
Reading level of text
Assignments without modeling expectations
Academic vocabulary
Language structures for each content area
Lack of background experiences
Different teaching styles
Distinction between BICS
Jim Cummins:
BICS: Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills
CALP: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
Stephen Krashen:
Sheltered Instruction as a way to use second language
acquisition strategies while teaching content area
instruction. Sheltered instruction provides refuge from the
linguistic demands of mainstream instruction which is
beyond the comprehension of ELLs.
Input+1 hypothesis
Affective filter
Research on ELLs
• Collier and Thomas:
o 6 months -2 years to develop oral
language proficiency but 4-7 years to
gain academic competency and can be
as long as 7-10 years with students
with very limited schooling
o The strongest predictor for second
language achievement is the amount of
formal primary language schooling.
The more primary language schooling,
the higher the second language
What makes effective
sheltered instruction?
Adaptation of academic content to the language
proficiency of the students
Emphasis on key vocabulary and academic
concepts to understand new content
Use of supplementary materials that are at
students’ instructional reading levels
Teacher speech (slower, clearly enunciated,
shorter sentences, simple syntax) that makes
information comprehensible to students
Lots of opportunities for students to engage in
listening, speaking, reading and writing
Teacher modeling of learning strategies
Content Teachers
and Reading
(Jeffrey Wilhelm in Strategic Reading, 2001) As
content teachers, we need to “disrupt our own
reading in some way to gain awareness of
how we proceed as we read or make
meaning with text. These disruptions in turn
can help us think of how to help students.”
Teachers need to do more than assign; they
need to guide students’ understanding with
questions that will help them to think more
effectively. Students need to develop “ a sense
of competence” that they have the strategies
to complete the reading assignments, thus
helping them to become engaged readers.
Instruction for
ELLs in Content
Writing Samples
Look at the four samples.
 Rank them from least to most proficient.
 What do these papers tell you about the
language acquisition process?
 What type of instruction would meet each
paper’s academic needs?
ESL Sheltered Content Models: Not “static models”
because of changing needs of ELLs. Schools try to
continually “tweak” model to implement effective and
efficient instruction for ELLs.
Model 1: Integrated Language and Content classes
delivered by ESL teachers.
Model 2: Sheltered “Content Concepts” classes
delivered by state endorsed content teachers or
content trained ESL teachers.
Model 3: Collaborative Content Model: ESL and
content teacher plan and co-teach together.
Model 4: Full Year Sheltered Content Classes for
Credit (at high school level only)
Integrated ESL
Model 1:
For newly arrived students
Taught by an ESL teacher
Basic Social Studies,Science and Math concepts (e.g. branches of
government, different weather forces, math operations) and vocabulary
(president, congress, court, hurricane, tornado, volcano, multiplication, remainder,
fractions, percents)
Which paper would benefit from this type of instruction?
Are students ready to participate successfully in grade level
content classes at the end of these courses?
What does this model look like for elementary and secondary
What does this model look like?
Northern Virginia Schools: Arlington , Fairfax,
Alexandria,,Manassas City Public Schools
 Arlington ESOL/HILT Program ( sheltered HILT classes for Level 1)
 Fairfax County ESOL Program (sheltered ESOL classes for Level 1,
some Level 2) Developed FAST Math to accelerate students’ math
 Elementary ESL students are generally in sheltered classes for
shorter amounts of time each day for language arts and then return
to grade level classes.
Winchester Public Schools
 Elementary ESL Program (2 hours language arts with ESL teacher)
 Middle and high school ESL language arts and content classes for
Level 1 students.
Rockingham County Public Schools
Middle and high school Level 1 students attend Dayton Learning Center
for ESL classes and then return to base school for electives.
Harrisonburg City Public Schools
 Elementary Newcomers’ Center Program ( one semester and then
return to home school.)
 Middle and high school ESL language and content classes for Level
1 students taught by ESL teachers.
Instruction that focuses
on language and
content needs for
beginning level
students. Tries to
introduce students to
important content
concepts often from
prior grades.
Opportunity for students
to learn communicative
and academic language.
environment/low anxiety.
Can provide some
native language support.
Introduces students to
academic expectations.
Students do not study with
grade level peers for part or
all of day.
ESL teacher totally
responsible for students’
instructional and emotional
Students generally do not
study grade level
Need for language and
content materials at
students’ instructional
levels. What specific content
will be addressed?
May need to be multi-graded
if not enough students at
one grade level.
Sometimes instruction is not
at school but at ESL Center.
Cost factor: small student
teacher ratio and may need
additional teachers for other
New arrival students enter
throughout the semester.
Sheltered Content
Concepts Classes (1)
Model 2:
Generally taught by a state certified content
teacher as an elective credit class or ESL
teacher who has been trained to teach content.
Teaches grade level content using adapted
materials that are appropriate for students’
instructional reading level.
Objective is to provide basic understanding of
key concepts and vocabulary that prepare
students for future grade level classes. May not
be as comprehensive as a state required course.
Sheltered Content
Concepts Classes (2)
Model 2:
Teaches students to apply science and
social studies strategies to textbook
reading, note-taking and other content
specific activities such as labs or projects.
Which paper would benefit from this type of
Are students ready to take the state exam at the end
of these courses?
What does this model look like for elementary and
secondary students?
Examples of Language
Objectives for a Content Class
Students will read about Coastal Indians
with a partner and then list five important
facts about this group.
Students will read the text about the North
and South before the Civil War and
complete a Venn Diagram that shows the
similarities and differences between these
two sections of the U.S.
Students will learn the names of the planets
and draw the planets and their relationship
to the sun.
What does this model look like?
Arlington Public Schools:
Level 2 students enroll in sheltered HILT content classes with an
ESL teacher using prescribed curriculum that prepares students for
grade level content classes.
Harrisonburg City:
 Level 2 high school students enroll in Sheltered Content
Concepts classes prior to an SOL content class taught by a
content teacher. Students receive elective credit but have
background knowledge before SOL course.
 High school Level 2 students enroll in Transitional English 1
(sheltered English class for credit) with English teacher. May need
to enroll in Transitional English 2 if more time is needed to improve
reading and writing. Can receive English credit for this class.
 Middle school Level 2 students receive grade level sheltered
language arts and content from content teacher.
 Elementary LEAP Program ( Language Enrichment for Academic
Progress) – Level 1 students at specific grade level taught by an
elementary teacher with support from ESL and literacy specialist.
Provides language arts instruction at students’ instructional levels
as well as grade level content concepts.
Students can receive
grade level content from
endorsed content teacher.
Sometimes the students
in sheltered classes are
part of grade level teams
and students can easily
be moved to mainstream
class when ready.
Language and content
are continually integrated
to help students progress
in English acquisition.
Students can earn
required credit for high
school courses such as
Transitional English
(taught by highly qualified
Content teacher is not
always prepared to work
on language needs of
ELLs during content
Limited number of ESL
teachers so content
teachers take on
responsibility of teaching
Recognize that Level 2
students still need a lot
of linguistic support to
understand content.
Level 2 students are
generally not ready to
take high school end-ofcourse tests.
Model 3:
Collaborative Model
The ESL teacher and content teacher plan instruction so
that the ESL teacher can provide additional language,
reading and writing support for ELLs in the class.
ESL teacher finds appropriate reading materials at students’
instructional reading levels; designs writing activities for
students’ linguistic abilities; may model reading, writing,
vocabulary strategies for all students in class.
Delivery can be in general education or sheltered class.
Which paper would benefit from this model?
What does this model look like for elementary
Which paper would benefit from this model?
and secondary students?
Writing Content and
Language Objectives
VA SOL 3.8 The student will solve problems involving the
sum or difference of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less,
with or without regrouping…
Content Objective
Language Objective
will develop and
Students will write addition
share their own addition story story problems using key
vocabulary: first, then,
together, plus, and equals.
Students will state the
equation for the story
problem accurately.
Writing Content and
Language Objectives
LS.2 The student will investigate and understand that all
living things are composed of cells. Key concepts include
cell structure and organelles (cell membrane, cell wall,
cytoplasm, vacuole, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum,
nucleus, and chloroplast); similarities and differences
between plant and animal cells; development of cell theory;
and cell division (mitosis and meiosis).
Content Objective
will differentiate the
characteristics of animal and
plant cells by making models of
Language Objective
will be able to
discuss cells and organelles in
small groups
Students will negotiate
designs for building a model of
the cells.
What does this model look like?
Elementary Programs that use “ESL Push-in Model”
 ESL teacher supports ELLs (Levels 2-3) in grade level
classes especially in math and content.
Winchester Public Schools:
 High School Level 2 (high proficient) and Level 3
students are integrated in grade level content Earth
Science and World History classes with ESL teacher’s
support.( Inclusion Content Model)
Manassas City Public Schools:
 Grades 5-8: Content and ESL teacher provide grade
level instruction for Level 2 and some Level 3
students. ESL teacher has students for an additional
ESL resource class to reinforce English language
 Students receive ESL
support while they
learn grade level
 ESL teacher works
with content teacher
to provide linguistic
support (reading and
writing) to daily
lessons to help
students access
 ESL students are
expected to take
grade level end-ofcourse tests.
Expensive since two
teachers are working
with approximately 1220 students.
Content and ESL
teachers don’t always
have common
preparation time to plan
Sometimes the ESL
teacher is given nonteaching tasks like
copying materials,
walking around room to
help students, etc.
Need for staff
development so content
and ESL teachers know
specific teaching
Model 4: Full
Year and Double Block
High School Credit Classes
Adaptation of sheltered Content Concepts class (Model 2) with
ESL students or ESL and general education students who will
take end-of-course tests.
Double Block provides twice as much time to cover the same
material as a regular state required course.
Which paper would benefit from this type of instruction?
Are students ready to take the state exam at the end of these
What does this model look like?
Arlington Public Schools:
 High school Levels 3 and 4 students enroll in HILTEX
Biology/World History/U.S. History taught by a content
teacher. Students take end-of-course SOL test for high
school credit. Levels 3 and 4 students take additional ESL
reading/language class for support.
Prince William Public Schools:
 High school Levels 3 and 4 students enroll in ESL content
classes with content teacher. ESOL teacher provides one
period to review and supplement sheltered content classes.
Harrisonburg City Public Schools:
 Full year high school World History, English 11( two
semesters on 4x4 block schedule.)
 Seems to be more problematic for schools on 4 x4
semester schedule when students need more than one
semester to master content for end-of-course tests.
Class is for
ESL students who still
need support.
ESL students have more
time to master content
before taking end-ofcourse test.(4x4 block)
More time to integrate
language and content
instruction for students
especially with reading
and writing.( 4x4 bloc
ESL Content Courses
provide sheltered
instruction for Levels 3
and 4 students- can pace
instruction to meet their
needs and students are
more likely to pass end-ofcourse tests.
Limits the number of
courses that students
can take.( 4x4 block)
Must determine which
teacher will teach fullyear course for school
Generally fewer
students are enrolled
in this course so other
classes might have
increased student
Staff development for
content teachers to
understand the
linguistic needs of
students in these
What is SIOP? (Sheltered
Instruction Observation Protocol)
SIOP is a model of sheltered
instruction that guides teachers in how
to use effective practice systematically
and to give teachers a tool for
reflection and improving instruction.
(Echevarria, Vogt and Short , 2000,
Components of Effective Instruction (link to
slide on what makes content difficult for
Build Background
Comprehensible Input
What is differentiation?
Differentiation does not advocate
“individualization.” Classroom teachers can
work to the benefit of many more students
by implementing patterns of instruction
likely to serve multiple needs.( Tomlinson
and McTighe, 2006) but educators need to
know what the most effective instructional
practices are for beginning/intermediate
level English language learners.
Staff Development
Classroom teachers need to have training
on either incorporating SIOP elements or
Marzano’s Classroom Instruction for English
Language Learners so that they address
the linguistic needs of different proficiency
levels of ELLs.
Need to plan a systematic approach that
can be used within a school to help ELLs
progress in both language and content
Some Last
Some Last Thoughts
Focus on key concepts and language.
Modify your own language.
Provide multiple opportunities to practice
both language and content concepts.
Validate students’ prior knowledge.
Encourage hands-on learning and
collaborative learning.
Ask questions at students’ level of
Some Last Thoughts
Build Supportive Relationships:
Show that you care about reading and
your students’ ability to succeed.
 Model, model, model strategies.
 Provide materials that students can
read successfully and that are at their
instructional reading levels.
Key Interventions for Instructing ELLs
Important role of Background
 Thematic Instruction
 Model strategy instruction
 Scaffold key concepts and information
 Vocabulary Instruction
We can’t wait
Reflecting on what you’ve heard today,
what kinds of changes would you
consider making in your instructional
program for English Language Learners
at your school?
Barbara Fagan ( M.A. in
Teaching English as a Second Language)
Classroom teacher and former Secondary ESL
Coordinator for Arlington Public Schools (1979-2003)
Currently an Adjunct ESL Instructor for James Madison
University and George Mason University
ESL Consultant to Virginia Department of Education and
school systems implementing ESL programs.
PO Box 569
Basye, Virginia 22810
(540) 856-8384